CS-Cart Payment Method Restriction: This splendid extension will help users to restrict payment methods available to customers based on Products, Categories, and Gift Certificates. This extension works by excluding selected payment options for customers on products during the checkout process. Therefore it will help users to create very flexible payment method rules by restricting access to payment methods for customers in certain situations.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
CS-Cart Payment Method Restriction Features
- Indeed Well integrated with CS-Cart ,CS-Cart Multivendor, CS-Cart Multivendor Plus, CS-Cart Multivendor Ultimate.
- Functionality to restrict payment options based on products.
- Moreover Easy to configure and use via admin end.
- Option to view the restrictions on cart and checkout page.
- Admin and vendor both can manage the functionality of payment restriction.
- The functionality of payment restriction on the category.
- In addition functionality to restrict payment options based on categories and gift certificates.
CS-Cart Payment Method Restriction
- After downloading the CS-Cart Payment Method Restriction, you’ll get one zip file, unzip and use it.
After unzip you will get the pdf file, read it carefully and follow it.Firstly Click on “+” to upload and install the file. For better understanding please view the snapshot below.
After installation of the add-on, you will find the “Payment Method restriction”add-on in the list of the available add-on. Make sure, the add-on is activated as shown in the below snapshot.
Admin Backend Configuration
Firstly Click on the products, scroll down and click on “Product” to manage the payment restrictions based on a product.
Go to edit option of any product for which admin wants to restrict payment option as shown below in the snapshot-
Click on Payment Method Restriction tab, here admin can view the list of payment methods. Click on the payment methods that you want to restrict, save and close as shown in the below snapshot –
** NOTE: The backend view of both admin and vendor are same. The individual vendor can restrict the payment method of their products.
Follow the below-mentioned steps to restrict payment by categories:
- Firstly Go to Products -> Categories.
- Select the desired category for which you want to restrict the payment method.
- Click on Payment Method Restriction tab on the category edit page.
- Select the desired payment method that you want to restrict.
- Finally Click the box provided for restricting chosen payment method for all the subcategory as shown below in the snapshot.
Follow the below-mentioned steps to restrict payment by Gift Certificates:
- Go to Add-on -> Manage Add-on.
- Search for “Payment Method Restriction” Add-on.
- Open Add-on setting.
- Select the desired payment method that you want to restrict.
- Click on save tab to save your changes as shown below in the snapshot.
This snapshot displays the payment methods that are restricted for a product at cart page.
View of Check out page. The payment restriction will be applicable for orders that consist of at least one product which holds this functionality.
NOTE : You can explore Cs-cart payment methods .
That’s all for the CS-Cart Payment Restriction still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the product better http://webkul.com/ticket/index.php.
Besides this you can explore our cs-cart Development Services and Quality cs-cart add-ons
Current Product Version - 2.2
Supported Framework Version - 4.18
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