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Group Buy for Magento 2

Updated 11 September 2024

Group Buy for Magento 2 helps the admin to give the privilege to their customers. The advantage of buying the product at a discounted price is by setting up a group or by joining an existing group.

The customer must be logged in to the store to buy the product by setting up a group. They can also join existing groups or create new ones.

Here understand the extension workflow:-


Features in Group Buy for Magento 2(Adobe Commerce)

  • The admin can enable/disable the extension functionality for the store.
  • The admin can add a Group Buy option on the products.
  • Customers can purchase the Group Buy products in a group.
  • The size of the group is decided by the admin.
  • The admin can describe the working of Group Buy products on the product page.
  • Add existing products into the Group Buy category.
  • Admin can provide a discount on Group Buy products.
  • Customers can utilize the discount on the product by creating a group with the desired group size.
  • Admin can decide the start date and the end date for the Group Buy products.
  • Admin can decide the total number of groups that a single customer can create.
  • The groups can be managed by the admin.
  • The admin can perform various actions on the group such as Qualified, Disqualified or Refunded.
  • Admin can see the total number of members that are present in the group.
  • Admin can see the group notes.
  • The customer can see the group in which the customer joined.
  • Share products on various social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. 
  • Moreover, the customers can also copy a product page link and can use the saved product URL for later. 
  • Configuration at the admin end to allow the creation of an invoice for the incomplete group.
  • Set the maximum & minimum quantity in the group-by products for adding to the cart.
  • The customer amount will be refunded if the group is expired before the member completes.
  • Customers do have not permission of making multiple groups for a product until the first group is qualified.
  • Cart price rules and catalog price rules will not be applicable to GroupBuy products.
  • The customer can not add another product with the group product to the cart.


The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.

#Download Module

Firstly, you need to log in to the Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section, verify, and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.

#Upload Folder

Once the module zip extracts, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below:

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root directory

# Run Commands

You need to run the following commands:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush

Configuration For Multi-Lingual Support

For the multilingual support, the admin will navigate through Store->Configuration->General ->Locale Options then select the locale as German (the language into which admin wants to translate his store content).

magento 2 group buy locale

Group Buy for Magento 2 Translation

Furthermore, if you want to translate their module (Group Buy for Magento 2) language from English to German then follow the path app/code/Webkul/GroupBuy/i18n in their unzipped Magento2 Preorder folder, and then you will get a CSV file with the name “en_US.csv”.

Now, rename that CSV to your region code and language code “de_DE.csv” then translate all right side content after a comma in your language.

After editing the CSV, save it and then upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/GroupBuy/i18n where you have installed Magento 2(Adobe Commerce) on their server.

The module will get translated into your desired Language. It also supports RTL and LTR languages.

module-translation image

The user can edit the CSV like the image below.


Module Configuration for Group Buy for Magento 2

After the installation of the Group Buy for Magento 2(Adobe Commerce) extension, the admin will find the configuration settings panel by navigating through Stores->Configuration->Group Buy Settings as per the snapshot below.

magento 2 group buy configuration

Enable Group Buy – To enable this feature in your store choose a Yes else select No to disable.

Group Count: The Admin will decide the maximum group number that each customer can create.

Group Buy Works text: The admin will explain how Group Buy works here. To understand better.

Select Order Cancel Notification Method

Whenever a customer places an order for the Group buy there are two possibilities how they will be notified when an order is canceled.

  • Auto: The admin can configure this to send auto-generated email notifications to customers whose orders is canceled.

          Please note the admin have to run cron for using the auto notification method.

Scenario – 1 If all of the customers present in a group don’t complete their payment then the order will be canceled. 

Scenario – 2 If the existing or newly created group is expired then also the deal will be disqualified. 

  • Manual: For this, the admin needs to go to Sales > Order and click cancel. Where the admin will have to check the Notify Customer by Email option.

Create Invoice for Incomplete Group

The admin can choose to enable the option to create an invoice for an incomplete group by selecting the option as Yes else select it as disabled.

