Magento 2 Auction module will enable the auction feature for your shop by which the admin can add an auction for their product and the buyer can bid on that product.
The admin will be able to update and delete the auction and will be able to set Automatic, Reserve Price, and Incremental Auctions for their products.
Magento 2 Auction works with simple, virtual & downloadable product types.
Features- Magento 2 Auction
- This module adds the auction feature for your shop.
- Incremental Auction Option set by the admin.
- Automatic and Reserve Price Auction option set by the admin.
- Also, the Admin can enable or disable the Email notification option to outbid buyers.
- Enable Email Notification for Auto-bid to the owner from the backend.
- If the user bid will be outbid then the user will notify automatically.
- Date time picker for date and time selection.
- Edit, Cancel, and delete features for product auction.
- Fully admin management.
- Multi-Lingual support / All language working including RTL.
- Compatible with the Multi-store.
- The admin can enable a wallet system, for receiving security for the auction applied which will be the percentage of the total bid amount.
- Also, the deducted amount can be refundable or non-refundable.
- The customer can add money to the wallet through a simple checkout process.
- The customer gets notified before the expiration of the wallet.
- Also, in the case of auto bids, normal bids are done automatically.
- The expiration date of the wallet amount will be set according to the Wallet setting, the admin has to set up cron.
- GraphQl is implemented for the extension.
The expiration date of the wallet amount will be set according to the Wallet setting, the admin has to set up a cron.
Just run this command PHP bin/Magento cron: run The cron is in the default group and after enabling the cron it will run automatically every day at 1 am.
Installation- Magento 2 Auction
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system.
The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder. You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) root directory on the server as shown below.
If you have downloaded the module from Magento Connect then unzip the respective extension zip and create Webkul(vendor) then Auction(module) name folder inside your Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) root directory.
As app/code/Webkul/Auction and then move all module’s files inside /app/code/Webkul/Auction/ folder in Magento root directory.
After the upload, you can see the folders in your Magento 2 Root Directory.
# Run Commands
You need to run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
Installation using composer:
If the module is purchased from the official Magento Marketplace then please follow the below process.
Add the extension’s name and version to your composer.json
- Navigate to your Magento project directory and update your composer.json file.
composer require <composer name>:<version>
For example, to install the 4.0.0 version we need to run the following command:
composer require webkul/auction:4.0.0
- Enter your authentication keys. Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.
- Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.
Verify the extension
To verify that the extension was installed properly, run the following command:
php bin/magento module:status Webkul_Auction
By default, the extension is probably disabled:
Module is disabled
The extension name is in the format <VendorName>_<ComponentName>
; this is a different format from the Composer’s name. Use this format to enable the extension. If you are unsure of the extension name, run:
php bin/magento module:status
and look for the extension under “List of disabled modules”.
Enable the extension
Some extensions won’t work properly unless you clear Magento-generated static view files first.
option to clear static view files when you’re enabling an extension.
1. Enable the extension and clear static view files:
php bin/magento module:enable Webkul_Auction --clear-static-content
2. Register the extension:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
3. Recompile your Magento project: In Production mode, you may receive a message to “Please rerun Magento compile command”. Magento does not prompt you to run the compile command in Developer mode.
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
4. Verify that the extension is enabled:
php bin/magento module:status Webkul_Auction
You should see output verifying that the extension is no longer disabled:
Module is enabled
5. reindex:
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
6. Clean the cache:
php bin/magento cache:flush
Multi-Lingual Configuration
For Multilingual support, please navigate. Store>Configuration>General >Locale Options. And select your desired language from the Locale option.

Language Translation
If you need to do the module translation, please navigate the following path in your system. app/code/Webkul/Auction/i18n. Open the file named en_US.CSV for editing as shown in below screenshot.
Also, once you open the file for editing. Replace the words after the comma(,) on the right with your translated words.
After editing and translating the CSV file, you need to save the translated file name according to your region language and country code such as – de_DE.CSV.
Then upload the translated file to the same folder from where you have to obtain it. Now your module translation is complete.
Configuration through Commands- Magento 2 Auction
The admin can enable or disable the module through terminal. The commands to enable and disable module are given below:
Enable Module Via Terminal
For enabling the module via terminal, the admin needs to run the following commands:
First Command – php bin/magento module:enable Webkul_Auction
Second Command – php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Third Command – php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Fourth Command – php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Disable Module via Terminal
Also, if the admin wants to disable the module completely, then they need to run the following command through terminal:
First Command – php bin/magento auction:disable
Second Command – php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Third Command – php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Module Configuration- Magento 2 Auction
After the installation of the module, you can configure it by navigating through->Store>Configuration>Auction.
Here admin can enable or disable the Auction and enter winner message, auction rule and save the configuration after that.

