Laravel Marketplace MangoPay Payment Gateway module is an ideal end-to-end payment solution for the marketplace stores as it enables the platforms to accept payment using MangoPay Payment services. The admin can set the title for the payment method.
This module also supports refund services for your orders. The admin/sellers can view all the transaction details for the orders. The admin/sellers need to add their MangoPay Bank Account Details to receive the payment for their orders.
** This is an add-on of the marketplace, so customers need to install the Laravel eCommerce Marketplace module to use this module.
Also, before purchasing the module, kindly confirm that your country supports the MangoPay payment gateway.
Features of Laravel Marketplace Mangopay Payment Gateway
- The admin must register himself on the MangoPay website to get the Client Id and Passphrase.
- Enable/disable the payment solution.
- Set Bagisto Marketplace Mangopay Payment Gateway module title.
- Provide secure, trusted, and fast payment to the customers.
- The customer can select the Mangopay payment method available on the checkout page.
- Check placed order details like invoices and transactions.
- Accepts all the cards that Mangopay supports.
- Supports Refund
Installation guide of the module:-
Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “packages” folders into project root directory.
Goto config/app.php file and add the following line under ‘providers’
Goto composer.json file and add following line under ‘psr-4’
"Webkul\MangoPay\": "packages/Webkul/MangoPay/src"
Run the command below to install the Mangopay php library:
composer require mangopay/php-sdk-v2:^2.3
Goto Storage/app/public create a folder name MANGOPAY there
Run these commands below to complete the setup
composer dump-autoload php artisan migrate php artisan route:cache php artisan config:cache php artisan optimize
php artisan db:seed --class=Webkul\MangoPay\Database\Seeders\DatabaseSeeder
If you are windows user then run the below command-
php artisan db:seed --class="Webkul\MangoPay\Database\Seeders\DatabaseSeeder"
php artisan vendor:publish --force
-> Press the number for Webkul\MangoPay\Providers\MangoPayServiceProvider to publish all assets and configurations.
-> now execute the project on your specified domain.
Back-end configuration:
On the installation of the module, the admin has the option to activate the Mangopay payment gateway by visiting the configuration tab as shown below:

After enabling the tab, the admin needs to put the client id and passphrase in the sales section as shown below:

Once the admin fill the details then he can create the wallet as shown below:-

In the above picture, the admin needs to create an account on the Mangopay website ( and then you will get the wallet id and passphrase and this id needs to be implemented to create the wallet.
Once the id is applied then click on the create wallet and you will get a pop-up message as shown below:-

The admin can set the bank account details as shown below:-

Also, the admin has the option to see the transaction done through MangoPay i.e MangoPay transaction as shown below:-

Meanwhile, the customer has also the option to manage the escrowed amount as shown below:-

Front-end View:
After doing the setting in the back-office, the customer will get another payment option during the time of the checkout as shown below:-

Once it’s being purchased it will be redirected to the payment gateway to do the payment as shown below:

Once the payment is done, there will be a thanking message as shown below:-

Seller Profile:-
The seller can also use the MangoPay options as the payment options for their products. If the payment option is available in the back-end then the seller need to fill the MangoPay Bank Details, KYC as shown below:-

The seller needs to do the MangoPay KYC as shown below:-

In the above picture, a seller needs to put the type of identity of proof and need to submit the file for the same.
Lastly, when a customer purchases a seller’s product and choose the MangoPay gateway for the payment purpose then the transaction details will be showing as:

That’s all for the Laravel eCommerce Mangopay Payment Gateway, still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 1
Supported Framework Version - Bagistp 1.3.1
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