Magento 2 RMA plugin allows to manage customers requests related to product returns, refunds, exchanges, and order cancellations.
Return Merchandise Authorization is the process of returning a product to receive a refund, replacement, or repair during the stipulated time period.
With the help of the Adobe Commerce Cloud Product Return RMA extension, even guest users can create an RMA request.
Check the overview of Magento 2 RMA extension in the video below –
Features of Product Return RMA
- Send and receive file attachments with the messages.
- Create customizable fields for the RMA Request Form.
- Guest Customers can generate RMA too.
- Buyer and Admin can communicate using the RMA system.
- The admin can create the RMA on behalf of the customer.
- RMA History with Filters and Pagination.
- Show the Return Policy Page to customers.
- Dynamic order selection with various options.
- Print RMA details and shipping labels easily.
- The customer can also enter the consignment number and upload images after RMA generation.
- The admin can manage RMA status as well as Reasons.
- The customer and the admin receive notification emails.
- The admin can set the RMA YES/No on a particular product.
- Using Return Quantity, the admin will return the RMA quantity to their store.
- The admin can select the allowed product types for RMA.
- The admin can restrict any required category for the RMA generation.
- Admin can update RMA status product-wise with a comment.
- RMA can be assigned to the RMA Manager (Admin User).
- The RMA reasons will be based on resolution types.
- Custom RMA item status can be created.
- Now create RMA Rules with resolution time.
- RMA statuses will now be product-wise shown to the customer
- The return/Exchange window will be visible on the product page
- The return/Exchange window will be visible on the “New RMA” page while creating a new RMA
Installation of Product Return RMA
The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.
#1 Download Module
Firstly, you need to log in to the Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section, verify, and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.
#2 Upload Folder
Once the module zip is extracted, follow path src>app and then transfer the app folder into the Adobe Commerce Cloud root directory on the server as shown below:

#3 Run Commands
After uploading the module folder, you need to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
Multilingual Support
For multilingual support, the admin will navigate through Store > Configuration > General > Locale Options and select the locale as German.
(the language into which the admin wants to translate his store content).
Translation in Product Return RMA
If a user wants to translate their module from English to German then they need to follow the path
app/code/Webkul/Rmasystem/i18n in their unzipped Adobe Commerce RMA system folder and will get a CSV file with the name “en_US.csv”.
Now they will rename that CSV as “de_DE.csv” and translate all right side content after the comma in the German language.
After editing the CSV, save it and then upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/Rmasystem/i18n where they have installed Magento2 on the server.
The module will get translated into the German Language. It supports both RTL and LTR languages.
Configuration of Product Return RMA
After the successful installation of Magento 2 RMA module admin will be able to view the RMA system configuration setting under Store > Configuration > Webkul RMA.

Allowed Product Types for RMA – The admin can select product types for RMA. The customers can then create RMA requests only for selected product types.
Return Policy – Admin can easily set up terms and conditions for RMA requests and show them to customers/guests. Customers/guests will not be able to create a request without accepting the RMA policy.
Admin Name and email ID – The Admin can send or receive the notification message using this Email ID and name.
Enter Days – The admin can select or enter several days up to which the customer can request for RMA after placing the order.
If the number of days will exceed the order date to the RMA requesting date then the customer can not request the RMA of that order.
Select Allowed Order Status –
The customer can file RMA only for those statuses of the order that are selected by Admin.
If the admin selects “Complete” in “Select Allowed Order Status” then the customer can select only that item for RMA which is shipped from that order.
If the admin selects “All status” then the customer will able to register RMA with all statuses such as – processing, pending, complete, etc.
Allow New RMA Request For Cancelled Requests – If Yes is selected, the customer will be able to generate new RMA requests after canceling the previous one.
If No is selected, the customer will not be able to create a second RMA request for the same order after canceling the first one.
Allow New RMA Request For Declined Requests – If Yes is selected, the customer will be able to generate new RMA requests again even if the admin has declined the previous one.
If No is selected, the customer will not be able to generate another RMA request once it is declined by the admin.
New RMA Message to Customer – Enter the default message for the customer, when the RMA is generated successfully.
Allowed File Extension – If the customer wants to add an attachment then the allowed file extensions are jpg, jpeg, and pdf.
Allowed Payment Method For RMA – The admin will select the payment methods for which the customer can request RMA. Only the selected payment methods will be visible on the front end.
Category Restriction in Product Return RMA
Firstly go to Catalog > Categories.
Here, the admin can restrict the required categories for RMA generation. Henceforth, the customers won’t be able to process an RMA request for the purchased product lying in that category.
The admin can set the field Allowed for RMA generation as Yes or No.
Note: If a parent category is set as not Allowed for the RMA generation. As a result, its subcategory’s product will not be allowed for the RMA generation.
Product Return RMA System Management
Under the RMA System side panel menu option, the admin will find multiple sub-menu options for the RMA.
Create RMA
The admin on behalf of the customers can also create the RMA as required. To do so, tap the Create RMA option, and that brings up the list of complete orders.
For a particular order for which the admin needs to create the RMA, tap the drop-down icon on the right. This brings up the details of the products within the order.
Now, the admin will select the product for which the RMA needs to be generated.
Set the RMA quantity, choose the resolution type – Return or Exchange, and accordingly select the reason for the same.