In the case of incremental Auction, a bid will raise each time. It predetermines based on the current high bid.
Also, In an incremental auction, if any bidder places a bid, then the current price will increase with the incremental price.
Like if you are the first bidder and place a bid of $30. Then current bid becomes $40 ($30 + $10 incremental price). No one can place a bid less than $40. Let’s explain this using an example.
About Increment Auction
The Increment bid is the amount by which a bid will increment each time the current bid is outdone. Increment bid amount settings will be done by the admin.
Also, Set the increment bid as-
Current High Bid | Increment |
$0.01-$99.99 | $10 |
$100.00-$199.99 | $15 |
$200.00-$599.99 | $20 |
$600.00-$999.999 | $50 |
$1000-$1499.999 | $200 |
You’re the first bidder on a listing where the starting price is $20 and you place a maximum bid of $40. Now the Next minimum bid is automatically incremented by $10 and then the current bid is $40. and the Next Minimum bid is $50.01. No one can place a bid of less than $50.01
Also, when a second bidder places a maximum bid of $110, then the next minimum bid will automatically raise to $15 and then the next minimum bid amount is $125.01

Here you can see how increments are determined. After clicking on Fill Incremental Price, you can enter the current high bid.

Also, the admin can enable or disable the incremental auction and fill the incremental price.
Admin can also enable or disable the Automatic Auction option with automatic bidder details, price, bidders, outbid messages.
Also, Let’s explain Automatic Auction using an example and winning cases.
About Automatic Auction
1. When you(buyer) place an automatic bid with the maximum amount that you want to pay for the product.
2. Also, the other bidders don’t know about other’s bidder automatic bid if the admin disables it.
3. The other bidders place bids based on the current high bid. The bid will be placed until the bid meets the reserve price or until it expires.
5. Also, If another bidder places the same maximum automatic bid or higher, then you will get notified by mail so that you can place another bid.
6. If Your maximum bid does not exceed another automatic bidder or current bid, then you will win the bid at the current bid.
1. When buyer-A places an automatic bid with the maximum amount of $100 that you want to pay for the product-X (reserve price $60 and current bid price $10).
2. Also, the other bidders don’t know about other’s bidder automatic bid if admin disables.
3. The other bidder B places bids of amount $115 based on the current high bid. The bid will be placed until it expires. Now current bidding amount(CBA) will be $103 and the Next Bidding Amount(NBA) will be $106.01 (with added increment rate).
Now winning case for bidder
Case A
If at this position bid expires then buyer A will win the bid at $60 amount because he placed the highest amount bid and no one exceeds this amount.
Case B
If another buyer B places the maximum amount of $115 as an automatic bid, then buyer A will get notify by mail, so that he can place another bid and if buyer A doesn’t place any maximum bid then buyer B will win the bid at cost $103.
Case C
Also, If another buyer C places the maximum amount is $106 and places bid with the amount of $108 which is less than B’s placed bid amount
Then C will be outbid and the Current billing amount will be $111 (with added increment rate) and next bidding amount will be $114.01 and at the end bidder C will win the bid at cost $111.
In a Reserve auction, the admin only allows to sell the item once the bid amount meets or exceeds the Reserve Price.
Wallet Settings
The admin can configure a wallet which will be used when a person bids for a product, a percentage of bidding amount will reduce from the wallet as a security.
- Enable Wallet- This will enable the wallet system in the module.
- Refund Wallet Amount After Auction Cancel – If this option is enabled then if a customer has bid on an auction product and for that auction product the admin cancels the auction then the amount that has been debited from the customer’s wallet will get refunded.
- Minimum Amount in Wallet to Bid- This is the minimum amount in the wallet for applying a bid.
- Fee deduction on every bid- If there is a deduction from the wallet amount in case of applying a bid.
- Minimum Amount To add in Wallet- The customer can add this minimum amount to the wallet.
- Maximum Amount To add In wallet- This is the maximum amount a customer can add in the wallet.
- Time in days- Enter the time when the customers wallet will expire.
- Amount expiry notification start before days- The notification mail is sent to customers prior to specify days.
- Fee deduction percentage- The percentage of biding amount which will deduct from the wallet.
- Deducted Fee is refundable- Also, the admin can select to refund the amount or not if customers don’t win the bid.
Note:- If the amount deducted from the wallet is greater than the auction product winning price then the wallet amount will be automatically refunded.
Admin can enable or disable the Email notification options for Admin, Auto-bid to outbid auto bid buyer and Bid winner.
Email notification to Admin: Here the admin will set the option yes or no
