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Magento Marketplace Question Answer

Updated 24 September 2016

Magento Marketplace Question Answer allows the buyer to ask questions to the seller regarding their products and Seller can respond to that question. Admin will manage all the questions and answers. Buyer can like or dislike all the responds.

This module is an add-on of MarketPlace Module. To use this module you must have installed Marketplace Module


  • Buyer can ask the question for the seller’s and admin’s product.
  • The seller can respond to that question.
  • Admin will manage all the question and answer.
  • Admin can delete question and answer.
  • Buyer can like or dislike answers.
  • Admin can also respond to that questions.
  • Admin can manage it very easily and very fast.


Installation of Magento Marketplace Question Answer module is very simple. You just need to move the app and skin folder into Magento root. Please follow the screenshots for the same.

After moving both the folder flush the cache from Magento admin module. Under System > Cache Management.

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And now you are done your Magento Marketplace Question Answer Module has been installed.


After the successful installation of the Magento Marketplace Question Answer module, You can see Manage QA tab on every product of marketplace as per the below screen.

Here any buyer can ask the question to the seller of that product. When buyer will ask the question on that product then seller and admin will get the mail. Admin will have to approve that question, then the seller will able to see that question and able to respond on that.

When the question was asked, and seller can reply from product page or from “Manage Mpqa” link in marketplace tab as per below screen.

Here, the seller can see all the questions which are asked for the products. When the seller clicks on the link, the seller will get a page where they can reply to that question as per below screen.

You can see, the seller can reply all the questions individually.

Admin Management

In System-> Configuration, Admin can see settings for this module as per below screen. Here Admin can set question approval required and email notification.

In Admin side, there is a menu ‘Mpqa Management’ in the Marketplace tab, In this there is grid available, where Admin can see all the question which is asked by the buyer as per below screen.

Here in this grid admin can approve or disapprove questions and also able to delete questions. When Admin will click on ‘click to response’, then a grid open and where admin can see all the respond related to that question and also able to delete responds and give respond on that question as per below screen.

You can see, Admin can give respond to this question and also able to delete all the responds.

Customer’s End View

Now, the buyer can visit the product page to find the answer to the asked question as per the image below.

On the product page like and dislike button will be available every respond. Any buyer can like or dislike the responds. Like and dislike will be count as per below screen.

So, by using Admin can manage all the questions and answers very easily and fast and the buyer can buy question and seller will give respond to that questions.

That’s all for the base Magento Marketplace QA Module, still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better

Current Product Version - 0.2.0

Supported Framework Version - 1.6.x.x, 1.7.x.x, 1.8.x.x, 1.9.x.x

. . .

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