Prestashop Marketplace Bankwire Payment extension allows you to integrate bankwire payment gateway with Prestashop marketplace. With Prestashop Marketplace Bankwire Payment your marketplace sellers can provide their bank account information to receive payment from the customers.
Sellers can also charge extra fee or apply discount on use of this payment method.
As well as, restrict the visibility of this payment method based on customer groups and currency.
Note: PrestaShop Marketplace Bankwire Payment module is compatible with PrestaShop 8.x.x
Features of Prestashop Marketplace Bankwire Payment
- Helps admin to add a safe, secured and a fast Payment method on its website
- Admin can easily configure marketplace bankwire payment settings.
- Sellers can add their bank account details for receiving payment from customers.
- Select customer groups to whom the bankwire payment option will be available.
- Set currencies for which this payment option will show.
- Sellers can charges extra fee/commission on bankwire payment method in terms of fixed amount or percentage.
- Sellers can also provide discount to customers on using bankwire as payment method.
- Admin can add Bankwire details on behalf of a marketplace seller.
- Admin can edit/delete the bankwire details of a seller.
- Bank wire details of a seller are visible to the customer on the order page.
- The bank wire details of a seller are emailed to a customer once the order gets confirmed.
Prestashop Marketplace Bankwire Payment module is MultiShop Compatible with PrestaShop Advanced Multi-Vendor Marketplace version 5.4.0/3.4.0 and above.
For installing Prestashop Marketplace Bankwire Payment, you need to install Prestashop Advanced Multi Vendor Marketplace and Marketplace Seller Wise Checkout module first.
After installing both these modules you can start the installation of Prestashop Marketplace Bankwire Payment.

- Firstly, go to the module manager in the back office and click on ‘upload a module’.
- After that, drag and drop the module file or select the file from the system
- In this way, the module installation will be successful.

Front End Workflow of Marketplace Bankwire Payment
After module installation, a new tab is added in the seller panel : BANKWIRE DETAIL
Furthermore, the seller can add his bankwire details by clicking on “BANKWIRE DETAIL” tab under “Your Shop”.

After clicking on “BANKWIRE DETAIL” tab a form gets open on the website where a seller has to enter his bank accounts details such as bank’s name, name of bank account owner, account details such as account number and address of the bank.
Seller can also :
- Choose which customer group will have access to pay using bankwire payment method.
- Select currencies for which this payment method will be available at checkout.
- Furthermore, seller can also set extra fee/discount on bankwire payment method.

Note: When a customer orders two products from two different sellers, then he has to check out for both the sellers products separately.

After clicking on Checkout, a customer can view “Pay by marketplace bankwire” payment method under “PAYMENT” tab at checkout.

Using this payment method, the customer can pay the seller via bank transfer. Once the customer chooses this option, bank account details of the seller will be visible.
Customers can use this information to make the bank transfer to seller’s account.
Any extra fee or discount if applicable will also show in the bankwire information.

After placing the order, customer can see the bankwire information on the order confirmation page.
Customer will also receive bankwire details of the seller on their email.

Admin End Workflow of Marketplace Bankwire Payment
A new tab (Bankwire detail) is added in Back office from where admin can view/add/edit sellers bankwire details.
Bankwire Detail
Admin can view bankwire details of a seller by navigating through Marketplace Management->Bankwire Detail.

Admin can add the bankwire account for a seller by choosing a seller and then adding their bank account information.
Admin can also set customer group and currencies restriction, as well as apply extra commission or discount on the bankwire payment for sellers.

Furthermore, admin can edit and delete any Bankwire information.
For any kind of technical assistance or query, please raise a ticket or send us a mail at [email protected]
Also, please explore our Prestashop development services and vast range of quality Prestashop addons.
Current Product Version - 5.1.2
Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x
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