Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot module will allow the admin/sellers to set the delivery day along with the delivery time slots for their orders.
Customers can choose their preferred delivery day and time for their order at the time of checkout. After the customers have completed the purchase they can see their selected day and time slot in their order history.
The default delivery day and time slots which are added by the admin in the backend will be used if the seller skips adding these fields.
Note:-This module is an add-on of the Laravel Marketplace module. To use Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot must have installed first Laravel Marketplace Module.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
Features Of Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot
- Customers can choose their preferred day and time for delivery at the time of checkout.
- Sellers can also set the number of orders that can be fulfilled within the specified time slot.
- The admin can select the default allowed days.
- Admin can also set the total number of days to display.
- The admin can set the minimum required time for order processing in days.
- Admin can set the error message that will be visible at the time of checkout if no slot is available.
- Admin can turn off the Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot from the Admin panel.
How to Install the module
Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “packages” folder into project root directory.

Goto config/app.php file and add following line under ‘providers‘
Goto composer.json file and add following line under ‘psr-4’
"Webkul\\MpDeliveryTimeSlot\\": "packages/Webkul/MpDeliveryTimeSlot",
Run these commands below to complete the setup
composer dump-autoload php artisan migrate php artisan route:clear php artisan config:cache php artisan vendor:publish
-> Press 0 and then press enter to publish all assets and configurations.
Admin Configuration For Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot
To add the default delivery time slots, the admin will navigate through Configure>>Marketplace where under the Delivery Time Setting section the admin can configure the module as shown in the image below:-

Enable:- The admin can enable or disable the module.
Allowed Days – Admin can select the default allowed days for the delivery time slots, which will appear on the checkout page.
Display Total Days – Enter the total number of days to display at the checkout time. Admin can set the default number of days to display on the checkout page.
Error message If The Time Slot Is Not Available – Enter the message that will be visible if there is no time slot available.
Seller Configuration for Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot
Sellers will find two menu option – Time Slots Configuration and Delivery Order History under their account menu as shown below in the snapshot.

Time Slot Configuration
Now, after clicking the Time Slot Configuration, another page will open where the seller can add time slots.
**Note:- Also, if the seller has forgotten or has not added the time slots then the default slots set by the admin will be applicable for the seller.
Sellers can also set the minimum required time in order processing. To add a new delivery time slot, click the “Add New Slot” button.

Now select the Day, Start Time, End Time and the Quota (Number of Orders that can be fulfilled within the specified Start and End time) for the slot. After creating the delivery time slots click the save button.
Delivery Order History
Sellers can also check their delivery order history for their orders with the delivery date and the customer selected time slots.

How does the Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Will work?
On the front end, the buyer will add his products to the cart and at the time of checkout, the customer will also be able to see the available delivery days and time slots available as shown below.

The time slots that are not available will be also marked as red as shown in the image.
**Note: The time slots will be unavailable in two conditions –
- Orders are full (i.e, if the quota set for each of the slots gets full).
- Today’s time slot is less than the current time, then that time slot will be unavailable(if the order process is set to “Zero” both by the admin and the sellers).
After selecting the delivery time slots the customer will click the continue button and on the order summary page, the customer will be able to see the selected delivery time for the products.

The customer will be able to see the delivery details under each orders shown below.

Admin Access.
Admin can also see the order details with the delivery day and time slot selected by the customer as shown below in the image.

Under Marketplace Management the admin will find the Delivery Orders, Delivery Time slots and Default Delivery Time Slots.
Delivery Orders
Under this the admin can find all the orders that have made by the customers as shown below:-

By clicking on the Order ID the admin can see the details for the order as shown below:-

Delivery Time Slots
Here the admin will be able to check all the delivery slots that the marketplace sellers have created.

Default Delivery Time Slots
In the Minimum Required Time in Order Process, the admin can also set the minimum required time in order processing
The admin can also see the default delivery time slots in this page, to add the new slot the admin just need to click on the add time slot button as shown below:-

So, that was much about the User Guide of Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
Please explore our Laravel Development Services and Quality Bagisto Extensions.
Current Product Version - 1.2.0
Supported Framework Version - Bagisto-v1.2.0
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