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Laravel eCommerce SaaS Multivendor Module

Updated 16 August 2021

Laravel eCommerce SaaS Multivendor Module can be very important for the merchants those have created an eCommerce store using the SaaS module.

The Multivendor module will convert a Bagisto eCommerce store into a multivendor marketplace where different vendors can assemble and sell their products/services under a single eCommerce store.

 The seller can also manage their Products, Order Shipment, Payouts, Shop Profile and every standard marketplace features.

Note:- This is the add-on of Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant SaaS, to use this add-on. Firstly you have installed the Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant SaaS.

Features of Laravel eCommerce SaaS Multivendor Module

  • Separate Seller/Vendor Profile with a dedicated Shop URL.
  • Manage Seller Branding by providing the banner, social links and SEO friendly URLs for their shop.
  • Product Search by Seller/Vendor on Vendor Panel.
  • Separate view for the seller’s product collection. Seller’s feedback and interactive review system with the star rating.
  • Product Assignment by Admin to Seller Account
  • Dedicated seller dashboard to view income, payouts, order details, latest comments, and reviews also.
  • A proper check on Stock availability.
  • Admin can set a global commission for the seller and can also set separate commission for the individual seller.
  • Vendor/Seller can also be Enabled/Disabled by Admin
  • Product Approval by Admin
  • Special pricing also available for Sellers with date filter.
  • An attractive landing page with top sellers and their associated top products.
  • The seller can edit shop URL for the Profile page, collection page, and also the shop information.
  • Multi-Lingual support / All language working including RTL ( Hebrew and Arabic).
  • The seller can edit or delete products from their dashboard.
  • Admin can also delete or update Seller’s profile and products.
  • Once an order is completed, an admin can create a “Payout” for the seller.
  • Admin has the option to generate invoice and ship the product.
  • Sellers can maintain everything transparent between them and customers by displaying return & shipping policy and also providing shop description.
  • The seller can also cancel the order.
  • The Seller can add multiple images of the product.
  • The seller can check total sales as made, total payout and remaining payout as done from Admin end.
  • Functionality to either create New Product or provide own details on the existing product.
  • Admin can choose to auto-approve orders or not.

How to install the Laravel eCommerce SaaS Multivendor Module?

After purchasing the extension the customers will get a zip folder. “Unzip” the folder then merge “packages” folders into the project root directory.

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Goto config/app.php file now add the following line under ‘providers’




Let’s go to config/concord.php file now add the following line under ‘modules’


Do a couple of entries in root composer.json in the psr-4 object

"Webkul\SAASCustomizer\": "packages/Webkul/SAASCustomizer/src",

"Webkul\Marketplace\": "packages/Webkul/Marketplace",

"Webkul\MarketplaceSaaS\": "packages/Webkul/MarketplaceSaaS"

Another entry inside file(‘app/Http/Kernel.php’,):
In this file, you can find an array ‘middleware groups’ inside it there is
a key named ‘web’ inside it do an entry


Find a file auth.php present inside the config folder from the root and do the following entries

'super-admin' => [

'driver' => 'session',

'provider' => 'superadmins'


insert the above code in the ‘guards’ array.

'superadmins' => [

'driver' => 'eloquent',

'model' => Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Models\SuperAdmin::class


insert the above code in the ‘providers’ array.

Configuration for Laravel eCommerce SaaS Multivendor Marketplace

Once the commands have executed successfully the merchant can see the option of the Marketplace on the left-hand side in the menu bar as shown in the image below:-


SaaS Multivendor Marketplace Configuration

On the Merchant/Admin panel click on the configure button that is on the left side of the screen in the menu bar from where merchant/admin can configure the general setting of the SaaS marketplace as shown in the image below:-

Commission Per Unit (In Percentage)

Here the admin/merchant can set the global commission % for sellers that will be applicable to all. If the admin/merchant has set global commission 10% for every seller in the marketplace, thus when a product is purchased admin will be earning 10% of the product cost as commission.

Seller Approval Required

 Select Yes in this setting if approval is required whenever a new seller has been registered in the marketplace.

Product Approval Required

Select Yes in this setting if approval is required whenever a new product has been added by the seller on the marketplace.

Seller Can Create Invoice 

Choose Yes in the setting if you also want to give the seller permission to create an invoice.

Seller Can Create Shipment

Choose Yes in the setting if you want to give the seller also the permission to ship the product that has been ordered.

The Landing Page

In the landing page, the admin/merchant can provide descriptive information and attract sellers to sell on your marketplace. The landing page appears when you click Sell on your Frontend.


Let’s move on with each functionality.


Page Title

Here you can give the main title to your landing page that will act as the main attraction for your seller.

Show Banner

You can select Yes in the option if you want to show the banner on the landing page, following which you need to provide the banner image.

Banner Content

Here you can provide the banner content that will appear on the banner image as provided.

Show Features

You can select the option as Yes if you are looking to showcase features of the marketplace. After selecting Yes, below you can provide the Feature heading, information, and icon.

Show Popular Sellers

 If you are looking to showcase popular sellers in your marketplace, you can select the option Yes.

Open Shop Button Label

Here, you can provide the label of Open Shop Button.

About Marketplace

Here you can give more information about your marketplace. You can also include HTML content in your text.

Show Open Shop Block

 If you want to advertise information regarding convincing customers with you, you can choose the option Yes and provide the information below in Open Shop Information

SaaS Multi-Vendor Marketplace Admin View

On the admin/merchant dashboard, click the marketplace icon which is there on the left-hand side to check on for the features as available in the backend for admin/merchant.


