In this article, you are going to learn about “How to Add New Email Templates in Shopware6?”
Shopware 6 was developed with the “API-First” approach to providing flexibility and growth in the future. The API-First approach allows ERP systems, PIM systems, and other components to connect quickly and easily. This allows merchants to react quickly to market changes and fully exploit their growth potential.
The goal of Shopware is “to make the customer experience, the brand and the product on the different sales channels for different customer groups experience and available.
Shopware is More flexibility, Less complexity, One technology.
Shopware is now starting to enter new European nations and is making a big impact in the UK. You can check here other Shopware modules –
What are the benefits of Add an Email Templetes?
Back in the old days, emails were used to place orders and send invoices to the clients. Nowadays, we have the technology and tactics to boost businesses by using great e-commerce email templates and convert recipients into customers.
In fact, email marketing is one of the most successful acquisition channels for e-commerce businesses. Using an e-commerce email is an integral part of your email strategy. You can design your own template in a professional way.
Add a New Email Templates
To add Email Template follow below steps –
You have to go to the Settings > Shop > Email Template.

You can maintain the templates for the various emails sent by the shop (e.g. registration information, order confirmation, etc.) as well as the headers and footers that are included in the mails.

To edit an existing record, you can open the context menu via the “…” button and select Edit. You can also duplicate or delete a record in the context menu.
You can open the editor for creating a new record by clicking on the button Create. A sub-menu will appear where you can choose whether an e-mail template or header & footer.

Email templates
For new email templates, click on the Add email templates. The editor for email templates is divided into Information, Options, and Mail Text.
In the Information section –
Type – Here you can select the type of emails.
Sales channels – Select the sales channel of email templates..
Description – Enter the description of the email.

Options and Attachment
In the options, you add the subject and the sender. The sender is only the name, which is display within email programs. You can enter the email address that uses for the dispatch under Settings > Shop > Basic information.
You can add an attachment to your email template by uploading files from your computer, opening media, or uploading a file from a URL.

Mail text
Here you have one input field each for the plain text and the HTML template.
It is not necessary to enter the content at the beginning and end of each mail here. If these data are identical for each mail template, you can manage them centrally via the headers and footers.

After that, click on the Save button.
Header & Footer
As with the e-mail templates, you define here for which language headers and footers should be edited.
- Name: The name uses in the overview on the start page of the e-mail templates.
- Description: Add a description, that you can see at a glance.
- Sales channel: Here you define in which sales channels these headers & footers are uses.

Mail header – Store the email header here in plain text and HTML format. In HTML format it is imaginable to include a logo.
Mail footer – Here you can add the email footers in plain text and HTML Then click on the Save button.
Need help?
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