Laravel Marketplace Paypal Adaptive is a payment method that splits the payment from the customer between the seller and the admin automatically.
This Payment module will work accurately with Paypal Parallel and Chained payment method and it is also an add-on of Bagisto Marketplace Module.
Note:-This module is an add-on of Marketplace Module. To use this module you must also have installed the first Laravel Marketplace Module.
Note: Adaptive Payments is now a limited release product. It is restricted to select partners for approved use cases and should not be used for new integrations without guidance from PayPal. You can check it on Paypal.
Features of Laravel Marketplace Paypal Adaptive
- The Customer’s payment will split between the seller(s) and the admin also.
- Allow admin to configure fee payer for the chained and parallel type of payment.
- Admin can enable or disable Marketplace Paypal Adaptive Payment.
- Admin will also get the commission based on sellers.
- This module will also support (Parallel, Delayed Chained, Instant Chained) adaptive payment.
- Supports multiple sellers.
Installation of the module
Customers will get a zip folder after purchasing the extension and Unzip the extension zip and then merge the “packages” folders into the project root directory.
Goto config/app.php file and add the following line under ‘providers’.
Goto config.json file and add the following line under ‘psr-4’
"Webkul\\MarketplacePaypalAdaptive\\": "packages/Webkul/MarketplacePaypalAdaptive/src"
Also, run these commands below to complete the setup
composer dump-autoload
php artisan migrate
php artisan route:cache
php artisan vendor:publish
Steps to register in PayPal
Visit the PayPal website (
Click on “Sign up” button. Once the Verification is done, then login to your PayPal account.
How to generate the API for PayPal
Under the section Getting paid: Set up your website to accept payments click on the let’s get started.
Select On your Website under ways to get paid
Tap on “Option A” to select a third party e-commerce solution where the PayPal payment process is built-in. In Option A tap on “Get your API Credentials” link.
After this, click on “Manage API Credentials” button to see API Credentials.
A page will generate where API Username, API Password and API Signature are visible as shown in the below image:-
Grant API Permission to the third party
To Grant API Permissions to the third party
On this page click on Grant API Permission button.
Enter the third-party email id to Grant API Permission.
Admin configuration of the module
After the successful installation of the module, the admin can also see the option of Paypal adaptive under Configulre>>Sales>>Payment method where the admin can configure the settings regarding the module.
There are several fields that need to be filled from the admin’s end
Enable this Solution
The admin can enable or disable the module from this field.
Sandbox Mode
The admin can also set it as Yes to enable the module for the Sandbox mode i.e testing mode.
The admin needs to enter the title regarding the module in this field.
The admin also needs to enter the description regarding the module in this field.
Payment Type
The admin can select the payment type between the Chained and Parallel in this field
- Chained payment type:-In a chained payment, the payment is made to a primary receiver. The primary receiver(admin) keeps some of the payment and pays the rest to one or more secondary receivers(sellers)
- Parallel payment type:-In the parallel payment, the payment is sent to multiple receivers at a time.
Chained Payment Type
The admin can also select between the Instant and Delayed when the payment type is selected as chained
Who Will Pay Fee(If the payment type is chain)
The admin can select between the seller and the admin in this field.
Who Will Pay Fee(If the payment type is parallel)
The admin can select between the seller and the buyer in this field.
Merchant PayPal ID
The admin needs to input the PayPal ID in this field.
PayPal Application ID
The admin needs to enter the PayPal application ID in this field.
PayPal Api UserName
The admin also needs to enter the PayPal Api UserName in this field as generated from Paypal after creating an account.
PayPal Api Password
The admin also needs to enter the PayPal Api Password in this field as generated from Paypal after creating an account.
PayPal Api Signature
The admin needs to enter the PayPal Api Signature in this field as generated from Paypal after creating an account.
Payment From Applicable Countries
The admin can select between the All allowed countries and Specific countries in this field.
Payment From Specific Country
The admin can also multi-select the countries accordingly
Sort Order
The admin can select the order in this field that will be visible in the checkout page.
The workflow of Laravel Marketplace Paypal adaptive
On the checkout page, the customer can see the Paypal adaptive Payment also under the Select Payment Method as shown below:-
Under the order summary page, the customer can see all the details regarding the order including the payment method also used by the customer as shown in the below image:-
After placing an order through Marketplace PayPal Adaptive Payment, the customer will redirect to Paypal site where they will enter all PayPal details and after the successful payment transaction, they will redirect back to the store.
For the Parallel Adaptive Payment Type, the user can see the payment is split between the vendor(s) and the admin.
For the Chained Adaptive Payment type, the user can also see the full payment going to the admin ( primary receiver ).
Admin Order Management
The admin can see all the details regarding the order under Marketplace>>orders where the admin can see transaction details also if the payment is Parallel.
If payment done by Delayed Chained Payment then from below screenshot admin can also release payment to the Seller/Vendor like shown in the below image:-
The admin can also pay to the seller amount under the orders page by navigating Marketplace>> Orders by clicking on the Pay button as shown below:-
So, that was much about the User Guide of Laravel Marketplace Paypal Adaptive Payments for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
Please explore our Laravel Development Services and Quality Bagisto Extensions.
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