Here the admin/merchant can view the sellers those have registered in the SaaS marketplace. Based on the setting that has been done for Seller Approval in configuration, the status of the seller will also be shown here.


The admin/merchant can also assign products to the sellers


The admin/merchant can approve or disapprove the sellers by updating the status of the sellers that are registered in the SaaS marketplace.


Admin/merchant can also delete the sellers according to the requirements.


Under the products, the admin/merchant can sell all the sellers products and the admin/merchant can also approve, disapprove and delete these products created by the sellers, the status of the seller will be also shown here.


Seller Reviews

Here the admin/merchant can see the reviews provided by the customers for a particular seller. By default, the status of the reviews remains unapproved.


The admin/merchant need to select the review which you want to update and then from the above drop-down, choose Update and then Approve or Disapprove the review.



In the orders, the admin/merchant can view all the orders made by the customers along with the sellers with their status as Completed or Pending. Based on the setting asset for the sellers to generate invoice and ship the product.


To generate the invoice and the shipment the admin/seller just need to click on the eye icon. 

In the first section of Information, you will find details regarding the order.


Next, to generate the invoice, click the invoice button.


At the bottom of the invoice section, provide the quantity of the product for which invoice needs to be generated.


After entering the quantity to invoice, click on the Save Invoice button at the top to generate the invoice.


Next, click the Ship button at the top to ship the product.


In the Create Shipment page, under Shipping Information provide the name of the Carrier Title and also the Tracking Number of the shipment.


Next, under the Products Ordered section, select the inventory source from where products need to be shipped from the dropdown.


Below that, provide the quantity of the item that is needed to be shipped.


Click Save Shipment give at the top to generate shipment for the order.


Here the admin/merchant will find the list of payouts transactions as done by the admin/merchant to the Sellers also with the amount paid.


In order to do the payouts, go to the Order section and find the Orders for which you get the Pay button enabled under the Pay section.


Seller Dashboard for Laravel eCommerce SaaS Multivendor Module

To sign up as a seller navigate to the Account section on the front end and click Sign Up.

After that, while registering up as the customer, you can choose the radio button to become Seller/Vendor. After that, you also need to provide your Shop URL.


Once Signed Up, there will be two sections available. If you have chosen to be Vendor/Seller, you will find your details as a customer under My Account section.


Once the admin/merchant will approve seller’s profile then you will become a seller, then your detail will also be visible under the Marketplace section.


Marketplace Section(Seller Profile)

Once the seller has been approved by the admin/merchant the seller can view several options under the marketplace section of the seller’s profile as shown in the image below:-



The seller can manage the shop profile. This is very useful in terms of shop branding by displaying useful information. Below are the fields that you will find in the profile section.

  • Shop title:- Here the seller needs to provide the title or name of your Shop. It’s a mandatory field.
  • Shop Url:- Here the sellers need to provide the URL for your shop by which your shop will be accessible to your customers.
  • Tax/VAT Number:- The seller can provide Tax/VAT number in this field.
  • Contact Number:- The seller can provide the contact number in this field.
  • Address:- The seller can provide the shop address in this field.


Under this section, you need to provide a logo and banner for the shop to be displayed at the frontend.


About Shop

Under this, the seller can provide a description regarding the shop and the types of products available in the seller’s shop.


Social Links

The seller can link the shop to social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Skype, and LinkedIn. 



To keep the purchase transparent between the sellers and the customers, the seller can provide Shipping, Return, and also Privacy policy.



The admin can also provide the meta description and meta title to make the shop search engine friendly.


Frontend View

In order to view the seller’s page, click View Seller Page which is there on the Profile page.


You will then be redirected to the dedicated seller’s page. The seller page will look like shown below for the customers in the front end.


You will then be redirected to the Sellers’ Product Collection page.



Here the seller can see complete details of the seller’s sales report with an intuitive bar graph also with top-selling products and customers.




Under this all the products that are created by the sellers are visible. The seller can also create a product under this section.


Here the seller can create products in two ways:

  • Create a New Product: If the product is totally new, you can also click Create New option and create a totally new product.

Here you will need to provide all the details of the product.


Create An Existing Product:

If there is an already existing product on the website and you want to sell the same product of yours but with different prices, just type the first three letters of the product. If the product is already there on the website, you will get that in the search result.


Click on Sell Yours to create your own version of the existing product. You need to provide the following description of the existing product: Product Condition: Here you can also select the condition of the product that you are selling as New or Old.


Provide the price of your product in this filed. Description: Here you need to describe the product that you are selling.Images: Provide images of your product here.Inventory: Here you need to define the quantity of your product in the inventory sources as created by the seller.


The seller can see all the orders that have been made by the customers for the seller’s products.


Clicking the eye icon, you will find more information on the order along with the invoice and also shipment details.



Here the seller will find the payouts report as done by the admin/merchant to the seller. The dashboard here provides details of the total payout done and the amount which left unpaid.


You will also get the list of payout transactions.



Here the seller can find the reviews that are provided by the customer to the seller.



So, that was much about the User Guide of Laravel eCommerce SaaS Multivendor Module for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

Please explore our Laravel Development Services and Quality Bagisto Extensions.

Current Product Version - 1.2.0

Supported Framework Version - bagisto v1.2.0

. . .

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