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Database Population using ODOO CLI

Updated 15 November 2023


Odoo CLI supports Database Population.

This article gives an overview of how we can work with the Database Population in Odoo as a developer.

Before starting this tutorial, you should have a basic idea of CLI in Odoo. Besides, If you don’t have basic knowledge of Odoo CLI, read a beginner guide to Odoo CLI.

Why do we need a Database Population in Odoo CLI?

You can test your modules in the database by automatic data generation of the model’s records

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How does Database Population work in Odoo CLI?


odoo-bin populate –-models product.category,product.template –-size small -d demo –-db_user odoo --db_password=webkul

Output for upper command



– -models

list of models for which the database should be filled.

– -size(small | medium | large)

The total number of the records to be created is depends on the model’s populate_size attribute

The generated records content is specified by the _populate_factories() method of a given model.


Name of the db


Name of the DB User


Password for the DB User

Implement Features on a Given Model

Define the following methods and attributes to populate a given model:-

i) Model._populate_sizes

The default population sizes are:

Small: 10

Medium: 100

Large: 1000

populate sizes are the number of records that _populate() should create.

ii) Model._populate_dependencies

Return the list of models which have to be populated before the current one.

iii) Model._populate(size)

Create records to populate this model.

iv) Model._populate_factories()

Generates a factory for the different fields of the model.

factory is a generator of values (dict of field values).

Factory skeleton:

def generator(iterator, field_name, model_name):
    for counter, values in enumerate(iterator):
        # values.update(dict())
        yield values

Note*: You have to define at least _populate() or _populate_factories() on the model to enable database population.


from import populate

class WebkulModel(models.Model)
    _inherit = "webkul.some_model"
    _populate_sizes = {"small": 100, "medium": 2000, "large": 10000}
    _populate_dependencies = ["webkul.some_other_model"]

    def _populate_factories(self):
        # Record ids of previously populated models are accessible in the registry
        some_other_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models["webkul.some_other_model"]

        def get_some_field(values=None, random=None, **kwargs):
            """ Choose a value for some_field depending on other fields values.

            :param dict values:
            :param random: seeded :class:`random.Random` object
            field_1 = values['field_1']
            if field_1 in [value2, value3]:
                return random.choice(some_field_values)
            return False

        return [
            ("field_1", populate.randomize([value1, value2, value3])),
            ("field_2", populate.randomize([value_a, value_b], [0.5, 0.5])),
            ("some_other_id", populate.randomize(some_other_ids)),
            ("some_field", populate.compute(get_some_field, seed="some_field")),
            ('active', populate.cartesian([True, False])),

    def _populate(self, size):
        records = super()._populate(size)

        # If you want to update the generated records
        # E.g setting the parent-child relationships

        return records

Population Tools

Multiple population tools are available to easily create the needed data generators.

i), weights=None, seed=False, formatter=<function format_str>, then=None)

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts that combines all vals for the field with the other field values in input.


  • vals (list) – list in which a value will be chosen, depending on weights
  • weights (list) – list of probabilistic weights
  • seed – optional initialization of the random number generator
  • formatter (function) – (val, counter, values) –> formatted_value
  • then (function) – if defined, factory used when vals has been consumed.

Returns: function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Return type: function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

ii), seed=None)

Return a factory for an iterator of values dictionary (dicts) that computes the field value as a function (values, counter, random), where values are the other field value, counter is an integer, and random is a pseudo-random number generator.


  • function (callable) – (values, counter, random) –> field_values
  • seed – optional initialization of the random number generator

Returns: function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Return type: function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

iii), formatter=<function format_str>)

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts that sets the field to the given value in each input dict.

Returns: function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Return type: function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

iv), weights=None, seed=False, formatter=<function format_str>, then=None).

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts that picks a value among vals for each input. Once all vals have been used once, resume as then or as a randomize generator.


  • vals (list) – list in which a value will be chosen, depending on weights
  • weights (list) – list of probabilistic weights
  • seed – optional initialization of the random number generator
  • formatter (function) – (val, counter, values) –> formatted_value
  • then (function) – if defined, factory used when vals has been consumed.

Returns: function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Return type: function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

v), b, seed=None)

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts that sets the field to a random integer between a and b included in each input dict.


  • a (int) – minimal random value
  • b (int) – maximal random value
  • seed (int) –

Returns: function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Return type: function (iterator, str, str) -> dict

vi), weights=None, seed=False, formatter=<function format_str>, counter_offset=0)

Return a factory for an iterator of values dicts with pseudo-randomly chosen values (among vals) for a field.


  • vals (list) – list in which a value will be chosen, depending on weights
  • weights (list) – list of probabilistic weights
  • seed – optional initialization of the random number generator
  • formatter (function) – (val, counter, values) –> formatted_value
  • counter_offset (int) –

Returns: function of the form (iterator, field_name, model_name) -> values

Return type: function (iterator, str, str) -> dict


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. . .

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