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Magento 2 Quickbooks Multi-User Connector

Updated 27 February 2024

Magento 2 Multi QuickBooks Connector: Quickbooks is one of the most reliable financial accounting software for small or mid-sized businesses.

Such businesses use Quickbooks to manage financial aspects such as expense management, income management, tax management, etc.

Quickbooks Multi-User Connector integrates the features of Quickbooks.

This extension facilitates the admin to create multiple accounts and link each account with the respective store view.

Moreover, the admin can create sales receipts for events such as Order Place, Invoice Create, Order Complete, configure the inventory asset account, income/ asset accounts, etc.

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The main feature of this extension is order export and credit memo export. In a few easy steps, the store admin can export the order and credit memos on QuickBooks.

The admin can access the data on Quickbooks conveniently, whenever there is a need, and track the sales and various financial activities effectively.

Note- For using the Tax rate the user must create same rates at both Magento end and at Quickbook end as well, else it won’t work properly.



  • The store admin can manually import credit memo from store on Quickbooks with products and customer.
  • Multiple accounts can be created and the admin can assign a store to each account.
  • After account creation, the account is authorized with Quickbooks. 
  • It facilitates order export feature to QB. 
  • Downloadable products create on Quickbooks as a Non-Inventory product.
  • Works for Quickbooks Oauth2 authentication.
  • It even supports etickets type products.
  • The store admin can manually import sales receipt of store’s order on Quickbooks with products and customer.
  • The admin can view the store’s sales receipt of order export on Quickbooks along with payment method description.
  • Auto-creation of sales receipt on Quickbooks when order placed, invoice create and order complete from the store. 
  • Auto-creation of credit memo on Quickbooks when credit memo is generate on store.
  • Disable auto-synchronization of sales receipts and credit memos.


Customers will get a zip folder. Then they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.

You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento2 root directory on the server as shown below.1-9-1

On successfully installing the module, you have to run these commands in the Magento2 root directory.

First command –

composer require quickbooks/v3-php-sdk

Second command –

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Third Command –

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Fourth Command –

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from the Magento 2 admin panel by navigating through->System->Cache management as shown below.INSTALLATION

Language Translation

For translating the module language, navigate through src/app/code/Webkul/MultiQuickbooksConnect/i18n and edit the en_US.csv file.

Thereafter, rename the CSV as “en_SA.csv” and translate all right side content after the comma in the Arabic language. After editing the CSV, save it.

Then upload it to the path src/app/code/Webkul/MultiQuickbooksConnect/i18n where the Magento2 is installed on the server.

The module gets translated into the Arabic Language. It supports both RTL and LTR languages.webkul-magento2-paytabs-sadad-payment-multilingual

Retrieving Quickbooks API Keys: For OAuth2

The admin can retrieve the OAuth2 API keys by simply following the given steps. 

# 1:

  • To get the Client Id and Client Secret for the OAuth2 authentication navigate to
  • Create a new account even if you already have an account by clicking the SignUp button.


# 2: 

  • Enter the details required for registration and click the “Create Account” option on the registration page.


# 3: 

  • After clicking the Create Account option your account will be created on QuickBooks.
  • Thereafter, the user will move their cursor to the profile option and select the “Dashboard Option”.


# 4: 

  • Thereafter, the user can create “an App” from the option.
  • After that “Select” the app from the list.


# 5:

  • The user follows the path Development Settings > Keys & Credentials.
  • Thereafter, the user navigates to the “Keys” menu option to find your – Client ID and Client Secret.


# 6:


  • You must set the redirect URL.
  • To set the redirect URL, click the Add URL link, enter the redirect URL, and click the Save button after that. As shown below, is your site URL.
  • https:/


If you are using the application in the sandbox mode then you can make use of Development keys.

If you are using the application in the Live mode then you can make use of the Production keys.

Admin Permissions: Quickbooks Multi-User Connector

After successfully installing the module and retrieving the API keys, the admin can set the configurations. 

The admin can follow either of the two paths to configure the module- 

  • Stores > Configuration > Multi Quickbooks Connect, or
  • Multi Quickbooks Connect (dashboard menu option) > Configuration Settings
Configuration Settings

The admin can navigate to the Multi Quickbooks Connect tab to configure the settings of the extension as shown in the image below. 


The admin can set the configurations for as under Multi Quickbooks Connect as under-

  • General Settings

Enable: The admin can set the status of the module as Enable. 

Account Type: The admin chooses Sandbox or Production against this tab, as needed. 

Client Id: The admin retrieves it from the Quickbooks website. 

Client Secret: The admin retrieves it from the Quickbooks website. 

  • Notification for sync Tax Rates

The tax rates which the admin defines in the Magento store, are to be created on the Quickbooks as well to sync tax details with orders. 


  • If the store admin exports products inclusive Tax to Quickbooks, the admin will have to create the same Tax (for the product) on the Quickbooks as well. 
  • Only then the product will be exported, otherwise, an error message will display. 
Quickbooks Accounts

After setting the basic configurations, the admin can navigate to Multi Quickbooks Connect > Quickbooks Accounts in order to create Quickbooks Accounts.


The admin will find the Add New QB Account button as shown in the image below, in which the admin can add new Quickbooks accounts.



As the admin clicks on the Add New QB Account button, it redirects to the QB Account page. 

