Shopify Odoo connector has a default feature of Products, Order, customer,
collection, Payment, Taxes, Shipping and much more Synchronization from Shopify to Odoo.
In Odoo a variant Product price depends on product attributes only. So a user can set
different Prices for each variant on the basis of a product attribute. While in Shopify
product variant price does not depend on a product attribute. This is why our after
synchronization of a variant product from Shopify to Odoo, Prices for all variant show same.
To sync correct variant prices in Odoo, the user needs to enable first “Sync Shopify
variant Price to Odoo” in our connector configuration.
To enable this setting go to Shopify odoo connector app >> Configuration >>
Synchronize Setting >> For Product and Collection sync >> enable “Sync Shopify variant Price to Odoo”
After enabling “Sync Shopify Variant Price to Odoo” user need to purchase our
Odoo Product Variant extra Price module.
To install the Odoo Product Variant extra price module, just follow the general Odoo
app installation procedure. Extract the zip file, paste the module in Odoo
addon directory then go to the app and click on install.
Synchronization of Shopify variant price to Odoo:
Let’s create a variant product “Dell Inspiron 1545” at Shopify end. This product is available in two colours, Balck and White. Price of Black variant is $1000 while the price of the White variant is $1500.
To sync this product in Odoo, go to Odoo Connector >> Product Sync >> Synchronize Now
After synchronization, you can see correct variant prices in Odoo.
Demo Link
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