To create a grid using UI-component in magento 2, please refer following link:
To apply join in grid collection you need to add following code in your grid collection file, which is defined in :Webkul\Hello\etc\di.xml
Add Your code in file:
protected function _renderFiltersBefore() { $joinTable = $this->getTable('customer_grid_flat'); $this->getSelect()->join($joinTable.' as customer','main_table.entity_id = customer.entity_id', array('*')); parent::_renderFiltersBefore(); }
Here, $JoinTable: is table with which you want to apply join.
main_table: is your grid collection table.
array(‘*’): use for accessing all the fields of the table.
If you want to select specific columns then add those column names in place of ‘*’ under array().
like: array(‘firstname’=>’firstname’)
I hope this blog will help you with How to Apply join in Collection in UI Component Grid in Magento 2. You may also check our wide range of best Magento 2 Extensions.
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