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CS-Cart Follow Vendor And Category

Updated 8 October 2024


For the positive growth of a business, all the customers should depend directly and indirectly on goods and vendors. There should be a good relationship between customer and vendor. A vendor also needs to be loyal to the customers to maintain their relationship strong. A positive customer-vendor relationship begins with the initiative of the vendor, where vendors understand customer requirements and serve them according to it. Due to this relationship, a customer always follows a vendor in order to get new updates. To allow a customer to follow a vendor and category, “CS-Cart Follow Vendor And Category” add-on is developed.

Follow Vendor And Category add-on is used to make a customer follow a “Vendor” and “Category”. When a customer follows a “Vendor”, then he will get daily update about the vendor’s products like an update for a “New product created” and when an old product is “Back In Stock”. When a customer follows a “Category”, then he will get daily update about the products in a category like an update for a “New product created” of a category and when an old product is “Back In Stock” of a category.

This add-on shows “Follow Vendor” and “Follow Category” at product detail page, vendor page, and category page. A customer can follow and unfollow a category and vendor to get the daily updates.

Check a brief overview of the plugin –


CS-Cart Follow Vendor And Category Features:

  • A user can enable either “Follow Vendor” or “Follow Category” and you can enable both.
  • Send email notifications to vendor followers for the events: “Product Created” and “Back In Stock”.
  • Send email notifications to category followers for the events: “Product Created” and “Back In stock”.
  • An admin uses cron URL to hit emails automatically after an update.
  • Admin can control which customer can follow vendors and categories on the basis of the user group.
  • Allow the vendor to see their followers.
  • An admin can unfollow vendor followers and category followers from the backend.
  • A vendor can unfollow only their vendor followers, not category followers.
  • It allows a customer to see the number of followers of the vendor and category.
  • Supports multiple languages.
  • Allow Guest customers to follow vendor and category through his email Id.
  • A customer can manage their followers through his profile.

NoteSending an email notification to the number of customers takes much time, it makes an admin to affect other activities. For this purpose, you might come across the need to create a scheduled task for your site for sending an email notification to the customers. You can use cron URL so that email will hit after any update.

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Flow Of Installation And Configuration:

When you’ll download the “CS-Cart Follow Vendor And Category”, you’ll get one zip files and the install.txt file. Read it carefully and follow it. After that install the zip file.

add-on settings

After installation of the add-on, configure the settings of the add-on.

1.General settings: Configure the general settings of the add-on as given below:

general settings

2. Permission settings: Now configure the settings under “Permission settings” tab as given below and click Save.

permission settings

follow vendor settings

After configuring the settings of this add-on, “Follow Category” will be displayed at category page:

follow category at category page

View of “Follow Vendor” at the Vendor’s page. A User can also unfollow the vendors from here.

follow vendor at vendor page

View of “Follow Vendor” and “Follow Category” at the product detail page. A User can also unfollow vendor and category from here.

product detail page

Once an admin disabled “View Total Follower” from the backend, then a customer will not able to see the number of “vendor follower” and “category follower”.

view of follower

A customer can also follow vendors through the vendor profile page. Here a customer can view all the details about the vendor and his products.

vendor profile page view

This application allows Guest and Registered customers to follow vendor and category. When a guest customer wants to get daily updates about a product of vendor and category, he just needs to enter email Id to get notifications.

guest follow

A Registered customer can view his followers through his profile. He can view the complete list of vendors and categories that he is following.

customer follower

list of follower

A Vendor can view all his followers and can unfollow any customer from the backend.

vendor backend

Once a customer has followed a category, an admin can view the list of all the follower of a category. Only an admin is able to unfollow a category follower.

follower at vendor backend


That’s all for the CS-Cart Follow Vendor And Category, Still, have an issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the add-on better

Please explore our cs-cart Development Services and Quality cs-cart add-ons

Current Product Version - 1.1

Supported Framework Version - 4.18

Blog Version - 4.18
  • Version CS-Cart MultiVendor(4.13.x - 4.18.x)
  • Version 4.18
. . .

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