Magento 2 Marketplace Promotion Campaign module is one of the best sales-driven marketing modules.
It’ll allow the store owner to run the campaign banners for their Magento 2 marketplace store. Also, using this module, the sellers can join the campaign and add their products to the campaign.
Thus, not only the store owner but also the sellers can boost their sales by joining the campaign. Furthermore, the sellers can also list their products under the campaign.
The admin can manage the module from the admin panel easily. Moreover, the admin can join or refuse the seller’s products from being listed within the campaign.
NOTE: This module is an add-on to the multi-vendor marketplace. To make use of this module, you must have first installed the Webkul’s Magento 2 Multi Vendor Module.
Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow :
Features- Magento 2 Marketplace Promotion Campaign
- Admin can enable/disable the module.
- The admin can easily create promotional banners.
- The admin can easily add the products under the created campaign.
- Also, the admin can join and refuse the seller’s products from being listed within the campaign.
- Admin can manage the quantity of each product available under the campaign.
- The admin can apply the discount on the products.
- Admin can set a minimum discount in percentage.
- The admin can easily manage the campaign and the products under the promotional banners.
- Admin can manage the promotional price of the product.
- Allow the sellers to join the campaign.
- The sellers can also add their products under the joined campaign.
- The sellers can also delete their products from the campaign.
- Customers can view all the promotional products.
- The seller can manage the promotional price of the product.
- The seller can manage the quantity of each product available under the campaign.
- The admin can set and create the email template for Campaign Date Changes, Join the Campaign, and Campaign Add Product.
- The seller can set the permissions for the admin to change the campaign date at any time.
NOTE: The admin can only enter the discount in Percentage % for now.
Install Extension from Webkul Store
#1 Download Module
Firstly, you need to log in to the Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section, verify, and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.
#2 Upload Folder
Once the module zip is extracted, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below:
#3 Run Commands
After uploading the module folder, you need to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory:
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento setup:di:compile
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- php bin/magento indexer:reindex
- php bin/magento cache:flush
Install Extension from Magento Marketplace
If you have purchased this extension from the Magento Marketplace then please follow the below process or visit this link.
#1 Get Access Keys
You need to get access keys, navigate to My Profile in Magento Marketplace, then choose Access Keys in the My Products section.
Go to Magento 2 and then you need to copy both the Access Keys – Public Key and Private Key. These access keys will be needed in the next steps for authentication.
If access keys are not created earlier, click Create A New Access Key, enter any name and click OK.
#2 Update composer.json File
To know the component name and version number, go to your Magento Marketplace account section, My Profile>My Purchases, and then find this extension to view the details.
Please note – Below is an example image, every extension will have its unique component name and version.
After that, navigate to your Magento project directory and update your composer.json file in the following format.
composer require <component-name>:<version>
For example, to install version 5.0.0 of this extension you need to run the following command:
composer require webkul/MpPromotionCampaign:5.0.0
#3 Enter Access Keys
Now you will need to enter the Access Keys that you obtained as explained in the first step #1 Get Access Keys.
Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
#4 Run Command
You need to run the following commands:
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento setup:di:compile
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- php bin/magento indexer:reindex
- php bin/magento cache:flush
Multi-Lingual Configuration
For Multilingual support, please navigate to “Store>Configuration>General >Locale Options”. Select your desired language from the Locale option.
Module Translation
If you want to translate their module language from English to German then follow the path app/code/Webkul/MpPromotionCampaign/i18n in their unzipped folder. After that, you will get a CSV file with the name “en_US.csv”.
Now, rename that CSV to your region code and language code like – “de_DE.csv” for German and translate all right side content after the comma (,) in your language.
After editing the CSV, save it and then upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/MpPromotionCampaign/i18n where you have installed Magento 2 on the server. The module will get translated into your desired Language. It also supports RTL and LTR languages.
Module Configuration
After the successful installation of this module, the admin can configure the module easily by navigating to Marketplace Management> Manage Promotion Campaign
Here, the admin can Add a New Campaign, manage the existing campaign, view the campaign ID along with the campaign title, start, and end date, and status of the campaign, manage the campaign products, and edit the campaign.
The admin can also filter the campaign based on the campaign ID, the start and end date of the campaign, and the status of the campaign.
