After making the Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Marketplace extension in Magento. Webkul is getting a lot of requests on How to Build an Online Marketplace like Amazon in Magento 2?
To fulfill the demand, we build and customize our marketplace extensions according to the requirement of our customers as an amazon clone.
Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Marketplace by Webkul is an excellent choice to go with to convert your Magento 2 store to a Multi-Vendor store.
Sharing a few features which are offered by webkul’s Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Marketplace extension-
For Store Owner
- The marketplace plugin can be easily enabled and disabled by the store owner.
- This module features an appealing interface for managing products, sellers, and commissions.
- The Seller profile page settings can be managed by the store owner.
- The seller can be assigned to a category and subcategory by the admin.
- A seller-requested product can also be seen, approved, disapproved, updated, denied, and deleted by the admin.
For Marketplace Sellers
- The seller can add a company logo and seller collection page with the company banner.
- The vendor has the option to remove his logo and banner from his profile.
- Vendors have direct access to their customer grid, reviews, and activity.
- Social networking icons can also be added to a seller’s profile page.
- The vendor/seller shop URL is checked using Ajax.
- Customers can contact vendors using a captcha security mechanism provided by the module. Customers can leave feedback.
- When the order has been approved by the admin, the seller can manage it from the front end.
- The minimum order amount can be set by the vendor.
- On the customer order view page, there is a link to the seller’s profile for each item.
- In addition, the vendor can utilize Google Analytics to evaluate data from the website.
For Customers
- The customers will shop from the wide range of product alternatives available to them.
- The customers may also search for sellers by store name on the seller list page.
- Also, the customers can compare items based on price, vendor rating, and location.
- The customers can also leave product reviews and ratings.
- The customers may also check the seller’s rating.
- There are no restrictions for the customer to checkout with multiple seller’s products.
Now let’s talk about modules that help you to make your Magento 2 store, same as Amazon Store.
Frequently Bought Together Module for Marketplace like Amazon in Magento 2
The admin can now add a Frequently bought together section in their Magento 2 store, which helps the customers find products that they can buy with the primary product.

The customer can just checkmark the products which will be further added to the desired products in the cart.

To add frequently bought products to the product page in Magento 2, we have created a module known as Frequently Bought Products for Magento 2. With the help of this module, the admin can add frequently bought products to the product page.
Wants to add a Pre-Ordering feature to make Marketplace like Amazon in Magento 2? Try Magento 2 Pre Order.
When you’re looking for a way to predict demand for items that aren’t yet available or haven’t been published in the store, this would be the solution for you. The Pre-Order module for Magento 2 is of that kind solution.

The Magento 2 Pre-order extension allows a consumer or a guest user to make an order for any product that the admin has available for presale.

It enables customers to place pre-orders for goods that are not in the stock of our online shop.
Page Personalization
Now, we can also provide a Personalized product page to our customers same like Amazon.

Here, we have something more interesting which helps you to personalize the products for the customer. With the help of the Amazon Personalize for Magento 2 module.

The admin can personalize the product pages for the customer.
Deals Alert
The admin can now feature the deals collection separately in their Magento 2 store under a Deals Collection section same as Amazon Store.

Sellers can use this feature to provide deals alert feature for their customers, leading to the surplus sale in their store.

Marketplace Daily Deals For Magento 2 modules helps us to add deals alert feature to our Magento 2 store same like amazon store.
Return Management Authorization for Marketplace like Amazon in Magento 2
A return merchandise authorization, also known as a return authorization, return goods authorization, or return merchandise authorization, is a step in the process of returning a product for a refund, replacement, or repair while it is still under warranty.

Both parties have the option of dealing with it in one of three ways: refund, replacement, or as well as repair.

Marketplace RMA System for Magento 2 –The Marketplace RMA System for Magento 2 extension is a fantastic module that makes it easy for buyers and sellers to exchange products and orders.
Furthermore, the Marketplace RMA System for Magento2 module allows purchasers to submit RMA requests for sellers’/vendors’ products and handle them properly.
Product Video
Like the Amazon store, we can now upload product videos directly to our product page in our Magento 2 store.

However, there is no need to use any URL or third-party service, now you can upload videos directly from your local server.

Furthermore, Video Player Extension For Magento 2 helps you upload multiple videos of your product directly in your Magento 2 store. With the product video, the admins now have better customer reach.
Buy Now Button
With the help of the Buy Now Button for Magento 2, we can add Buy Now button to our product page in Magento 2 store.

Buy Button on the product page helps to redirect the customer directly to the checkout page.

Now customers can click on the buy button and will be redirected to the checkout page instantly.
Customer’s Q&A
Same as the Q&A option in Amazon, now we can also add the Question and Answer column in our Magento 2 Store using Product Questions Answers for Magento 2 module.

However, It helps the seller to resolve the query of the customers within the product page. Moreover, it helps to convert customers into potential customers.

With the use of this module, customers may ask the store owner or as well as administrator, questions about the product. Customers can even like or dislike the answer provided by the owner.
Multi Steps Checkout
The admin can create their own customized checkout options same as in the amazon store by using Multi Steps Checkout for Magento 2 module.

Multiple steps checkout helps to make checkout steps in more detail.

With the help of the Multi Steps Checkout for Magento 2 module, we can create our own customized multiple checkout steps for our Magento 2 store.
Seller Price Comparison
Customers always want to compare the prices of the product offered by different sellers to buy products at lower rates.

