Cs-Cart Wallet System extension adds a built-in wallet system in your store in which the Customer/User has a Wallet.
In this Add-on Customers/Users can use Wallet Cash during checkout and money will be deducted from their Wallet Cash. Customers/Users can easily add cash to their wallets.
Also, Admin can also add cash to the Customer/User Wallet by refunding the product. Both Admin and Customer/User can view the transaction details.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
- Indeed Well integrated with CS-Cart, CS-Cart Multivendor, and CS-Cart Multivendor Ultimate.
- Admin can refund cash to customer wallet. The refund cash will be added into the individual wallet.
- In addition, Customer/User can recharge their wallet anytime.
- Admin can set minimum and maximum limits for Refund, Wallet Recharge, and transfer limits.
- Support online and offline Payment Methods for recharge.
- Moreover, For every wallet transaction, individual users will be notified via mail.
- Also, Admin Can check all User’s Wallet transaction details.
- Customers/User can also Check their transaction details.
- Also, Customer/User can use their Wallet Cash as payment for buying any product.
- Customers/Users can also check the current amount in Wallet.
- Besides this Interactive interface for both Admin and User/Customer.
- Customers/Users can transfer and redeem earned points in their wallet account.
Updated Features 4.0
- Wallet System supports cash transfer facility via mail address of registered store users.
- A separate tab has been provided to Admin to track the details of credit, debit, and the current amount of wallet of the individual users.
- Supports wallet partial refund where admin has the option of partial refund via wallet depending on the necessity.
- Supports partial payment option at checkout which allows the buyer to pay a certain order amount via wallet and the rest by other payment gateways.
- Compatible with CS-Cart RMA product refund.
Updated Features 4.1
- Manually credit/debit of wallet by admin at the backend.
- The functionality of the cashback/discount option is provided for newly registered user.
- Support CS-Cart promotion functionality.
Version 4.4 Updates
- Compatibility with Paypal added.
- Minor bug fixes were done.
Updates of Version 4.8
- Admin can send monthly reports to each Customer.
- Admin can set which payment method wallet Rechange done.
- Admin can set which UserGroup wallet can be used.
- Now, Admin and Customer can view separate transactions.
- Now Transfer Money from one account to another is more secure using the OTP feature.
Updates of Version 4.10
- Admin can add a reward feature for customers/users.
- Customers/Users can transfer and redeem earned points in their wallet account.
Updated Version 5.0
- Users can transfer the wallet amount into the bank.
- Customers/Users can add their Bank accounts.
- Users can check all the Bank accounts added.
- Admin can add an offer to a particular product.
How do upload and install
- When you’ll download the CS-cart Wallet System you’ll get the zip file of the installer, a pdf, and an install.txt file. Read the pdf carefully for further configuration. Go to “Manage add-ons”, and by clicking on the settings icon you can be able to manually install the zip file as shown.
Click on “Local” to browse the zip file and then click on “Upload & Install” as shown below in the snapshot.
Please Note: In order to make the add-on compatible with Paypal payment, please copy the paypal.php file to the path app/payments of your root directory manually.
You can get this paypal.php file in a folder viz; Paypal-payment-cs-cart-(version)* by extracting the installer zip file (corresponding to your CS-Cart edition).
Activate Add-on
Click on “settings” to Enable, Disable, Install or Refresh the wallet.6
Once the plugin gets installed admin needs to do some wallet settings from the setting tab.
General Settings
Click to enable the cashback/discount option for newly registered users. Set the cashback amount as shown below.
Wallet Recharge Configuration
Here, the admin needs to set the minimum and maximum amount of recharge that needs to be done to avail the wallet facility for the customers who are purchasing from the store.
Wallet Money Transfer
Here, the admin needs to select the cash transfer option and set the limit for the fund transfer.
When the customer will transfer the amount an OTP will send it to their mail and once they enter that amount will transfer to the wallet.
Note: Only four-digit OTP can be shared in the plugin that is valid for 5min only.
Customer end –
Once the user will receive the OTP they will enter it here and proceed with the transfer.
Wallet Refund Configuration
Here admin needs to set the minimum and maximum amount of refund to the customers. This amount will be applicable to all the customers purchasing from the admin store.
Note: The shipping cost is not refundable.
Payment Restrictions
Admin can restrict the payment type as PayU money, credit card, and phone ordering or available option.
Reward Points
Here admin needs to set the minimum and maximum Points of reward to the customers and set the commission value.
This reward point will be applicable for any product or category selected by admin store.
Reward Points Configuration from Backend-
Admin can add reward point feature in Product page under in Add/edit category and product.
Here admin can enable to allow payment by point and then admin set earned reward point in per product or category for customer/users.
Wallet UserGroup.
The admin can enable the user groups for the customers to use the wallet system.
Send Report Configuration
The admin can set the report type as both, credit and debit separately along with the report period as monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly.
Transfer Wallet to Bank
The admin can enable the transfer to the wallet and set the minimum and maximum amount that can transfer from the wallet to the bank, and also manage for which kind of customer it can work.
Maintaining the Wallet System from the Backend
Go to “marketing” and click on “wallet system” to view and manage it
Here admin can view the details of transactions which include credit, debit and transfer amount details.
Admin can also view the transaction details of individual users, on the basis of credit type and period
List of Wallet users as shown in the snapshot below-
Enter the amount to be Credit/Debited and select the customers of the site. Select the option of transaction and click on “credit” to proceed.
Under the “Wallet System,” there is an option for “Wallet to Bank Transfer”
Here the admin can view the details of the bank which are added for the wallet transfer to the bank and includes Request Id, User Id, Amount, IFSC Code, Account Number, Bank Holder Name, Bank Name, Transaction Id, Image and Status.
For promotion, Click on “Marketing” and click on “Promotions” then add a new promotion, in the bonus tab and create a bonus.
Select “Wallet Cash Back”, and set the bonus based on a percentage or a fixed amount. Enter the amount as shown below.
If the customer add any kind of offer it will reflect like this on the frontend-
Adding Wallet option from Backend-
To add the Wallet option at the Front end admin needs to add a block of Wallet in the layouts settings of the checkout page then the Wallet option will be available, as shown in the below snapshots-
Now from the Header section you need to add a block as shown in the below snapshots –
After Clicking on Add Blockoption you need to click on Create New Block option –
Enter the “Name” and select the “Template” –
Front-End View
Adding Wallet Cash
To add the amount to the wallet customers need to log in from their individual accounts. Then click on my wallet as shown below.