Admin notification email template: From the three options the admin will select notify admin on the new bid, New pickup order, or new pickup order for guest
Email notification to outbid buyer: To send the email notification set yes or no.
Outbid notify email template: The admin will set the setting from Notify bidder when higher bid arrive, new pickup order, new pickup order from guest.
Email notification to winner: If a customer wins email notification will be sent to them. Set yes or no from the drop-down
Winner notify Email template:- Set the notification when the winner win, new pickup order, new pickup order from guest
Email notification to bidder on submit bid: Get notified when the bid is submitted by bidder to yes or no.
Bidder notify email template: The admin can set the options for setting email template from three options i.e. Notify to bidder on submit bid, new pickup order, new pickup order from guest
Email notification to customer on wallet debit: When the price is deducted the debit amount notification will be sent to the customer. select yes or no.
Customer notify on wallet debit email template: Set the template for the three options. Notify customer on amount credit, new pickup order, new pickup order from guest.
Email notification to admin on wallet debit: Here the admin will set the option to yes to get notification on email. Options are yes or no
Admin notify on wallet debit email template: To set the template wallet debit the three options. Notify customer on amount debit, new pickup order, new pickup order from guest.
Email notification to customer on wallet credit: To send email notifications to the customer when the wallet is credited. Select yes or no from the drop-down.
Customer notify on wallet credit email template: To notify the customer and setting email template Notify customer on amount credit(Default),new pickup order, new pickup order from guest.
Email notification to admin on wallet credit: To set the email notification when the wallet of the customer is credited.
Email notification to customer for amount expiry: To send email to customer and notify them about the expiry of the wallet.
Admin notify on wallet credit email template: To notify to admin when credit is added in wallet. Admin to admin on amount credit , new pickup order, new pickup order from guest.
Customer notify for wallet amount expiry email template: Notify to customer for amount expiry,new pickup order, new pickup order from guest. For this customer will get notified over mail while amount expiry.
Email notification admin for transfer request: Set email notification to customer for transfer request
Admin notify for transfer request email template: Here admin will notify by transfer email template from the drop down. Notify to admin for transfer request, new pickup order, new pickup order from guest.
Enter admin email address: the Admin will enthe email address
Add bid on behalf of user: Here admin can bid on behalf of user, option in drop-down are notify to user that bid added on behalf, new pickup order, new pickup order from guest.
Wallet Management
Also, the admin can manage the customer’s wallet by following the navigation- Auction Manager>Auction Wallet Details.

Then the admin can view wallet of multiple customers on this page.
The admin can click on Individual Details to view the customer wallet details.
The admin can further click on Transfer Request Details to view the transfer requests when the wallet expires.
Also, this amount will refund to the customer before the expiration of the wallet.
Add New Auction On Products
First, the admin has to select Auction Option in products. Go to catalog >product> select product.
Also, find Auction Options section and select Buy It Now and Auction, then Save product.
Now navigate through Auction Manager->Manage Auction and click the Add New Auction button to add a new auction as shown below:

Manage Auction- Magento 2 Auction
Admin can find the list of all Auction under Auction Manager-> Manage Auction. Using “Detail” button the admin can edit the auctions and check the bid list, auto bid list and delete their values.

Also, after clicking on the Edit / Details you will see the below page where you can edit the previous auction and can see the Bid list and the Auto Bid list. You can delete the values for the bid list and auto bid list also.

Bid List-

Auto Bid List-

The customer can add money to the wallet by a simple checkout process, as we purchase a product on an e-commerce site. The customers can go to My Account, then in tabs, they can find the Auction Wallet tab.
Also, the customer can view their wallet and if requires can add the desired amount to the wallet.
Now the customer can go to the Cart and can easily checkout with the amount.
Request Amount Transfer- Magento 2 Auction
The customer can enter the following fields:
- Enter Your Bank Details: The admin can add the bank details in the following section like the account number, branch code, branch name and other details.
- Amount: The customer can add an amount that needs will transfer to the bank.
- Note: The customer can add the note for the bank transfer.
Transfer Details:
Also, after saving the transfer details, the admin will get the request which we can check by navigating to Auction Manager>Account Wallet Details>Transfer Request Details as shown in the image below.

