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OpenCart Coupon Game

Updated 14 August 2024

Online Store games to drive customer engagement are high in demand and have turned out to be the best way for the sales campaigns.

OpenCart Coupon Game module you can integrate this game feature into your OpenCart store and let your customers win exciting and exclusive discounts.

The customers can easily redeem their won discounts on their orders.

These coupon games will let your customers earn incentives ie; the discount point which is a fun way to keep users engaged.

Features – OpenCart Coupon Game

  • The admin can enable/disable the module.
  • Can define the game title which will display at the front-end.
  • Configure the graphics like target image, firing controller image, the background image for the game.
  • Configure the speeds of the target and firing object.
  • Specify the discount percentage for the user at per correct hit on the dropping(target) object.
  • Enable/disable the game replay feature.
  • Configure the coupon code usage limit the user can use.
  • Two games for the users, one is Gravity Arch which is a default one and the other is General.
  • The admin can even create the mail template which will be sent to the customer upon the successful win of the discount.
  • On the front-end, the customer can play the game on the “Contact Us” page.
  • An email will be sent to the users for coupon details.
  • The mail will display a discount percentage the customer has won, coupon code the customer can use, and the expiration date of the coupon code.
  • On the shopping cart page, the customer can easily redeem the discount value using the coupon code.
  • The customers can navigate to their Order History to view the details of the order for which the coupon was applied.
  • The admin can view the complete list of the coupon codes the customers have won.

Installation- OpenCart Coupon Game

Installation of the Module is easy. Under the module zip, there are 3 folders image, catalog, and admin, you just need to upload these folders to the root directory of the website.

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After that in Admin panel go to System -> Users -> Usergroup and edit ‘Administrator’ and select all for both Access and Modify Permission then save it.

Access to modify in Opencart

After that under Extension > Modules install the Opencart Coupon Game module like this.


Module Translation

As this OpenCart Auction module supports multiple languages so this section will describe how to make the module work in different languages. Please check this link for language translation


The admin needs to add the OpenCart Coupon module on the contact us page. The module can add by navigating through Design>Layout>Contact as shown in the image below.


Module Configuration

After the module installation, the admin can easily configure the module settings. For this, the admin will navigate to Extensions -> Extensions as per the below image.


Here, select the option Modules from the drop-down list and then click on the Edit icon. This navigates the admin to the Edit Account Module page as per the below image.



Here, the admin can:

  • Status: enable/disable the module.
  • Game Type: select the game type as old if want to enable the “Old” game for the front-end users. Else select “New” if want to add the new game for the front-end users.
  • Select Game: Select the game which the users will be able to see and play.
  • Title: enter the game title which will display at the front-end.
  • Width: set the width of the Background Image.
  • Height: set the height of the Background Image.
  • Dropping Object Image: set the image of the object which the users will hit.
  • Controller Image: set the image of the controller tool which will hit the dropping object.
  • Game Background Image: set the background image of the game.
  • Game Duration: set the game duration in seconds.
  • Drop Speed: set the drop speed(in milliseconds) of the object which the users will hit.
  • Fire Speed: set the firing speed(in seconds) of the controller tool which will hit the dropping object.
  • Discount % Per Shot: configure the discount percentage for the user you want to enable at per correct hit on the dropping object.
  • Replay: enable/disable the game replay feature.
  • Usage Limit: configure the coupon code usage limit the user can use.
  • Game Orientation: set it either horizontal or vertical as per the requirement.

Gravity Arch:


Here, the admin can:

  • Status: enable/disable the game.
  • Bullet Fire Gap: configure the gap in milliseconds you want to have between the firing bullets.
  • Velocity: configure the velocity(in milliseconds) of the object which will hit the object.
  • Gravity: configure the gravity(in milliseconds) of the firing object while falling towards the earth.

Note: As Gravity Arch is the default game. So if both the games “General” and “Gravity Arch” is enabled, then Gravity Arch game will be enabled at the front-end for the customers.


mail Game

Here, the admin can create the mail template which will be sent to the customer upon the successful win of the discount after playing the coupon game. For this, the admin will –

  • Subject: Define the subject of the mail.
  • Message: Create the mail body content. And can also use mail keywords in the mail body.


To get to know about the mail keywords which the admin can use in the mail, click the Info tab as per the below image.

 Game info


On the frontend, the registered and the guest users both can view the link “Contact Us” in the footer as per the below image.

account Game

Clicking this link will navigate the customer to the “Contact Us” page where the customer can play the game as per the below image.


To start the game, the customer will click on the “Play Game” button. If the General game is enabled, then the customer will view the General game to play.

CASE 1: General game type with game orientation as “Horizontal”


If the game orientation is set to “Horizontal”, then the user can move the controller in the horizontal direction to target the dropping object and hit them.

CASE 2: General game type with game orientation as “Vertical”


If the game orientation is set to “Vertical”, then the user can move the controller in the vertical direction to target the dropping object and hit them.

But if the Gravity Arch game is enabled, then the customer will view the Gravity Arch to play.


Upon the unsuccessful hits, an info message will display as per the below image.


But upon the successful hits, another message will display as per the below image.


The info message will display –

  • The discount percentage the customer has won.
  • Coupon code the customer can use.
  • The expiration date of the coupon code.

An email will also send to the register email id for the registered users.


But the guest users need to provide their email id to get the mail for coupon details.


The customers can even replay the game if enabled form the backend by the admin.

How To Use Coupon Code?

On the shopping cart page, the customer can easily redeem the discount value using the coupon code.


Under the section “Use Coupon Code”, the customer will enter the coupon code in the field provided. And then click on the click on the “Apply Coupon” button to apply the discount for the order. A success message will display upon the successful application of the coupon code.

The customers can navigate to their Order History to view the details of the order for which the coupon will apply.


Note: The coupon code application is not customer account specific.

Admin End

The admin can view the complete list of the coupon codes the customers have won.


If you have any issue, please feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views at

Current Product Version -

Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x

. . .

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