To recharge the wallet customers need to select other payment options provided by the admin. He can not recharge his wallet via the wallet payment method.

Click “Order Details” to view the details of Wallet Recharge
Invoice of wallet recharge.
View Of Wallet Transaction
Click on “Wallet Transaction” to view the list of transactions done by the wallet.

Here you can check the “Wallet Transaction”-
Using Wallet To Transfer Amount
Click on “Wallet Money Transfer” to transfer the amount to the registered user’s wallet account

Type down the email id of the registered user and the amount to be transferred

Frontend View of Transfer wallet cast to the bank
The customer can transfer wallet cash to the bank-
Here the customer needs to enter select the bank to which the customer wants to transfer the amount as shown below snapshot-
Frontend View of Add Bank
From here customers can add bank details that include IFSC Code, Account Number, Account Holder Name and Bank Name.
Frontend View of Bank Accounts
By clicking on the “Bank Account” option customer/user can view the number of bank accounts added to the panel-
Customers can view and also edit or remove the bank account accordingly.
Frontend View of Reward Points Features
To Transfer the Reward points to the wallet customers need to log in from their individual accounts. Then click on My points as shown below.
After Clicking on my points, the reward points log will open and here user/customer have an option to transfer to the wallet.
Here customer needs to enter the points he wants to transfer from the available balance. Just enter the amount and click on “Transfer”. For a better understanding please view the snapshot.
Frontend View of Checkout Page
Use Wallet for the payment as mentioned below in the snapshot
Click on “Submit My Order” to complete the checkout as shown below in the snapshot
Once the order is successfully placed a confirmation of it is shown on screen. Click on “Order Details” to view the invoice of the order
View of Order Details
View Of Partial Payment

Add product to the cart
Click on the “Checkout” option
First, select a payment option other than Wallet before going for partial payment through Wallet. Once done you can view the remaining balance which can be paid via selected other payment option
Choose any of the payment methods for the leftover amount.
View of successful order completion
View of the order detail page.
NOTE: Explore cs-cart payment methods like CS-Cart Mangopay Payment Gateway, and Cs-Cart Braintree Payment Gateway.
That’s all for the CS-Cart Wallet System still, have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better http://webkul.com/ticket/index.php.
Besides this, you can explore our cs-cart Development Services and Quality cs-cart add-ons.
Current Product Version - 5.0
Supported Framework Version - (4.13.x - 4.18.x)