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Customer Cart Screen for OpenCart POS

Updated 11 October 2023


Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS module provides facility to the customer by an interesting and satisfactory checkout process with the help of the customer side-facing screen by integrating the Opencart POS System to the customer screen.

The customer can see the whole cart details on the screen. even, this add-on allows the customers to see their total orders, applied discounts, vouchers, and quantity added to the cart.

Note: This module is an add-on to the Opencart Point of Sale (POS) System But firstly opencart Point of Sale (POS) must be installed in the system.

Check a brief overview of the plugin –

Features: Customer Cart Screen for OpenCart POS

  • Customers can view the cart details on the customer screen.
  • Description and slide images will display, Added by the admin.
  • It allows the admin to enable or disable the module.
  • The admin can add the slide images and description
  • Admin needs to generate the Point of Sale (POS) token.
  • Additionally, the POS screens can be visible to the customers.

Installation: Customer Cart Screen for OpenCart POS

First, extract the downloaded zip file. that opens the correct Opencart Version Folder. According to Opencart Version installed in your system.

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Then, upload the admin, cart screen, catalog, composer.json, and system to the Opencart root directory.

Note: It is mandatory to run both commands of composer.json.

Therefore in the terminal, navigate to the same folder where composer files exist and run the following commands:

curl -s | php

php composer.phar install


Once you have uploaded the file then login to admin and go to Extensions > Extension Installer and upload the .zip file- The zip file can be found in the ocmod folder for 3.x.x.x version and .xml file for 2.x.x.x version.

Extension Installer -Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS

After uploading the zip file go to the Extensions > Modification and click on the refresh field.

Modification Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS

After that go to System > Users > Usergroups. And then edit ‘Administrator’.

Select the shown checkboxes for both Access Permission, Modify Permission and Save it.


Now navigate to Extensions > Extensions > Modules. Find POS Customer Screen from the list. Click the Install button as visible in the screenshot below.

extensions-Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS
extension Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS

Module Configuration Settings

After the successful installation of the extension Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS. To configure the extension. Firstly, in the sidebar menu go to Extensions > Extensions > Modules.

Module configuration-Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS

Further, click on the edit button next to POS Customer Screen for OpenCart.

Extension list Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS

After clicking on the edit button that navigates to the below settings


General Tab settings:

Status: Admin has to enable the status to use this module.

Do you want POS screen to customer?: Admin has enables the POS screen for customers.

Host: Admin needs to put the host id of the POS System.


Description and Slider:

Background Image: Admin can add a background image that can appear on the customer screen.

Description: Admin can add, and edit the product description that will be visible on the customer screen.

Slider: Images can be added in sort order by the admin that will show in the slidebar.

User token Opencart POS Customer Screen

POS User Tokens:

Admin has to generate the POS Token by clicking on generate button.

Customer View of Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS

In the front of the Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS, At the time of checkout, a cart screen button will be shown as below.

Opencart POS Customer end-Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS

Cart Screen button will navigate to the POS customer screen page and the customer can view the order description and the cart on the customer-facing screen.

The customer-facing screen will be visible as below image


This description and images will be displayed on the customer screen and cart details which the admin adds.

Additionally, the background image will visible on the customer screen.

That’s all for the Customer Cart Screen for Opencart POS extension. However, if you still have any questions regarding the module please create a support ticket by clicking here or send an email to [email protected]

Current Product Version -

Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x

. . .

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