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Prestashop Reservation And Booking System {User-Guide}

Updated 26 September 2024

Prestashop Reservation And Booking System – “Online booking is trending’. 

An Online booking system allows you to receive bookings 24 hours a day; therefore, your booking service is always open. It gives your business a kickstart.

Using this module admin can make the PrestaShop store an online reservation and booking store for any kind of rental or hotel booking system. It gives your website awesome functionality.

Not only this module will allow your customers to book products online but it will also allow the admin to be able to add various benefits/ features/discounts/ impacts with the booking product.

Booking products can be made to be booked for a date range, time slot, or event.

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The exciting booking price rule functionality of this module can also make your reservation site unique and user-friendly.

Features of PrestaShop Reservation And Booking System

  • Support four booking product types: time slot, date range, event, and rental.
  • While adding date range and rental booking, set the minimum and maximum days for which products can be booked.
  • Display Google Maps on the booking product page.
  • For date range, time slot, and rental booking product type, disable bookings for special days i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed, etc and specific dates.
  • Add multiple time slots for different date ranges.
  • Set different price for different time slots.
  • Highlight dates in red color on which bookings are out-of-stock.
  • Set different time slots each day of the week.
  • For the event booking product type, set language, age group, category, and banner image.
  • Add multiple time slots for an event for specific date.
  • Show event booking product in a separate page on the store.
  • Display WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter icons on event booking page.
  • Show copy to clipboard link on event booking page.
  • Set how many hours before the customer can make bookings.
  • View available quantity, price, booked quantity, and status of a booking product for different time slots for a specific date and special days under the Availability & Rates tab.
  • Add, enable, disable, preview, edit, or delete booking product from a single grid.
  • Create multiple price rules and associate them with booking products.
  • Add price rule for date range or specific date.
  • The admin can also add price rule for special days in a specific date range.
  • Set impact of the price rule as increase price or decrease price.
  • Set the priority for price calculation that will be considered if a customer fits into multiple booking price rules.
  • Add, enable, disable, edit, or delete price rules from a single place.
  • Create orders for booking products on customer’s behalf from the back office.
  • Choose to consider ‘date to’ or ‘last date’ for price calculation while booking the product.
  • Show or hide booking price rules on product page.
  • Display booking products link in header navigation bar.
  • Show the price of a booking product before discount in strikethrough.
  • Choose to show Monday as first day of the week.

Customer End Features

  • Customers can view all the available booking products on a separate booking products page.
  • Customers can book a product on a product page using a calendar.
  • View related events on event booking page.
  • A customer can view booking information on order confirmation and details pages.
  • Certain filters like booking product type and date range provided to narrow down the booking product search.
  • Booking product information will also be mentioned in the invoice of the order.
  • A customer can add a booking product and a normal product in a single cart.


  1. PrestaShop Reservation And Booking System module is compatible with PrestaShop version 8.x.x and multi-store feature.
  2. In PrestaShop, the booking products (date range, time slot, event) are created as virtual product. Only rental type booking product is created as standard product and shipping will include for this product at checkout.

How to Install PrestaShop Reservation And Booking System

  • Firstly, go to the module manager in the back office and click on ‘upload a module’.
  • After that, drag and drop the module file or select the file from the system.
  • In this way, the module installation will be successful.

Prestashop Reservation And Booking System Configuration

After the successful installation of the module, admin needs to configure it.

General Settings


Consider price for ‘date to’

If enabled, then ‘Date To’ or ‘Last Date’ will be considered for calculating the price while booking a product.

For example, if a customer books a hotel room that costs $ 49 per day for the date range 6th September – 7th September.


If “Consider Price for Date To” is disabled the number of days would be 1(7th September not included).


Display regular price after discount to customers

If enabled, the customers can view the price of the product before the discount in strikethrough.


If the admin disables the “Display regular price after discount to customers” option then only the final price after discount will display at the front end.

Is Monday the first day of the week?

If enabled, then Monday will be the starting day of the week.


Event Page Settings


Under Event page settings, the admin can choose to show:

  • Module design page.
  • Social media icons like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter on the event type booking product page.
  • Copy to clipboard link on event type booking product page.
  • Related events on event type booking product page.

Display module design page

When a customer opens an event type booking product page, then event type booking products will land on the module page.

Google Map


Add and Manage Booking Products

After the installation of the module, a new tab Bookings get available under Catalog. From this tab, the admin can add and manage booking products, price, rules, and orders.


