In this article, you are going to learn about how to add a new manufacturer in Shopware 5. Shopware is an eCommerce platform, that is instantly gaining new users all over the world.
This open-source solution based on Vue.js is ultra-flexible and scalable. This makes it an ideal choice for both a large marketplace and local brands.
The software is flexible enough to use for different types of businesses, their requirements, and their offerings.
Plus, Shopware has also SEO capabilities and marketing features built-in. It is truly a comprehensive suite for those who want to start or boost their eCommerce productivity.
Shopware is more flexible, less complex, and has a modern commerce technology stack. Shopware is now starting to enter new European nations and is making a big impact in the UK.
Also, you can check how you can extend your e-commerce store functionalities and add new features using Shopware extensions.
What are the benefits of adding manufacturers?
The majority of manufacturing companies are predicting that at least 41% of their revenue will derive from e-commerce websites they own or operate by 2051, be that selling online to business customers or with a direct-to-consumer (D2C) offering.
E-commerce platforms for manufacturing organizations help increase sales by identifying new markets and expanding current product lines. You will also have direct access to your customers which can help grow profit margins.
Manufacturers are able to engage with more prospects and customers which can ultimately result in product innovation.
Add a New Manufacturer
How to Add a New Manufacturer in Shopware 5, in this to add a new in Shopware 5, you have to navigate Item>>Manufactures.
After clicking on manufacturers, it will redirect to a new page after that to add new manufacturers, click on Add.
All manufacturers will be listed here then you can add new manufacturers on the right side after a click on the add button you have to fill in the details like:
- Manufactures Name
- Page Title
- Description
- Logo
After that click on the Save button.
How can the admin manage manufacturers?
For adding manufacturers to the product the admin navigate to the Item-> Overview. In this admin can see the manufacturer’s option, and select the manufacturers for the product.
Need help?
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