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Magento 2 Stock Photos Marketplace

Updated 3 November 2022

Stock Photos Marketplace provides an online platform where a large number of professional content images/videos/audio are available from a wide range of categories like people, nature, wildlife, etc.

On there, sellers, contributors, photographers and artists can upload their content work to the digital photo marketplace platform and earn money as well. Some popular examples are Getty Images, iStock, ImagesBazaar, Shutterstock, and many more.

© Shutterstock, Inc.

Buyers can purchase that images/videos/audio from the Stock Photo Marketplace and can use them in their business projects, college project, websites, promotional content, marketing banners, advertisments etc.

Webkul-Magento2-Photo Stock-Marketplace.png

You can create a Stock Photo Marketplace with the help of the Multi-Vendor Marketplace Magento 2. It supports the downloadable product, so anyone can upload and sell digital media files.

Downloadable product means which can downloaded like Software, Zip files, Images, videos, audio, Ebooks or any kind of product which can be downloaded.

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It supports any kind of image extension. The admin, as well as sellers, can add a downloadable product to our marketplace as per the screenshot –

We need to take care of some points to build a Stock Photo Marketplace, some points are there –

Static Data Deployment 

The main feature of any Stock Photo Marketplace is static data deployment. We can integrate Amazon S3 for Static content deployment.

Because in Stock Photo Marketplace, the Seller/Artist can add thousands of images. So we need a large amount of data storage and Amazon S3 provides infinite cloud storage.

If you are using Amazon S3 integration then instead of downloading and uploading from your server. You can download it directly from Amazon S3.

Also as uploading and downloading will take place from the direct S3 server that means your website/app is more secure.

Image Watermarking 

Water Marking means placing a text or logo over an image. In the photo marketplace, artists provide sample images and anyone can use those sample images.

So watermarking sets the identity of an artist on the image and prevent the stealing of the image as well.

You can also use a watermark for marketing purposes. If you have a watermark on images, viewers can easily recognize your work on the web.

For this, you can use the default PHP GD library and if you want some more advanced then you can use ImageMagick.

Server Overloading

The server will be overloaded when many users upload/download content at the same time or due to heavy traffic.

If your server is dead then it might affect your SERP (search engine result page) ranking. It may also decrease your sales conversion rate. Since users will not wait and bounce off.

To overcome this problem, you can use CDN,  load balancing, Cloud Hosting etc. You can use RabbitMQ which provides a message queue system to reduce server load.

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)

DMCA facilitates protection for your website content or copyright data. If someone copies your content then you can take action according to DMCA.

They have to remove that content or the hosting company will close/offline their website. Many DMCA services provide the tools to make it difficult to steal your website content.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation )

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the latest EU (European Union) guidelines or regulations. You should make sure your website follows these guidelines or regulations.

It provides control to customers over their personal information or data. GDPR acts a very crucial role in the e-commerce industry.


At this time, everyone has a smartphone because you can easily carry it from one place to another compared to a desktop or laptop.

If your website is mobile friendly then a large number of people may access your website through mobile.  And for sure, it will increase the sales conversion rate as well.

But when you use a mobile to open a website it may take a higher loading time than a desktop because mobile has lesser hardware resources (Ram, Rom, Mobile Data, etc.) and mobiles also consume their resource in other Applications.

Further, downloading desktop web page files will also increase the loading time when viewed on mobile web browsers, unless these web pages are optimized.

 Speed Optimization Factors for a Photo Stock Marketplace –

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

Accelerated Mobile Pages is a framework which enhances the speed of website loading on the mobile device. It picks up the component those slow down mobile web rendering and improves them.

If your website is not working well on mobile and taking so much time to load, then you may lose lots of customers.

If you enhance the website loading speed then more people stay on your website. Then for sure, it will increase the sales conversion rate.

AMP will work only with mobiles via Google, Facebook and LinkedIn also support AMPs.

PWA (Progressive Web Apps)

Progressive web apps are a concept or framework which increases the speed of websites or decreases the load time of web pages. PWA is not a native application but it can be submitted on Google Play.

Offline first approach application first provides the content from the local cache system when internet connectivity is fluctuating. First, you will get content from the browser’s cache so that the speed of your website automatically will be increased.

CDN ( Content Delivery Network )

CDN works like a local server. We put a copy of static content ( images, CSS files, JS files) all over the world.

When a browser sends a request to the server then it will check the nearest CDN and provide the static content from that nearest CDN.

Because internet speed also depends on the distance you will get static content faster if the static content is coming from the closest CDN in your region.

There are many content delivery networks available in the market. For example – Cloudflare, Amazon CloudFront, Akamai, MaxCDN etc.

Lazy Loading Images

Lazy loading images means, on your demand image will be loaded. When you scroll the page images automatically load as per your demand.

You do not need to load all the images of the web page if the visitor does not reach there and for sure it will increase your website speed and minimize data usage.

Minifying is also a concept where you optimize the line of code of web pages (CSS, JS) and can increase the speed of the website. For example, 1000 lines of code will take more time to load rather than 100 lines of code.

DOM (Document Object Model) Compression 

DOM Compression will increase the speed of the website by compressing the static content/files (images, CSS, JS).

There are mainly two techniques (Mod_gzip, Mod_deflate) which we can use for static file compression. Around 90 % of users use the Mod_gzip technique to compress the static content.

In this technique, the server has a decoder and the client has an encoder. So that the decoded response ( less size) is delivered to the client. Then the client encodes this response with the help of the encoder.

Lossy and Lossless Compression

These techniques are widely used for data compression. Data compression means decreasing the size of data without loss of information.

In the case of lossy compression,  you get close original data after decompression means the quality of images/ data will be decreased. For example – compress JPEG etc. 

In the case of lossless compression, here you get the exact original data after decompression means the quality of the images/ data will not be decreased. example – PNG crush, etc.

CSS Sprite

CSS sprite is a feature which decreases the HTTP requests. If you decrease the HTTP requests then for sure the speed of the website will increase.

It combines multiple Static content/files ( images, CSS, JS )  and sends a single HTTP request for multiple files.

Expire Headers

Expired headers also helps to increase the speed of the website or decrease the page load time and decrease the HTTP request as well.

It notifies the browser that the requested content is available in the browser’s cache or requests to the server for that content.

For Example – if you visit a website again then it will take lesser loading time because some files (images)  are already stored in the browser’s cache.

That’s all for the Magento 2 Stock Photo marketplace still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the article better

. . .

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