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What improvement truly Color Selection makes?

Updated 1 October 2019

Color Selection – The term appears to be very simple but actually it’s not and particularly for a designer it means a lot.Most of the time we keep on ignoring the importance of color selection and we judge the creatives on the basis of color symmetry and harmony. “Design is not just what it looks like and how it feels. Design is how it works.”– says Steve Jobs.

Let’s begin with a very basic example with the help of visuals to understand how the colors actually works to deliver a particular message to target audience, users or clients.

1). Just look at the visual below it’s simple black Lato font raising a question “What improvement truly Color Selection makes?” to the viewers. This monotone message is lacking attention.

 Monotone Message Lacking Attention

2). Now if we Just add a single color to the very important words (i.e Color Selection) in this question, it will work in more better and attentive way.

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Improvement With Color Selection

We should always focus what really are the key ingredients that we want to deliver to our viewers and accordingly we should use the colors to focus them.We should also keep in mind that using more than two colors out of the scheme may create chaos to the user so we must stick to the least number of colors to highlight and focus the key features.

Let’s see how Color Selection can help in E-Commerce –

The key purpose of any E-Commerce Store is all about collecting revenues by delivering goods or services to the customers, so whenever we  create a UI design for E-Commerce we can use the colors beyond the Color Scheme and Symmetry to highlight the key features of the product. It is always recommended to make a use of very unique color to highlight  the “Checkout” button. Let’s make it more clear by having a look over the visual below which represents how a change in colour of signup button in layout make it more attractive and clickable  –

How Color work to highlight Signup Button in Layout

We can see how the button in red tone in second layout is highlighting the call to action

In a very similar way we can enhance the experience of user in any of the E-Commerce Store by highlighting the Call to actions, special features and checkout Button.

We can enhance the UX of E-Commerce Store via AB testing using color selection.It is found that in most of the AB tested sites the buttons or call to actions which differs from the color scheme of the layout have comparatively more clicks than other buttons. So it is always recommended to make a slight change to the color of most prominent features or call to action and we must consider this whenever we design UI for any E-Commerce Store.

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