Laravel Marketplace multi Shipping is an essential feature for both the sellers and the customers. With the help of this module, the buyer can select different shipping service provided by the different sellers for the same order.
Important Note: To use the Marketplace Multi Shipping extension for Bagisto, you must have installed the Laravel Multi-Vendor Marketplace and also one of our below-listed Marketplace Shipping methods.
- Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Table Rate Shipping
- Marketplace FedEx Shipping
- Laravel Marketplace USPS Shipping
- Laravel Marketplace UPS Shipping
- Marketplace Per Product Shipping
Features of Laravel Marketplace Multi Shipping
- A seller can allow his shipping service from his panel.
- Buyer can select shipping according to a seller in the same order.
- Admin needs to install the shipping addon from the above list to manage to ship from the vendor panel.
- A vendor can choose shipping channel which they want to display at checkout so that shipping will be based on per seller/vendor instead of the whole cart.
- This addon will enable shipping selection and freight calculation at the vendor level.
How to install the module?
Customers will get a zip folder after purchasing the extension and Unzip the extension zip and then merge the “packages” folders into the project root directory.
Goto config/app.php file and add the following line under ‘providers’.
Goto composer.json file and add the following line under ‘psr-4’
"Webkul\MarketplaceMultiShipping\": "packages/Webkul/MarketplaceMultiShipping"
Run these commands below to complete the setup
composer dump-autoload php artisan route:clear php artisan migrate php artisan vendor:publish
Admin Configuration
After the installation of the module, the admin also needs to configure the module. Click on Configure>>Sales>>Shipping methods.
Under the Shipping methods, all the shipping methods are visible in the admin panel.
Title:- The admin needs to provide the title in this field.
Description:- The admin needs to input the description in this field.
Status:- The admin can also activate or inactivate the module from this field.
Default:- The admin can select it as Yes or No.
Seller’s Profile
After all the configuration have been saved by the admin regarding the shipping method.
The seller can see the option of the Multi-shipping under the marketplace section,
Click Multishipping a page will generate where the seller can select the shipping methods that the seller want to provide to the customers as shown below:-
Click on the Save button.
Front End
After the installation of the module, the customers can select between several shipping methods USPS, FedEx, UPS and table rate shipping that is installed in the Bagisto.
The customer can see all the details regarding the order in the order summary page including the shipping method used by the customer as shown in the below image:-
Note:- In case if there are two sellers with different shipping methods then the customer needs to select the shipping method according to the sellers as shown in the below image:-
So, that was much about the User Guide of Laravel Marketplace Multishipping for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
Please explore our Laravel Development Services and Quality Bagisto Extensions.
Current Product Version - v1.2.0
Supported Framework Version - Bagisto v1.2.0
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