Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce Lite is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to create a multi vendor marketplace where multiple sellers can sell their products.
It includes features such as seller registration, product management, order management, and commission.
- Up to 5 sellers can easily register and showcase their products within the marketplace.
- Allows sellers to register and create their own profiles and shops.
- Allows sellers to track and manage their orders.
- The admin can handle shipping easily from their own dashboard.
- Sellers can put up queries to the admin under the Queries option.
- The admin can reply to the queries of the seller.
- Sellers can update their shop information easily.
- The Admin and sellers can add/edit or remove the seller’s products.
- Sellers can connect their social media profiles to their shop pages.
- The seller can add 4 types of products – Simple, Grouped, External/Affiliate, and Variable Product.
- The seller can add their social network accounts, which will reflect on their profile page.
- The admin can set product types globally for all sellers in the marketplace.
- Admin can set the default commission for the sellers.
- Allow Admin/Seller to print the invoice for the order.
- A buyer can add any seller on the marketplace as a favorite seller.
- Admin/sellers can add upsell and cross-sell products.
- Supports default WooCommerce email templates.
- Configure endpoints and titles for seller dashboards, product lists, and more.
- Sellers can handle refunds for their orders.
- The admin receives notifications to publish seller-created or edited products.
- Add a Google Map API key for accurate location display on seller dashboards.
- Support TinyMCE Editor that enhanced shop about section editing on seller dashboards.
- Default shop name as seller name and shop slug as seller’s username.
- Displays appropriate price validation messages during seller product editing.
Note:- For all orders including sellers the tax amount will be credited to the admin.
Note: – WooCommerce Marketplace is compatible with Elementor. The admin can add the seller page using Elementor’s shortcode widget and then add the shortcode [marketplace].
Now, the seller registration and login page will be shown on this page and after login, sellers can see their profile details also on this.
Installation- Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce Lite
Users will get a zip file that needs to be uploaded in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.
For this login to WordPress Admin Panel and in the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option and select the “Add New” option.
Following this, the user will see an option on the top of the page that is “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.
Next, on clicking the “Upload Plugin” option, the user will see a “Choose File” button. Click on the button to browse for the zip file.
After browsing the file, click on the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.
Furthermore, Once the user installs the plugin, a message “Plugin installed successfully” displays and an “Activate Plugin” is visible to activate the plugin.
In the end, the user needs to click on the “Activate Plugin” button to activate the plugin.
Plus, on activating it, the Marketplace tab will appear in the admin panel as shown in the snapshot below.
Forthwith, update Permalink under “Settings > Permalinks” as “Post name” as shown in the below snapshot.
Initial Configuration
Henceforth, after the successful installation of Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce Lite, the admin can configure it under “Marketplace > Settings > General”.
General Tab
Here Admin can set the below configuration for the Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce Lite
Default Commission – Here admin can set the default commission for marketplace sellers.
Note: Please note that the Lite version offers a basic set of features for your marketplace. To access advanced features and improve your marketplace further, consider upgrading to our WooCommerce Marketplace Pro, where you can unlock a wide range of capabilities.
Data delete after seller delete – If checked, the data of the seller will also get deleted along with the seller or the data will get assigned to the admin.
Select Seller Page – Update a new seller page will erase the previous content of the newly selected page. Kindly update permalinks after the change.
Shop Name on Registration: If Required is selected, the seller must enter the Shop Name during the registration process.
Note: If the shop name is removed or is empty in the case of optional, the module will use the seller name.
Shop URL on Registration: If Required is selected, the seller must enter the Shop URL during the registration process.
Note: If the shop URL is removed or is empty in the case of optional, the module will instead use the Shop slug as the seller’s username.
Product Settings Tab
Allowed Product Types – The admin can select which product types sellers can add to the marketplace.
Allowed Categories – The admin can select which categories sellers can add their products to. This helps to keep the marketplace organized and easy to navigate for customers.
Minimum Order Amount Setting – The admin can set a minimum order amount for all products in the marketplace. This means that customers cannot purchase products below the specified amount.
- Enable minimum order amount.
- Enter the Minimum Amount for the order
- Amount Value for Seller will be used by default if enabled by the admin.
Product Quantity Limit Setting – The admin can enable this option that allows the sellers to add a limit on the product quantity for the purchase to the customers.
The admin can enter the Default Maximum Quantity for the seller’s products.
Assets Visibility Tab
The admin can choose to display the seller’s email, phone number, address, and social media links on their profile page.
Google Analytics
Google Map API – Here the admin can add the Google Map API which can be acquired by following the instructions.
Admin Panel Management
The admin can create all kinds of products including simple, virtual, downloadable, grouped, external/affiliate, and variable products, and can also publish them.
Product List
In the product list, the admin can view his as well as the seller’s products and can edit or delete products.