Order Cancel Transactional Emails

Order Cancel Notification Mail To Customer: Here, the admin needs to select the email which will be sent to the customer whose order is canceled.

Sample Email Order Cancellation  

Below is an example of a group buy order cancellation email sent to the customer.


Important Note: 

  1. If the admin chooses to cancel the order automatically, the cron must be running on the server.
  2. Those orders for which the group is not qualified cannot be invoiced by the admin.

Check the error message displayed at the admin end if tries to generate an invoice for disqualified order.

error message for disqualified order

How To Add Group Buy Products in Group Buy for Magento 2

To enable the Group Buy Option in the products, the admin needs to navigate towards Group Buy > Products as per the below image.

magento 2 group buy products list

Here, the admin will view the complete listing of Group Buy Choice products here.

Also, by clicking the Add New Product button, the admin will add new products to the Group Buy category.

add new group buy product

Adding the Product in Group Buy for Magento 2

Product- The admin will select the product they wish to add to the Group Buy.

Group Buy Price-  The admin will set the discounted Group Buy Product price.

Start date- For the particular product, the admin must select the start date from which Group Buy gets activated.

End Date- Also, the admin must select the end date for the particular product on which the Group Buy feature ends.

Group size– The admin can choose the member count in the group to apply for Group Buy.

Minimum Quantity – Set the minimum quantity of the product to be added to the cart by the customer.

Maximum Quantity – Set the maximum quantity of the product to be added to the cart by the customer.

Status– The Admin may allow or disable the status of the Group Buy product.

After setting all the above fields, the admin has to click on the Save Product.

Manage Groups in Group Buy for Magento 2

For managing the groups the admin has to navigate through Group Buy > Groups as per the below image:

magento 2 group buy manage groups

Here, the admin can see the existing groups’ information such as Group Name, Group creation dateExpiring dateGroup Size, Joined member, and the status of the Group.

From here, the admin can also perform the delete operation on the existing groups.

Also, the admin can click on the edit button of the group to edit the existing group.

maage groups- edit, delete

The admin can view the group details as per the below image:

edit group
  • The admin can see members of the group under Group Members.
  • The Groups Notes are create every time an action is perform on the group such as group creation, a New member joining the group, and Group status changes.
  • The admin can perform various actions on the group such as Processing, Qualified, Disqualified, and Refunded.

Customer View- Group Buy for Magento 2

The customer can see all the Group Buy types of products under the Group Buy menu as per the below image:


The customer can select the product as per their choice and see the Create Group option or can Join the Existing Group to purchase the product.


If the customers want to create a new group to purchase the product, then they need to click on the Create Group button.

Once the customer has clicked on the Create Group button, the product is added to the cart and they can proceed for the checkout of the product also a group is created for that product after that.


Also, the customer can join the existing group to purchase the product at a discounted price. After clicking on the Join Existing Group, they can see all the created groups of that particular product as below:


From here, the customer can click on the Buy Together button to join that group and proceed to the checkout.

Also, they can see the number of join members in the group, group expiry time, and the group creator name.

Note: Once a product from having a Group Buy option is added to the cart, then a customer cannot add a new product to the cart. A customer has to order a standalone product.

Share Products Over Social Networking Platforms

Now, by clicking on the visible social networking platforms icons like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn the customers will be able to share the product on these platforms.

Moreover, the customers can also copy a product page link and can use the saved product URL for later. 

Customers Created Groups And Joined Groups in Group Buy for Magento 2

In Group Buy for Magento 2, the customer can see the groups under the My Account > Groups as per the below image:


Here the customer will see all the groups created and joined by them and the status of the same.

The customer can select any group to see its details. For reference, you can check the below snapshot:


In the Group details section, the admin can see all the details of the group such as Group created dateGroup expiration date, Group MemberGroup List, etc.

In the Group Notes section, the customer will be able the see all the notes related to the group as per the above image.


That’s all for this module if you still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better

You may also browse other Magento 2 marketplace addons and our quality Magento 2 extensions.

Current Product Version - 5.0.1-p1

Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x

. . .

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