Akeneo DigitalOcean Integration integrates the Akeneo PIM platform with DigitalOcean cloud hosting services. You can connect your Akeneo platform with Digitalocean Cloud Storage for storing your catalog data.
You can provide your Digitalocean credentials in Akeneo Settings panel then do the integration easily then all the Akeneo product files and images will now be saved on the Digitalocean bucket.
Basic Requirements:
- This module works with Akeneo 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.2.x and 4.0.x. Download Akeneo from here
- Node and Yarn packages need to be installed.
- This module is compatible with the Akeneo community and Enterprise(Flexibility) edition.
- If you want to use this extension on Akeneo EE Serenity mode, please contact us.
- For the Akeneo installation, your Akeneo server should meet these system requirements.
- Integrate Akeneo catalog storage to use DigitalOcean storage instead of File storage
- Integrate Akeneo and store the file and images.
- Generate the URL of the product images and files.
- The perfix can be according to you for catalog storage.
- This module is compatible with the latest Akeneo version 4.0.x.
- Added digital ocean visibility icon and message according to the digital ocean visibility.
- Change visibility option on media view.
- Visibility will change private or public.
Setup Credentials In DigitalOcean Storage
Follow the below steps to create DigitalOcean integration credentials to be used in Akeneo
- Goto, then click on the sign in to the console.

After it, you will get two option Sign in and Create a new account. With the help of Google or GitHub, you can easily make your account.

Now, your server will look like this. You have to click on the virtual machines.

To add new virtual machine click on the Create a virtual machine button.

Here in the project details option, you can select your subscription plan, resource group. And in the Instance details option, you have to enter the virtual machine name then select the Availability options. After filling all the options then click on the Disks option.

In the disk option you have to select the OS disk type then encryption type. Then click on the Networking option.

In the network option you have to fill all the options according to your network type, then click on the Management option.

In Management, you can select your subscription plan then fill the options.
Then click on the Advanced option.

Select the extensions, enter the cloud init and host then click on the Tags option.

In the Tags, you will enter the name, value then select the resource of the server.

Now, click on the Review option then you can view your Access Key ID and Secret access key has been generated.
Module Installation for Version 4.0.x
1- Composer Installation
2- Manual Installation
Please follow these steps for installing Akeneo DigitalOcean Storage Connector in your Akeneo PIM platform.
Unzip the respective extension zip then merge the “src” folder into akeneo project root directory.

Goto config/Bundles.php then add line:
new Webkul\DigitalOceanBundle\DigitalOceanBundle(),

in return array.
Copy the “config” folder into Akeneo project root directory for routing.

Run this command after ssh to your Akeneo server by the terminal.
php bin/console cache:clear--env=prod;
rm -rf ./var/cache/** && php bin/console digitalocean:setup:install
Installing Module for Version 2.x to 3.x:
Please follow these steps for installing Akeneo Akeneo DigitalOcean Storage Connector in your Akeneo PIM platform.
- Unzip the respective extension zip then merge the “src” folder into akeneo project root directory.

Goto app/AppKernel.php and add the following line in function registerProjectBundles()
new Webkul\DigitalOceanBundle\DigitalOceanBundle(),

In the app/config/config.yml and add these lines after imports.

- { resource: "@DigitalOceanBundle/Resources/config/config.yml" }
Goto app/config/routing.yml and add these lines at top of the file
digitalocean: resource: "@DigitalOceanBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /

Run this command after ssh to your Akeneo server by the terminal.
php bin/console cache:clear--env=prod;
rm -rf ./var/cache/** && php bin/console digitalocean:setup:install
Migrate your Existing Akeneo data to digital ocean Storage
After installing this Bundle, add settings in the DigitalOcean tab and product data like image and files will be saved to digital ocean bucket.
If you have already existing product media data then run the following command from the terminal to move files to DigitalOcean Integration.
php bin/console ca:cl --env=prod && php bin/console digitalocean:move_existing_files
After running this command, you need answer of few question on terminal it self.
1- Please enter your Akeneo login username.

2- Delete media from file system after moving it to Digital-Ocean?

3- Media visbility switch to public ?

And if you are using Akeneo Enterprise Edition and want to export all your product assets to the digital ocean then run this command.
php bin/console ca:cl --env=prod && php bin/console digitalocean:send_existing_asset_files
Setup Credential in Akeneo
After successfully installing the module in Akeneo, you need to set up the Akeneo DigitalOcean Storage Connector API credentials in Akeneo. Then, please log in to Akeneo and follow DigitalOcean Storage Connector. In the Region, you have to add the region of your store. You have to enter the value like –
- Region
- Key ID
- Secret key
- Bucket name
- Catalog Storage Prefix
- DAM Asset Storage Prefix

Creating a Product in Akeneo
To create a product in Akeneo, navigate to Products, and click the Create button. Now, you need to choose the product type – as Product or Product Model.
Product – Select this type for creating simple and virtual products.
Product Model – Select this type for creating a configurable product with variations.

Now enter the required SKU, choose a family, and click the Save button.
Product Family – A family is a set of attributes that will be the same for all products belonging to a family. The product family represents product type, imposes product information structure, and defines the list of attributes for a product that it belongs to.

Add Product Details
Now you need to provide information about the product. First, select the Channel and Locale and then enter the details.

After it, you can change the product images and file visibility in Akeneo. For it, you have to click on the icon showing in the image below. After clicking on it, you will get the notification Visibility Change to public Successfully or Visibility Change to private Successfully.
If you enable the visibility you can see the product asset in the browser with asset URL.

After clicking on the icon showing in the below image, you will get a link for the image at Digital Ocean connector. You can also save the files on the server.

After clicking on the icon, you will get the link of product asset at Digital Ocean Server.

Product in Digital Ocean Storage
After that, you can find the product images and files in the Digital Ocean Storage and you can also use this link for other product creation. You can download the product and files and it is looking like it in Digital Ocean Storage connector.

So, that was much about the User Guide of DigitalOcean Integration for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
Please explore our Akeneo Development Services and Quality Akeneo Extensions.
Current Product Version - 1.0.0
Supported Framework Version - Akeneo, 4.0.x
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