Apex provides a complete set of features for building business applications – including data models and objects to manage data, a workflow engine for managing collaboration of that data between users, a user interface model to handle forms and other interactions, and a SOAP API for programmatic access and integration.
Apex Code extends the powerful and proven success of the Force.com platform by introducing the ability to write code that runs on salesforce.com servers. The language enables a new class of applications and features to be developed and deployed entirely on demand. These applications make existing Force.com apps “smarter” by providing the ability to capture business logic and rules – such as data validation – and make entirely new kinds of apps possible on demand – such as complex inventory checking and order fulfillment.
Please Check the Some Basic Example on Apex given Below.
1. For Display the Simple Text and Integer
Integer A = 123; String B = 'Salesforce'; System.debug('Value is =' + A); System.debug('String is =' + B);
Output Value is =123 String is =Salesforce
2. Check whether the no is even or not
Integer n= 3; Integer r; r = System.Math.mod(n, 2); if(r == 0) { System.debug('The no is Even'); } else { System.debug('The no is odd'); }
Output The no is odd
3.To find the Biggest 3 no.
integer x=1, y=-66, z=44; if (x > y) { if(x > z) { System.debug(x+ ' x is the Big'); } else { System.debug(z+ ' z is the big'); } } else { if(y > z) { System.debug(y+ ' y is the big'); } else { System.debug(z+ ' z is the big'); } }
Output 44 z is the big
4.While Loop Example
Integer deptt = 1; while (Deptt < = 10) { System.debug('Salesforce'); Deptt = Deptt + 1; }
Output Salesforce Salesforce Salesforce Salesforce Salesforce Salesforce Salesforce Salesforce Salesforce Salesforce
5.Example of For Loop
for(Integer J=0; J<=5; J++) { System.debug('Webkul SalesForce Department'); }
Output Webkul SalesForce Department Webkul SalesForce Department Webkul SalesForce Department Webkul SalesForce Department Webkul SalesForce Department Webkul SalesForce Department
6. Example of array
integer[] a = new integer[4]; a[0] = 10; a[1] = 20; System.debug(a[0]);
Output 10
7.Assing 10 elements and print Reverse order
integer[] a = new integer[10]; for(integer i=0; i<10; i++) a[i] = i * 10; for(integer i=0; i<10; i++) System.debug(a[i]); System.debug('Array Elements Reverse Order'); for(integer i = a.size()-1; i>=0; i--) System.debug(a[i]);
Output 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Array Elements Reverse Order 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
8. String Array Example
integer[] a = new integer[] {10, 20, 30}; string [] s = new string[] {'salesforce', 'Visualforse', 'cloud computing'}; for(integer i=0; i<a.size(); i++) System.debug( a[i] +' ' + s[i] );
Output 10 salesforce 20 Visualforse 30 cloud computing
9. To find biggest element in array
integer [] a = new integer[] {100, -20, 30}; for(integer i=0; i<a.size()-1; i++){ if( a[i] > a[i+1]){ integer temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[i+1]; a[i+1] = temp; } } System.debug('The biggest elememnt is - ' + a[a.size()-1]);
Output The biggest elememnt is - 100
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