The admin has control over the seller’s products and can view or change any specification of the product.
Seller List
In the seller list for Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce Lite, the admin can check the full bio of the seller and can edit his profile in the “Username” tab in the WooCommerce admin panel with several options.
The admin can manage a seller by clicking on the Manage button. Here he will be provided with several options to manage a seller.
The admin can see the details of the seller like username, email, display name, shop address, etc. and can also enter the payment details of the seller.
The admin can see all the orders of a seller and can mark the order for which he has made a payment to the seller.
The admin will click on the Pay button available on the order under the action to mark the order amount paid to the seller.
By clicking on the Pay button admin can create a transaction for the order under Transactions.
After making a payment for an order the admin will mark the order as paid under Orders and a transaction for the order gets created under Transactions having the details like –
Order Id, Amount, Type, Method, and date Created On.
The admin can click on a transaction to view the details of the transaction.
Misc. Setting
The admin can assign categories to the seller which will be available to the seller while adding a new product.
Dynamic SKU –
The admin can enable dynamic SKUs for the particular seller. The admin can enter the Product SKU Prefix. And it will be applicable to the particular seller’s actual product SKU when adding the products.
Admin Notification
The admin can perform several actions in the marketplace like new orders, changes in order status, approval of a product, and many more.
Further, in the notification area, the admin will be notified as shown in the image below.
Manage Feedback- Review & Rating
The admin can manage the feedback from the customers. The admin can approve or disapprove the reviews and ratings from the customers for the seller’s products.
Thereafter, the sellers can view the approved reviews from their panel.
Seller Queries
Query List is present where the admin can check the queries put up by the sellers.
Admin can reply to seller’s query by clicking on the reply button then the popup will appear on the screen.
Seller Registration
To register as a seller, the seller clicks the “Seller” menu item. This will display the “Login Here” or “Register” options on the page.
Now, clicking the “Login Here” button will take the seller to the login page, and clicking the “Register” button will take him to the registration page.
After clicking the “I am a Seller” radio button more fields will appear for the seller registration.
To register as a seller, the seller will provide the following information: Email address, Password for the account, First Name, Last Name, Shop Name, Shop URL, and Phone Number.
Once all of the information has been provided, the seller can click the “Register” button to complete the registration process.
Here we are using an ajax check for the seller shop URL i.e when you enter a shop URL if it is available then it will show as “Available” otherwise it will return as “Already Exists“.
Seller Panel Management
Here for the Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce Lite, the seller can easily manage the available options from the seller dashboard.
Seller Dashboard Menu
- Reports: Provides sellers with a quick overview of their sales performance, including recent orders, sales order history, lifetime sales, total payout, remaining amount, and refunded amount.
- Order History: Allows sellers to view the details of all their orders, including the order date, order number, product(s) purchased, quantity, price, and shipping status.
- Transactions: Shows sellers the details of all their transactions, including the transaction ID, date, amount, and payment method.
- Notifications: Lists all the notifications that sellers have received, such as new orders, order updates, and product reviews.
- Shop Followers: This section shows sellers the number of people who are following their shop, as well as the latest comments and questions from followers.
- My Profile: This section allows sellers to manage their profile information, such as their name, email address, and shipping address.
- Ask to Admin: This section allows sellers to submit queries to the admin team.
Default Dashboard Shipping
Seller Product Management
Furthermore, the seller can add these 5 types of products from the seller panel –
- Simple Product
- Grouped Product
- External / Affiliate Product
- Variable Product
- Downloadable Product
Seller Product List
- Sellers can view all the products that they have created in the “Products List” section under “Products“.
- They can search, edit, or delete any product from this list.
- If a seller chooses to edit a product, they can modify the basic characteristics of the product, such as the Title, Description, Price, and Images.
- They can also modify the inventory and product status options, such as the quantity in stock and whether the product is published or not.
- The seller will only be able to see products that have been published by the admin. If the product auto-publish is not configured by the admin, then the seller will need to manually publish their products before they can be seen by customers.
Add Product
Now, to add a product, the seller will click the “Add Product” menu item to open the add Product page.
Then, the seller will choose the Product Category to add and the Product Type to add and click “Next”.
Now, the seller needs to enter the information about the product –
Product Name, About Product, Product Thumbnails, Product SKU, Regular Price, Sale Price, and Product Short Description as shown in the below snapshot and click “Save”.
Enable Stock Management At the Product level
Now under the Inventory tab, the seller will select the option Enable Stock Management At the Product level.
Further, enter the Stock Quantity, Allow Backorders to “Allow”, “Not Allow” or “Allow But Notify Customer“ and select the Stock Status as “In Stock” or “Out Of Stock”.
Under Shipping, the seller can enter the Shipping details of the product.