Click on the Add product button to add a booking product. Prestashop Reservation And Booking System allows the admin to add four booking product types:

  • Date range
  • Time slots
  • Event
  • Rental

Adding date range booking product


On clicking the Add product button, a form appears with the following options:

  1. Product name: Here the admin needs to enter the booking product name.
  2. Short description & description: In these fields, the admin needs to set the short description & description to be displayed on the booking product page.
  3. Condition: Select the condition as new, used, or refurbished.
  4. Tax Rate: Select the tax rate for the product.
  5. Booking before: Set how many hours before the customer can book the product. Suppose, the booking is open till 7 pm. The customers can make bookings by 5 pm.
  6. Minimum: Set the minimum number of days for which the customer has to book the product.
  7. Maximum: Set the maximum number of days for which the customers can book the product.
  8. Quantity: Set the quantity of the booking product.
  9. Category: Select the category of the booking product.

Upload Booking Product Image



Under this tab, the admin needs to enter the address to display the location on Google Maps on the the booking product page..


Disable Dates/Slots

  1. Disable Special Days – In this field admin can disable the booking of a product for special days (i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri etc). For example, if he does not want any bookings for Friday then he can select Friday from “Select Special Days” field.

Front-End View

Once admin has disabled the booking of a product for special days (i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri etc), then a customer cannot make booking of that product for the days disabled by admin.


2. Disable Specific Dates

The admin can select the date range for which he wants to disable the bookings.


After selecting the date range, click on the Apply button.


Front-End View

Once admin has disabled the booking of a product for a specific date range, then a customer cannot book that product for days disabled by admin.


Availability & Rates

Under the “Availability & Rates” Tab, the admin can view the total available quantity, total booked quantity and price of a booking product by clicking on a date.

Special days (i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri etc) and specific dates which have been disabled by admin for booking a product are visible as faded in the calendar.


Once added, the admin can view it under the Products tab.


When booking a product is out-of-stock for a date.

If all the booking quantities get sold out or out of stock for a date then the module will highlight the dates on which booking quantity is out-of-stock or not available.


Add Time Slots Booking Product Type



Upload Booking Product Image

After entering information of a booking product and selecting Time Slots in the Type field, the admin needs to set an image of a booking product.




Booking Time Slots

Once the image has been uploaded, the admin has to click on save and stay button to proceed further and set the time slots for a booking product.

Admin can add booking time slots in two ways.

  1. The first way to set the time slot is date-wise which means the admin can set multiple time slots for each date.

The admin can add the time slots by setting:

  • Date range of the slots.
  • Slot time from and slot time to.
  • Price of the slots.
  • Quantity of the slots.

Admin can set different prices for different slots.

  • 2. The second way is to set the time slot day-wise. In this case, the admin can select the days of the week & set time slots for each of them in one go.

Front End View

A customer can book a slot for a particular date by selecting the time slot and booking quantity.


Disable Dates/Slots

Once admin has added the time slots, he can disable them for special or for a specific date range.

  1. Disable Special Days

Admin can disable the booking of time slots for special days (i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri etc).


Customers cannot book the product for time slots for the special days set by the admin.


2. Disable Specific Dates

Admin can select the date range for which he wants to disable the bookings. After selecting the date range, click on the Apply button.


On clicking the Apply button, a pop up appears on the page where the admin needs to select the slots he wants to disable.


Once admin has selected the time slots and clicked on “Done” button, then a customer cannot book a product for the disabled time slots for a specified date range.


Once admin has set date range to disable selected slots, he can enable the time slots he disabled while setting up a date range.

Or he can disable the time slots which were enabled when he sets the date range.


Front End View

Once admin has disabled the time slots for booking a product for the specific date range, then a customer cannot book a product for time slots of specific dates.


The time slot 14:30 – 15:30 is not visible to a customer as it has been disabled by admin for the particular date.

Availability & Rates

Under the “Availability & Rates” Tab, the admin can view time slots, total available quantity, total booked quantity, and the price of a booking product by clicking on a date.

Special days (i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri etc) and specific dates which have been disabled by admin for booking a time slot of a product are visible as faded on the calendar.


Add Event Booking Product Type

Select event in the Type field and set the price per event.


Upload Booking Product Image




Event Info

Under the Event Info tab, the admin can:

  • Set start and end date & time of event.
  • Enter language in which event will organize.
  • Set the age group of people who can book for the event.
  • Enter the name of artists who will perform in the event.
  • Set the category of event.
  • Set the banner image of event.

The admin can also add multiple slots for an event.


Front End View


If admin has enabled “Display module design page” field, then event type booking product will land on module page.


As configured by admin from the back office, social media icons and copy to clipboard link are displayed on the event page.

If the admin has disabled “Display module design page” field, then event booking product will open as normal product.


If admin has set multiple slots for event booking


Add Rental Booking Product Type


Select rental in the Type field and set the rent of the product on per day basis.


