Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Custom Attribute extension allows the seller to create their own Attribute and Attribute Family for their products.
**Note:– Laravel eCommerce Marketplace custom Attribute module is an add-on of Marketplace Module. To use this module you must need a Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Module.
Features of Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Custom Attributes
- The seller can create Attributes.
- Sellers can also create Attribute Families.
- Sellers can create attributes using all attribute types.
- Admin can approve or disapprove Attribute
- The Admin can also approve or disapprove of the attribute family.
- Admin can also edit attributes.
- Creation of Attributes for the sellers from the Admins end.
- Admin can also delete the attribute created by the sellers.
- Custom attributes with swatches such as text, colour, image and dropdown can also be used in layered navigation.
Installation of the Laravel eCommerce marketplace custom attributes
Customers will get a zip folder after purchasing the extension and Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “packages” and “storage” folders into the project root directory.

Goto config/app.php file and add the following line under ‘providers’

Then goto composer.json file inside the Bagisto root directory and add the following line under ‘psr-4’.
"Webkul\\MarketplaceCustomAttribute\\": "packages/Webkul/MarketplaceCustomAttribute"

Next, run these commands below to complete the setup in the Bagisto root directory.
composer dump-autoload
php artisan migrate
php artisan route:cache
php artisan db:seed --class=Webkul\MarketplaceCustomAttribute\Seeders\DatabaseSeeder
php artisan vendor:publish
Once the command has been successfully executed the custom attribute option is visible inside the marketplace.

Seller Attribute and Attribute Family Creation
How to create attribute from sellers end?
The seller can easily create a custom attribute in Bagisto eCommerce store from the seller panel also.
Sellers just need to click Attributes>>Add Attribute

After hitting the Add Attribute a new page will open where the sellers have to fill all the fields regarding the attribute.
All Attribute types can be such as Text, Text area, Boolean, Date, Date and time, Price, Select, and Multi-select.
- Text:- A single-line text, it can be named, brand, etc.
- Text Area:- This attribute is used to enter a paragraph.
- Price:- To provide prices for the products.
- Boolean:- Display a drop-down list with the options “Yes” and ” No”.
- Select:- This is used to provide a dropdown list in which only one option can be selected
- Multiselect:- More than one option can be selected at a time from the drop-down list. Select Attribute Type “Multiselect” then click on “Add Option” and enter the option value.
- Datetime:- You can select date and time from the popup calendar.
- Date:- To select a date from the calendar.

All types of Swatches can also be used by the seller while creating custom attributes like Image swatch, Color swatch, Dropdown swatch, Text swatch.

Click on the Save attribute to save the attribute and the created attribute will be visible on the Attribute section in the seller’s profile.
How to create an Attribute family from the Sellers end?
The seller can also create an Attribute family for their created attributes from the seller’s panel.
Sellers have to click on Attribute families>>Add Attribute family.

After hitting the Add Attribute Family a new page will open like shown below:-

Click on Save Attribute Family that will be visible on the seller’s profile in the Attributes family section.
Admins Approval for Attributes and Attributes Families
For the Attributes and Attribute Family created by the sellers, Admin approval is required.
The seller can use created attribute and attribute family only if those are approved by the Admin.
If the admin has disapproved the attributes and attributes family then sellers cannot make use of them.

The same step is followed by the Admin for the Attribute Family also as shown below

once the Admin has approved or disapproved the Attributes and Attributes Family the status will be visible on the seller’s profile.
Attribute section

Attribute Families section

How to create product using Custom attribute from Seller’s end?
Once the admin has approved the custom attributes and attributes family, the seller can create a product using these custom attributes.
On the seller, profile click on Products>>Create>>Create new
Under the Add Product page all the attributes are visible.

Then click on create.
On the Edit Product page, all the variants of the attribute are also visible as shown below:-

After filling in all the fields regarding the product click on the Save Product button.
So, that was much about the User Guide of Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Custom Attributes for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
Please explore our Laravel Development Services and Quality Bagisto Extensions.
Current Product Version - 1.2.0
Supported Framework Version - Bagisto v1.2.o
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