Seller Price Comparison keeps the competition between the sellers to offer a great products at reasonable rates.

Here we have Marketplace Seller Price Comparison for Magento 2 module, which enables the admin to add the feature of seller price comparison in their Magento 2 store.
Product Pickup Locator
Now, we can use the same Pickup location feature in our Magento 2 store same as Amazon Store.

Sellers can add as many stores as they want to add.

However, by using Marketplace Seller Store Pickup For Magento 2 module, the seller can add different physical stores and closing and opening timings of the store.
Spin to Win
Providing Spin to win feature which consists of exciting offers to attract the buyers.

Adding games to your store helps to connect more customers.

By using the Spin To Win for Magento 2 module we can add a gaming feature to our customers offering them discounts and as well prizes, same as in the Amazon store.
Free Shipping
Here, we can provide the feature of free shipping same as in Amazon Store.

Offering free shipping to your customers helps to generate more sales.

Magento 2 Free Shipping Marketplace Add-on helps you to provide a free shipping method.
Multi-Shipping Options
Now, we are able to provide Multi-Shipping Options in our Magento 2 store as well.

Here, we can offer Multi-Shipping Options to the customers which they choose as per the need.

Using Multiple Shipping Methods for Magento 2 module, the admin can create multiple delivery options in the Magento 2 store.
Now we can provide a Wallet feature to our customers where they can add payment methods and add cash to their wallets.

The wallet function for eCommerce websites protects merchants against fraud. Furthermore, Wallet transactions ensure that the consumer is authentic and that payment is made at the time of purchase.

Magento 2 Wallet Extension helps you to add a feature of your wallet for the customers in your Magento 2 store.
Amazon S3 Extension for Magento 2 for Marketplace like Amazon in Magento 2
This module support media files (like product images, media in the product description and short description, etc.) for all types of products.

By using Amazon S3 Extension for Magento 2, the admin can upload product media files from their local disk to the Amazon S3 server.
No Contact Delivery for Magento 2 module for Marketplace like Amazon in Magento 2
Nowadays, Amazon and other E-Commerce stores are providing No Contact Delivery services to their customer for their product delivery due to increased cases of Covid-19 all around the world.

With the help of the No Contact Delivery for Magento 2 module, the admin can provide contactless delivery of the product to their customer also the admin can Enable/Disable the feature for particular products as well.
Lookbook is a collection of products featured together within a picture using product pins. It helps to display products together with a price tag on them.

By purchasing a single lookbook product, the client may check out and purchase the entire look. However, the customer may use widgets to show the lookbook product on the home page and other CMS pages.

By using Lookbook for Magento 2, the store owner can build lookbook items and assign product pins to them in order to display a collection of related products on the storefront.
Shopping Lists
Now the customer can create their shopping list in Magento 2 store as well same as in Amazon Store.

The client will need a well-maintained and as well as specified product list to move forward with an accurate and exact purchasing experience.

Customers may add goods to their shopping lists using the Shopping list for Magento 2 module.
Furthermore, the goods are available for purchase straight from the shopping list page.
Live Streaming

There are several advantages of live streaming. For starters, allowing remote attendees to join in-person events is a wonderful way to expand your company’s or organization’s reach.
By using the Live Stream Module for Magento 2 module, the admin can connect the live stream system to the Webstore for product marketing purposes.
The admin can give the stream a title, description, scheduling date, thumbnail, merchandise, and assign any influencer to it.
Two-Step Verification
Two-Step Verification helps you to add another layer of protection for your customers while login. It helps to maintain the privacy of your customer more secure.

However, existing customers will confirm their identity by using the one-time password (OTP) provided to their phone number when logging in to their account.

Two Factor Authentication for Magento module, allows the admin to add Two-Step Verification in their Magento 2 store.
Wish Lists
Wishlist in Magento 2 Store helps the admin to reduce the chance of lost customers as now customers can add products to the wishlist and can do checkout when they feel convenient.
Above all Items that are often stored in wishlists are more likely to generate sales.

Customers may share their wishlists with friends and as well as family via email.

Customers may save products in multiple wishlists for later purchase using the Magento 2 Multiple Wishlist Extension module.
Seller Product Page
The Seller Product Page helps the customer to access all the products available in the store by a particular seller.

Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Marketplace module allows the owner to add a separate seller page feature in their store. The sellers can add banners and other store details to it.
Furthermore, the customer can access all the products offered by the seller within a single page.
Split Cart
Likewise, to the Amazon store, Split Cart enables the customer to check out at multiple addresses from the same cart.

Here, we can checkout with multiple seller products separately.

By using Marketplace Split Cart For Magento 2 module, the customer can do multiple checkouts.
Split Order
Here we have an option to add split order feature to our Magento 2 store by which customers can do a checkout with multiple seller products.

Most importantly, different order ids will be assigned to the customer. For each order id for various vendors, the admin may create a separate invoice and shipping.

By using Magento 2 Split Order Marketplace Add-On, the customer checkout with multiple seller products, and multiple order ids will be created.
In conclusion, hope you like the glimpse of our module, we have a lot more to offer. Furthermore, if you are looking for the customization of the MarketPlace module or trying to clone your Magento 2 store like eBay or Amazon, connect with us now!
Facing any issue! feel free to add a ticket at webkul.uvdesk.com
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