Upload booking product image




Disable Dates/Slots

The admin can disable booking on rent for special days and specific dates.


Front End View

As set by admin from the back office, rental bookings are disabled for special days Saturday & Sunday and specific dates 6th Sep – 9th Sep.


Availability & Rates

Under the “Availability & Rates” Tab, the admin can view the total available quantity, total booked quantity and rental price by clicking on a date. 

Special days (i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri etc) and specific dates which have been disabled by admin for booking a product are visible as faded in the calendar.


All the booking products added by the admin can also be viewed in the catalog section. A new column Type is added which lets the admin differentiate between booking products and normal products.


Booking Products Price Rules

Under the Price Rules tab, the admin can add and manage booking price rules.


Click on “Add price rule” button to add a booking price rule. On clicking the button, a form appears with following options:

  • Booking Product Name – Search for the booking product for which you want to price rule.
  • Booking Price Rule Name – Here, the admin needs to enter the name of booking price rule that will display at the front end.
  • Date Selection type – In this field, the admin can select whether he wants to add booking price rule for date range or specific date.
  • For Special Days – Select special days for which the booking price rule will be applicable.
  • Impact Way – This field allows the admin to choose whether the booking price rule will increase or decrease the price while booking a product.
  • Impact Type – In this field admin has to select whether the price set for the rule will be a Fixed Price or in percentage.
  • Impact Value – in this field, the admin has to set the impact value.
  • Enable – Enable or disable the booking price rule.

Front End View

A customer can view a booking price rule applicable on the product.


Date selection type

Prestashop Reservation and Booking system module allows the admin can add a booking price rule for a product for a specific date range and a specific date.

Adding a booking price rule for a date range

Admin can add a booking price rule for a specific date range by setting ‘Date From’ to ‘Date To’. The booking price rule will be applicable to the product for the date range set by the admin.


Front End View

The price rule will be applicable if a customer books a product during the date range set by the admin.


Adding a booking price rule for a Specific Date

The admin can select the specific date for which the booking price will be applicable.


Front End View


Adding a booking price rule for special days in a date range

Admin can add a booking price rule for special days (i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri etc) that lies in a date range set by him. 


Front End View



Under “Priority”, the admin can set booking price calculation priorities.

If a customer fits into multiple booking price rules then the booking rule with the highest priority will be considered.

For example, the admin has added the 3 booking price rules on a product.

  1. A booking price rule for date range 6th Sep – 13th and discount is € 5.
  2. Another booking price rule for a specific date 6th Sep and the discount is € 10.
  3. And, finally, the 3rd one is the booking price rule for special days Thu, Fri, and Sat between 6th Sep – 20th Sep, and the discount is 10%.

And the Priority set by the admin for booking price calculation is: Specific Date>Special Days>Date Ranges.


Front End View

A customer can view all the booking rules applicable on a product at the Front End.

If a customer falls into multiple booking price rules, then the rule will apply as per the priority set by the admin.


The customer is booking a product for a specific date


If a Customer books the product on 6th September then he will get a discount of € 10. 

Customer is booking a product for special days


If customer books product in a Date Range


Orders of Booking Products

Admin can view all the orders of booking products under Orders tab.


Admin can also book products on customer’s behalf by clicking on the Add order button.


After selecting a customer, the admin needs to search the product that he wants to book for the customer.


After clicking on the add button the product will be added to the order. Now, the admin needs to select the payment method and order status.


After selecting the payment method and order status, click on the create order button.


Front End Workflow

A customer can view all the booking products by clicking on the Booking products menu.


There are certain filters provided on the booking products page like Type and Availability which helps customers to search the booking product type and dates on which they are available.

Add Date Range Booking Product to Cart

On the booking product page, the customer can select the dates for which he wants to book the product and quantity.


Add Time Slots Booking Product to Cart

While booking a product for time slot, the customer needs to select date, time slot, and quantity that he wants to book.


A customer can also book a product by clicking on the “Quick view” button.


When a customer clicks on the “BOOK NOW” button he gets redirected to the cart page where he can view the booking details.


Once the payment for an order is done, the customer can view the booking details on the order confirmation page.


Order details page


A customer can also view the booking information in the invoice of the order.


Once the customer has booked the product, the admin can view bookinginformation under “BOOKING PRODUCT DETAILS” on the order details page.


So, this was all about Prestashop Reservation And Booking System Module. I hope this document will help you in checking the functionality of the module in a better way.

Also, do let us know about your views in the comments.


For any kind of technical assistance or query, please raise a ticket or send us a mail at [email protected]

Also, please explore our Prestashop development services and vast range of quality Prestashop addons.

Current Product Version - 6.0.1

Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x

. . .

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