The admin can also select the single or multiple campaigns and can delete, enable, or disable the campaign from the action dropdown.
Add New Campaign –
By clicking on the Add New Campaign, the admin can fill in the required details to create a new campaign as shown in the image below –
Here, the admin can manage the information of the campaign and enter the details about the campaign. The admin can enter the –
- Title: Enter the Title of the campaign.
- Discount: Here, enter the Discount (in percentage %) that will be applied to the products added under the campaign.
- Status: Enable or Disable the campaign.
- Select the Start and End date to run the campaign along with the time of the campaign.
Promotion Banners:
The admin can upload the Promotion Banners here then it will be shown to the sellers as well as to the customers.
The admin can enter the description of the campaign then it will be shown to the sellers in the information tab of the campaign under the description section of the promotion banner.
Manage/ Add Products Under Campaign – Admin End
The admin can enable the Marketplace Promotion Campaign and navigate through Stores > Marketplace Promotion Campaign > settings.
Under the email templates, the admin can set the email templates for the Join Campaign, Change Campaign Date, and Campaign Add Product as shown in the below screenshots.
The admin can add and manage the products for the promotions.
Allow the seller’s products to join the campaign, the admin can refuse the seller’s products from joining the campaign.
To add and manage products the admin can click on the Manage Products link as shown in the image below –
After clicking on the Manage Product, the admin can view all the products that are requested by the sellers to join the campaign.
The admin can select the product and then join or refuse those products from the campaign by clicking on the action button.
The admin can also add their own products to the campaign by clicking on the Add Product button and then selecting the products to add to the campaign by clicking on the Actions button.
Thus, the products will be added to the created campaign.
Join and Manage Campaign – Seller End
The seller can agree/disagree with the admin changing the campaign date at any time.
If the seller chooses the option of NO then the seller’s product(s) for promotion will be removed when the admin changes the date and the seller will have to join again before the campaign starts.
Using the Magento 2 Marketplace Promotion Campaign, the seller/ vendor can view the Promotion button from the vendor dashboard. The seller can click on that button to view the All Promotion.
Moreover, the seller can view the banner of the campaign along with the name of the campaign, the period of the promotion, products under the campaign.
The number of stores that have already joined the campaign, and the button to join and cancel the campaign as shown in the image below –
Now, the seller can click on the campaign name to view the information about the campaign.
Here, the seller can view the Promotion Period, Total Products in the Campaign, Total Seller who joined the campaign, Description of the campaign, and the Join button to join the campaign.
Participation Promotion –
From the Participation Promotion tab, the sellers can view the information about the campaign as shown in the image below –
Here, the sellers can view the expired, upcoming, and live campaigns along with the campaign picture, name of the campaign, period of the campaign, products in the campaign, the total number of stores that have joined the campaign, running status of the campaign, and joining button to join the campaign.
Now, back to the All Promotion tab. Here, after clicking on the particular promotion, the seller can view the information about the selected campaign.
After successfully joining the campaign, the seller can view a few more options i.e. Add New Products and Status.
The seller can click on the Add New Product tab to add their products to the campaign. Now, the seller can select their products and then click on the action button to add the products to the campaign.
NOTE: The seller will have to wait for the approval by the admin to list the products to the joined campaign.
NOTE: After starting of the campaign, the seller can not add their products to the running campaign. Even, the admin can not join or refuse the seller’s products from being listed to the running campaign.
NOTE: Also, if seller’s product is not added or left in pending state and the campaign has started then the seller will have to request the admin to add the product again.
When admin will do the same then the product gets added in the campaign directly with status as joined.
From the Status tab, the seller can view the status of the products i.e. if the admin has approved the products or not for the campaign –
Customer End
The customer can visit the store and then see the running campaign from the Promotion category. Here, the customer can see all the running and upcoming promotions.
Furthermore, by clicking on the running promotions the customer can see all the products listed in the campaign along with the discounted prices of the products.
Now, after clicking on the particular campaign banner, the customer can see the discounted products under that campaign as shown in the image below –
At last, the customer can click on the product and then process further to complete the checkout with the discounted price.
That’s all for the Magento 2 Marketplace Promotion Campaign. Still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket at our HelpDesk System. You may also browse other Magento 2 marketplace addons and our quality Magento 2 extensions.
Current Product Version - 5.0.1
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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