Stock Notifier app is to manage and restock a store with fresh stock or supplies along with notifying customers when the product is back in the stock.
This app enables the merchant to have clear data of all the products and product variants that need to be restocked.
Shopify Stock Notifier Features
- Set the minimum quantity of product
- Also, restock products with just a click
- Facilitates option of “Notify me” when products are Out of Stock
- Notifications and Communications on registered Email Id of Merchant
- Responsive Web Design
- Notification and Communication Via Email Id of customers
On Landing Page, you will find the “install” button. Enter the shop URL where you want to install the app.

After the installation, you need to buy the monthly plan available for this app. After the payment, the App will be listed in the apps section.
Further, clicking on the app you will be redirected to the Home Page of the app.

Further, you can configure the application settings as per the requirements.
- Setting up of the minimum product quantity
- Configuring the display options on the product description page, etc.

- Product Quantity: This app gives the merchant the control to set the minimum quantity of products as per the requirement after which the restocking needs to be done. If the product or any of its variants will be less than or equal to minimum set quantity, the product will reflect as the need to be restocked.
- Display Notify Me: Merchant can enable or disable the “Notify Me” button for out of stock products, enabling which, a notify me button will appear on the product description page for the customer to enter his email id to get the notification once the same product is restocked.
- Domain Name: Domain name needs to be entered.
- Business Email: Business Email Id on which all the communications and notifications regarding restocking and products will be sent.
- Email From: Email id from which the merchant wants to send the mail.
- Reply-To: Email address on which the merchant wishes to receive the email.
- Email From Name: Name of the Merchant who is sending the email.
- Regards From Name: Name from which the merchant wants a valediction or complimentary closing for an email.
- Shop Logo: Upload the Image /Logo of the shop/Store.
Restock Product
You can restock the product from this section of the App – Restock Product section shows the listing of all those products whose quantity or whose variant’s quantity has reached the minimum set limit of restocking.

Click on restock & fill the quantity to save the new stock value:

Once all the variants of a particular product have been restocked, the product will automatically get removed from the “restock products list” and will also get saved in the “restock product history”.
Restock Product History
Moreover, from here you can get the restocked history of a particular product selected along with its variants restocked history (Ref Image below).

Once you select a particular product and click on the Action button, you will be redirected to the page with the detailed restocked history of those products and their variants.

Display “Notify Me” Button
After enabling Display Notify Me button, a “Notify Me” button will appear on the Product Description Page for all those products which are out of stock (Ref. Screenshot below):

To get “Notify me- when in stock ” button displayed on the product description page for out of stock products, follow the below process:
Shopify Backend >> Online Store >> Themes >> Actions >> Edit Code

Select ‘product.liquid’ file from the Templates where you want to show the link >> Paste the code
<div class="wk_notify"></div>
Also, the “Notify Me” button will display on the product description page.

This is how the Stock Notifier app works.
Also, Click Here on Stock Notifier to get the app
Shopify Stock Notifier DEMO
Check the Demo of Stock Notifier App:-
Furthermore, for any kind of technical assistance, just raise a ticket at and for any doubt contact us at [email protected]
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