After that, tap the Create RMA button to generate the RMA as required.
Manage All RMA
Now the admin can check the dashboard of the RMA with RMA analytics.

They can check the analytics on a daily, weekly, monthly, and other basis.

Manage Payment History
The admin can check the payment history of RMA requests.

Manage Reasons
Admin can manage RMA reasons under RMA System>Manage Reason.
The admin can see all the RMA reasons in the list and edit the existing RMA reasons. These RMA reasons will be displayed while creating an RMA request.

Admin can delete or change the status of the RMA Reasons.

After clicking on the edit/add RMA reason below page will open in which the admin can enter the RMA reason title, and status, position, applicable to and save it.

RMA reason based on the resolution type.
Manage Shipping Label
Admin can easily create shipping labels for new and existing orders under RMA Systems>Manage Shipping Label. Admin can delete the shipping labels or can change the status of the shipping label.

On clicking on Shipping Label, the admin can see the preview of that shipping label.

After clicking “Add New” a new page will open where Admin will enter the Title, label image, price, and status.

Manage RMA Custom Fields
The admin can create customizable fields for the Request New RMA form, please follow RMA System>Manage RMA Custom Fields.
Various types of fields can be created such as – radio button, checkbox, dropdown, text, text area, or multiple select.
The admin can show or hide the custom fields by changing the status to enabled/disabled from the Actions menu.
The RMA Custom Fields allow the admin to retrieve additional information from the customers.
Add New Field
To create a new field for the RMA Request Form, please click the ‘Add New Field‘ button. After that, the admin needs to provide the following information:
Field Label – Enter the name of the custom field that will appear on the front end.
Field Code – Give any code for the custom field, this will not appear on the frontend.
Type – The following types of fields are available:
- Text – A single-line input field for text.
- Text Area – A multiple-line input box for paragraphs of text.
- Dropdown – A drop-down list of options. Only one item can be selected at a time.
- Multiple Select – A drop-down list of options that accept multiple selections.
- Radio Button – A set of options that allows only one to be selected at a time.
- Check Box – A checkbox is a variation of a yes/no option. If the form has more than one checkbox, multiple selections can be made at the same time.
Input Validation for store owner – The Admin will set the Input Validation for store owner.
Sort Order – Set the sorting order of this field using 0,1,2,3 etc.
Value Required – Select Yes if you want to make this field the required field. The customer will not be able to submit the RMA request unless they fill in this field information.
Status – To show this custom field on the front end, select Yes. Otherwise, select No to hide this field.

RMA Status
The admin can create and manage RMA status here.

Click on Create or edit to add or edit RMA status. Enter the title, status, and color accordingly it will be visible to the customers.

RMA Rules
Now the admin can create the rules for the RMA request for the customers.