On clicking on the Transfer Request Detail action will navigate to another page where the admin can approve the request for the customer for the bank transfer by selecting the checkbox and clicking on approve action as shown in the image below.

Bidding details At Buyer End
When Wallet Option is Disabled-
Also, the Buyers can see the auction details on the product page of the product as shown below.
Automatic Bid list –
Normal and Auto-bid Flow:
In the case of auto-bid, a Normal bid is automatically get create and it will display in both lists under Normal bid list and auto bid list as shown above in the screenshot.
For Example:
For example, buyer-A place an automatic bid with the maximum amount $100 for the product-X (reserve price-$60 and current bid price-$10). It will automatically create a normal bid also.
If another bidder B, places a normal bid of amount $30 based on the current bid then next, bidder C, places an automatic bid with the amount of $55. The bid continues till the time expires.
Buyer A will win the bid at a reserve price $60 because nobody placed the bid more than the reserve price and A’s automatic price.
Auction Details
Also, the Buyer can find Bidding details under My Account->Auction details as shown below.
After clicking on the Product name below, this page will be open.
Also, the Buyer can now add the product to the cart for purchasing it on the winning bid amount.
If an auto bid has been chosen then Buyers will be able to see their Auto bid details under My Account->Auto Bidding Details as shown below.
In the case of auto bid, normal bid are done automatically.
For Example :
Let’s say bid increments are as shown below with increments:
-$100.00–$249.99 – $2.50
– $250.00–$499.99 – $5.00
– $500.00–$999.99 – $10.00
Now, there is a product that has a current bid of $100, and a customer (A) is willing to pay $115 for it. Then $115 becomes the maximum bid of the customer (A). The bid increment on this item is $2.50, so Bid of the customer (A) will be save for $102.50. This becomes the current high bid.
Another customer (B) bids the next bid increment (as specified on the item listing page),$105. Now for customer (A), it will automatically raise the bid to $107.50.
A customer (C) enters a maximum bid of $150. In accordance with the current bid increment, his automatic bid will save like $110.
Then, the customer’s (A) bid will automatically raise to $112.50. The customer’s (C) bid will automatically raise to $115.
Since the next bid increment would be $117.50, which is more than the Customer’s (A) maximum bid amount so his bidding will drop out, and he will notify (by email) that your bid has surpassed.
(If the auction were to end right then, the customer (c) would win the auction with a bid of $115. Even though he specifies a $150 maximum bid, the bidding never got that high.)
Now, at this point, the customer (A) can place a new maximum bid for the Product.
When Wallet Option Enables-
Now when wallet option enables then on product page we will be receiving the message stating the percent amount of the bidding amount that will reduce from the wallet.
Also, this deduction records on our wallet in the frontend as seen below.
Now the rest of the process works in the same way as in the prior case when we disable the wallet. However, here the security money deducts will return when an auctioneer doesn’t win the bid as per admin configuration.
That is all for the Magento 2 Auction module. Still, have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better at
Explore the Adobe Commerce Cloud development service by Webkul. You may also browse other Magento 2 marketplace addons. Also our quality Magento 2 extensions.
Current Product Version - 5.0.3-p1
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
Hello There,
If you are facing any issue related to the module, then please email us at [email protected].
If you are looking for the API development for this module, please share your requirements at [email protected] to get back to you accordingly.
1) auction details do not show up on the product grid by default, you have to hower the mouse to get the auction details to show up
2) There is no indication that “reserve not met” on the frontend view when the reserve is not met
3) “buy now” is only available until the reserve is met. Buy now at list price should be available through out the auction.
3A) You are actually confusing the “buy now” with list price. They way you have now is okay. Not very important – but if implemeted correctly this would be better
4) there is no Max bid, logically max bid should not exceed the list price
Is there any chance you can atleast make the changes to make Items 2 and 4 work as I described.
All the above-described issues are functionalities of our module. If you want any changes in the current workflow of our module then this will require extra efforts from our end.
You can drop us a mail at [email protected] and we will for sure assist you, Thanks
Greetings for the day!
For sure, the module will work with the Magento version 2.3.1, if you face any sort of issues then please share us the same at [email protected]