Under the Linked Products, the seller can add Upsell and Cross-sell products.
Now the seller moves to the Attributes tab where the seller can add as many attributes to the product as per the requirement.
Lastly, the seller will set the Product Status. Here the seller can set the product status as “Online” or “Draft”.
If the status is selected as Online then the product will get published if permission has been given by the admin for the seller to publish this product.
The seller can also upload the image gallery for the product here and can make the product Virtual or Downloadable by first checking the Virtual or Downloadable checkbox.
For Downloadable products, the seller can add the values for the File Name, File URL, Limit, and Expiry as shown in the image below.
Now the product will become available on the Product List.
Seller Order Management
The seller can manage orders under “Order History”.
By clicking “View” the seller can view order details as shown in the image below.
The seller can change the order status as well.
After the order status update, this information will be updated in the “Order Notes”.
The seller can print the invoice by clicking the “Print Invoice” button placed in the top right corner.
Generating Refund: Seller End
The sellers have a feature to generate a refund request for a product. The seller has to navigate to the Order History menu option in the seller dashboard to generate a refund.
Under the Order History tab, the seller needs to click on the View tab for the order which seller has to refund.
The Order History page for the respective order (Order #268) opens up. On top of the page, the seller will find the Refund tab as shown in the image below.
On clicking the Refund tab, the seller can generate a refund for the respective order.
As the seller clicks the Refund tab, the Refund Quantity, Check to Refund for Shipping, Restock Refunded Items options appear, which the seller has to configure, accordingly.
Thereafter, the seller needs to click on the Refund Manually tab as shown in the image below.
As the seller clicks on the Refund Manually tab, the message- “Refunded successfully” will display on top of the page as shown in the image below.
The Refunded amount will be displayed under the order Total as shown below.
Seller Transaction Management
The seller can view the transactions made by the admin for the orders, for which the admin has received the payments from the buyers.
The seller can view the transaction details by clicking on the View option. Here the seller can see his amount and the admin commission for the order.
Seller Notification
The sellers can perform several actions in the marketplace like new orders, changes in order status, approval of a product, and many more.
In the notification area, the seller will be notified as shown in the image below.
Seller Notification
Seller Shop Followers
The seller can send notifications to their shop followers. A buyer can become shop followers from the product page by clicking on the heart-shaped icon.
A seller can view all the shop followers, and can send notifications as well under “Shop Followers”.
To send a notification, the seller just needs to select the followers from the list and hit “Send Notification”.
A pop-up will be available to enter the details. And by clicking “Send Mail”, the notification mail will be sent to the followers.
Ask To Admin
The seller can also inquire about anything from the admin by the “Ask To Admin” option.
In this section, the seller can mention the subject and the query and click on the “Ask” button.
After the seller asks the question, the admin will get a mail about the query.
Click on the Add button to ask queries from the admin.
Seller Profile – Options
The seller profile displays information about the seller. After the registration, the seller needs to complete the seller profile. The seller can manage the profile under “Seller Profile”.
Once the seller enters all the details in the profile, the user can access it from the product page.
Also, when a customer hovers his mouse over the add to cart button the name of the respective seller is displayed to the users.
Seller Profile View at Storefront
Social Profile links of Seller
Average Rating of Seller
Customer End – Workflow
Customer Registration
The customer visits the website and creates an account by registering on the website
Browsing products: The customer can browse the products by category. They can also view the latest products, top-selling products, and products on sale.
When a customer finds a product they like, they click on it to view detailed information, including product images, descriptions, prices, and available variants
Adding Products to Cart
The customer can add products to their cart by clicking the “Add to Cart” button. They can also change the quantity of a product in their cart by changing the quantity.
The customer can checkout by clicking the “Checkout” button. They will then be taken to the checkout page, where they will need to enter their shipping and billing information. They will also need to choose a payment method.
Order Confirmation
The customer will receive a confirmation with the details of their order. This email will include the order number, shipping information, and payment method.
My Account section
Here customer will be able to see all their Orders, and Downloaded Products, and they can also update the Address by clicking on the Addresses tab.
Under the Order tab, customers can see all orders they have in the marketplace.
Under the view tab, customers can see the details of orders they have. They can also view the seller product and admin product under the same order.
My Favorite Sellers – Customer Dashboard
Here customers can view the list of all their favorite sellers
Order View – Admin End
The admin can view all the orders from the order section from the admin end. The order information also includes the name of the seller as well.
That’s all for the Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce Lite. If you have any queries regarding the plugin, please get in touch with us at Webkul Support System.8
You can also check our complete WooCommerce plugin list.
Current Product Version - 1.2.0
Supported Framework Version - WordPress - 6.6.1 WooCommerce - 9.2.1 Multi Vendor Marketplace for WooCommerce Lite - 1.2.0
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