Click on add a new rule and create the rule for RMA.
Enter the title of the rule, description, status, and default option. The admin can also enter the resolution period time in days for return and exchange.
Create a New RMA Request
The customer can navigate the RMA section from My Account. Here the customer can create a new RMA by clicking the ‘Request New RMA‘ button.
The customer can also see all the RMA created and filter them using various options.
Cancel – If the customer wants to withdraw the RMA request, the customer can simply click the Cancel link and confirm. The RMA request will be canceled.
- First, select the order for which the RMA request needs to be created.
- Then, the customer needs to select the product(s) with Return Quantity.
- Select the Reason type and Reason for creating the RMA request.
Resolution Type –
- Refund: If the buyer is not satisfied with a product, a refund will be made here.
- Exchange: If a buyer needs to exchange an item for a different size, color, etc, the buyer can exchange that item through this resolution-type option.
- Cancel Items: If the order status is in pending status, the buyer can request an RMA to cancel the items ordered.
Note: The reason will be based on the resolution type for canceled items the reason will be too late delivery or too high price.
Customers can choose separate resolution types for each product with different reasons.
When clicking on the Create RMA it will open a pop-up where the customer needs to enter a few details.
Select Product Delivery Status as Delivered or Not Delivered. If the Delivered option is selected, the customer needs to choose the Package Condition as Open or Packed.
Additional Information – The customer can provide some additional information with the RMA request. The custom fields are also visible here.
Pickup Location – choose the pickup location in the city or outside the city.
Option to attach a file (Upload images) with the RMA request.
View RMA
After clicking on the view option below page will be open with that particular RMA. If RMA status is Processing or pending then there is an option for the customer to mark as solved.
If RMA status is solved then the customer can reopen that RMA.
Send Attachment – The customer can send and receive file attachments with the messages.
RMA History & Conversation – The customer can view the complete timeline related to the RMA request.
Customers can enter custom messages as well
Print Shipping Slip
The print Shipping Label button will be visible only after the admin approves the RMA request for exchange. The customer can then print the shipping label for returning the item.
After clicking the Print shipping label, the customer will be redirected to the print page.
Guest Login for RMA
Magento 2 order Return extension provides RMA for the guest user also. You just need to click the RMA Guest Login link in the footer section.
After clicking on this link you just need to enter their correct Order ID and Email.
Once the guest user enters the detail, they can click the ‘Request New RMA‘ button. The rest of the workflow is the same as for the registered customers.
So, if guest users want to check the status of the RMA, they can use the same email address and order ID to log in.
New RMA Request
The guest user needs to provide the following information and submit the RMA request.
After the generation of the New RMA, the Customer/Guest will receive an Email.
Manage All RMA Requests
The admin can view all RMA requests ( Registered Customer and Guest Users) under RMA System>Manage All RMA like the below image.
magento 2 rma request
Manage RMA
Product Return RMA: Admin can manage all RMA requests by navigating to RMA System>Manage All RMA>View.
After clicking on a particular RMA, the admin will be able to see the whole RMA details generated by the customer. Please view the below screenshot:
The admin can also assign the admin user or RMA Manager from the dropdown.
The store owner can add the comment for any individual product before proceeding with the RMA.
The admin will first select the refunded item. Then, select the Status as Refund Initiated, and select Payment Type as Full or Partial.
If Partial Payment is selected, the admin needs to enter the partial refund amount. Also, select the add to stock option to return the product back in stock.
Send Attachment – The admin can send and receive file attachments with the messages
Click the Update button to save the changes in the RMA request.
RMA Status
Product Return RMA: When the customer creates a new RMA request, its status will be pending.
After viewing the RMA requests, the admin can select the RMA status according to the resolution type selected by the customers.
When the customer selects the resolution type as Refund, the admin can select the following RMA status:
RMA Approved – If the admin has accepted the RMA request of the customer, the admin can change the status to RMA Approved.
Package Received – If the admin has received the product from the customer, the admin can change the status to Received Package.
Refund Initiated – When the admin releases the payment to the customer, the admin can use this status to inform the customer.
Declined – If the admin rejects the request submitted by the customer, the admin can select this status.
Solved – When the customer receives the refund, the admin can use this status.
Cancel Items
When the customer selects the resolution type as Cancel, the admin can select the following RMA status:
Declined – If the admin rejects the request submitted by the customer, the admin can select this status.
Item Canceled – If the admin accepts the RMA request of the customer for canceling the ordered items, it can use this status.
When the customer selects the resolution type as Exchange, the admin can select the following RMA status:
RMA Approved – If the admin accepts the RMA request of the customer, the admin can change the status to RMA Approved.
Package Received – If the admin has received the product from the customer, the admin can change the status to Received Package.
Package Dispatched – If the admin ships the new exchange product to the customer, the admin can use this status.
Declined – If the admin rejects the request submitted by the customer, the admin can select this status.
Solved – When the customer receives the exchanged product, the admin can use this status.
That’s all for the Magento 2 Return extension, If you still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 4.0.4-p1
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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