To add a new account, the admin needs to add an Account Name such as QB_3 and add a store (that’ll be linked with the account) against the Associate to Store field. 


On saving the details, a success message, “Account Saved successfully. You Need to authorize it” will display. 


To proceed with the authorization process, the admin will have to click the Edit link under the Action column. 

It redirects to the respective account’s page (QB_3, here) where the admin will find the Connect with Quickbooks tab. 

The admin will have to tap on the same to authorize the created account with Quickbooks. 


This will redirect to the Sign-In page as shown in the image below. The admin will have to fill in the Email address and the Password to log in to Quickbooks. 


On tapping the Sign In button, it redirects to the Quickbooks page, where the admin needs to set the Company under Search for a Company

To continue with the authorize process, the admin must click on the Next tab. 


On doing so, a succes message, “Quickbooks account successfully authorized. Please refresh page for view changes” shall display as shown in the image below. 


Subsequently, on refreshing the page, the admin finds that the Expired alters to Authorized as shown in the image below. webkul-magento2-multi-quickbooks-connect-account-authorized

General Configuration

As soon as the account gets authorized, the rest of the configuration tabs for the respective Quickbooks account will appear. 

The first tab is the General Configuration tab where the admin will configure the fields such as Sales Receipt Create On Quickbooks, Quickbooks US Store, Income Account, etc. 


The admin can set the QB General Configuration as under- 

Sales Receipt Create On Quickbooks– The admin can choose an event for which a sales receipt will be created on QB. 

Four options are available – No Order Sync, Order Place, Invoice Create, and Order Complete.

Credit Memo Auto Sync to Quickbooks – The admin can select to enable or disable the auto exporting of credit memos on QuickBooks once created in the Magento store.

Quickbooks US Store- The admin can Enable or Disable it for the US store. 

Inventory Other Asset Account- An inventory asset account is to be chosen by the admin. 

Income Account- The admin can configure an income account. 

Expense Account- The admin needs to configure an expense account as well. 

Export Order: Quickbooks Multi-User Connector

Once the configurations are set for the QB Account, the admin can proceed to export the order. 

The admin will select the order(s) to export from the order list. Thereafter, the admin chooses Export Orders to Quickbooks under Actions tab and click on the Submit button. 


This redirects to the Export Process Execution page as shown in the image below. 

Once the process is complete, the order that is exported, lists down under Mapped Order. 


Mapped Order

On completion of the export order process, the admin can find the list of exported orders under the Mapped Order

Under Mapped Order tab, the admin will find the details such as Mage Order Id, Invoice Id, Quickbooks Sales Receipt Doc Number, Status, Purchase Date, Export to Quickbooks On and Action


Export Credit Memo: Quickbooks Multi-User Connector

Another feature associated with this extension is that the admin can even export the credit memos. 

The procedure is the same as that of the Export Order process. 

The admin needs to choose the credit memo(s) from the given list. Thereafter, choose Export Credit Memos to Quickbooks and tap on Submit


This redirects to the Execution Process page as shown in the image below. On its completion, the exported credit memos will be visible under Mapped Credit Memowebkul-magento2-multi-quickbooks-connect-export-process

Mapped Credit Memo

As the Export Credit Memo process completes, the admin can find the list of exported credit memos under the Mapped Credit Memo tab. 

The admin can view the details such as Mage Creditmemo Id, Quickbooks Creditmemo Id, Quickbooks Creditmemo Doc Number, Export to Quickbooks On and Action


Order Synchronization on QB: Quickbooks Multi-User Connector

The store admin can log in to the QuickBooks Account. In the Quickbooks Dashboard, the admin will find the Sales menu option.

On tapping the same, the admin can navigate to All Sales and view the list of Sales Transactions as shown in the image below. 


The admin can proceed to view the details of the transaction by simply clicking on the respective transaction. 

The Header of the Sales Receipt will display the Order ID. It displays the customer name, billing address, payment method, and product/ service description along with its quantity, rate, amount, and tax. 

Further, the admin will find the Sales Tax applicable and the Amount Received as shown in the image below.


Moving on, the admin can navigate to Sales > Product and Services, and view the details of the product/ services and associated accounts. 


On clicking the Edit link for a product, the Product/Service information section opens up, and the admin can view the accounts that are linked to that particular product as per the image below.

Adding Tax Rates: for Quickbooks Multi-User Connector

It is necessary to create the taxes on Quickbooks as well otherwise the order (that includes tax) cannot be exported.

Therefore, to add the tax, the store admin needs to navigate to the Quickbooks Sandbox Account page by simply logging in, as shown in the image below.

On the Quickbooks Sandbox Account page, the user has to navigate  Taxes>SalesTax>SalesTaxSettings button is present as shown in the above image. 

As the admin clicks on the same, it redirects to the Tax Agencies and Custom Rates Setting as shown in the image below.

Likewise, on clicking the “Add agency” tab.

The admin will have to add the Agency Name, Filling Frequency Start Date, and Reporting Method and proceed to save the details.

Thereafter on clicking the “Add rate”.

The admin will have to add The Name, Agency name and The Rate percentage and proceed to save the details.

That’s all for the Magento 2 Multi QuickBooks Connect. If you face any issues, feel free to add a ticket at Webkul support system.

Current Product Version - 5.0.4

Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x

. . .

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