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User Guide for Laravel eCommerce GST Extension

Updated 8 January 2025

Laravel eCommerce GST extension is an addon which is used to add the Indian Goods and Services Tax structure.

Using it, the Store admin can add the GST to their Bagisto store products. This extension enhances the efficiency of business operations and ensures compliance with GST regulations.

It assists in identifying the relevant product taxes based on the production state.

Furthermore, you may explore the Laravel Customer Credit Extension, which allows customers to accumulate credit points and utilize them for their purchases.


  • The admin has the ability to input their preferred GSTIN Number.
  • They can also choose the State for tax purposes.
  • The extension includes a feature that automatically distinguishes between IGST, CGST, and SGST depending on whether the transaction is within the home state or not.
  • The admin can set the GST rate from the backend and has the option to enter multiple GST rates at once.
  • There’s a function that allows the admin to determine the product price by including or excluding GST, or by selecting it during the product editing or adding process.
  • A button is available to show or hide the GST inclusion details on the storefront.
  • The store admin can choose to include or exclude GST for each product individually.
  • Additionally, there’s a field for entering the HSN code in the product editing settings.
  • The admin can also set or modify specific GST rates while adding or editing products.
  • The automatic application of SGST and CGST for intra-state transactions, along with IGST for inter-state transactions, is determined based on the provided address.


Unzip the respective extension zip file and then merge the “packages” and “public” folder into your project’s root directory.

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Open the composer.json file and add the following line under the ‘psr-4’ section:

"Webkul\\GST\\": "packages/Webkul/GST/src"

In the config/app.php file, add the following line under the ‘providers’ section:


Run the following commands to complete the setup:

composer dump-autoload
php artisan gst:install

After following these steps, the Bagisto GST Extension should be successfully installed and ready for use in your Bagisto v2.2.2 project.

Configuration of Laravel eCommerce GST Extension

After the Laravel eCommerce GST extension is successfully installed, the admin has to proceed for the configuration.

For that, they’ll navigate to Configure>Goods and Services Tax to access the configuration settings. Below is the configuration settings,

laravel ecommerce gst extension

Admin configures the following options,

  • Status: Enable or Disable the GST module.
  • GSTIN: Field to enter the GSTIN Number.
  • Production State: Select the Production state from dropdown menu.
  • GST Rates: Enter required GST Rates.
  • Catalog Product Price: Dropdown menu to set whether prices entered by admin includes GST, excludes GST or to be selected while adding/editing product.
  • Display Inclusive/Exclusive Info: Button to enable or disable the displaying of GST exclusive/inclusive information on storefront.

Add GST to Products

Now that the GST extension is configured, Admin can now add the Goods and Services Tax to products individually.

For this, they navigate to Catalog>Products and then add or edit their required product. Next, they navigate to the GST section. It’ll be visible as per the below image,

gst configuration in products

The following options are available for admin to configure GST per product,

  • Button to enable or disable GST on product.
  • Product Price: Dropdown menu to select if GST to be included or excluded from Price.
  • GST Rate: Select the GST rate for the product.
  • HSN Code: Enter the HSN Code of product.

GST Information on Storefront

The GST information is displayed on the Storefront if the Admin has enabled the Display Inclusive/Exclusive Info from configuration. If it is disabled, the GST information will not be displayed.

Below are the 2 ways in which GST Information is displayed,

1) When GST is Included in Price

GST information displayed

2) When GST is excluded from price

gst excluded from price

GST Application on Checkout

The extension detects automatically when to apply IGST and when to apply SGST and CGST. It is applied as per below conditions,

1) If the transaction is happening Interstate, then IGST is applied. It is displayed in below image,

IGST applied on interstate transactions

2) If the transaction is happening Intrastate, then CGST and SGST is applied. It is viewed in below image,

cgst sgst applied


So that is much about the Laravel eCommerce GST Extension.

If you require any further assistance, you can email us directly on [email protected] or raise a ticket.

Current Product Version - 2.2.2

Supported Framework Version - Bagisto v2.2.2

. . .

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