Opencart Advanced search module has been designed to provide users with easy to use search box that helps to search their desired product in the store. The advanced search uses simple and complex searching methods. In simple searching the search is based upon the name of the product while in complex searching the searching of product will be based on the parameters that you are setting. You will be able able to see the top results, popular search results and all search results.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
- Easy to use search box for Advanced Searching.
- Specify the type of search method to use- Simple or Complex.
- Show the price, images and description of products in search results.
- Rearrange the parameters in the sequence you want to put for searching in simple method.
- Rearrange the approaches in the sequence you want to put for searching in complex method.
- Select the the different available approaches(search from start, search in middle, etc.) for the allowed parameters(Product name, Product Model, Product Description, etc.).
Installation Of opencart Advanced Search
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has – admin, catalog & ocmod folders. You need to transfer the admin & catalog folders into the Opencart root directory on the server as shown below.
After this you will navigate to Extensions-> Extension Installer and upload the file wk_search.ocmod.xml which you will find inside the ocmod folder.
Now navigate to Extensions->Modifications and click refresh on the top right hand side as shown below.
Now go to Extension->Modules->Advanced Search and click on the install button to install the module.
Configuration of the Module By Admin
After installation of the Module navigate through Extension->Modules->Advanced Search and click on the edit button to bring up the settings for Advanced search , here the admin will enable the module as shown below.
Basic Settings
There are two searching methods that can be used – Simple Search Method & Complex Search Method.
Simple Search Method
In this search method, you don’t need to configure anything in this tab or the “Manage Performance” tab. The searching will be based only on product’s name. You can save the settings after selecting the simple search method.
Complex Search Method
In this search method, you have to configure this tab as well as the “Manage Performance” tab and the searching of product will be based on the parameters you are setting as shown below.
Manage Performance
In this section you need to rearrange the approaches( Search from Start, Search in Middle, Missed Characters, etc.) that are to be performed to the corresponding parameters(Product Name, Product Model, Product Description, etc.) for the product search. Furthermore, You can set the sequence of the approaches in the sequence you want to put searching as shown below.
Manage Search Box Settings
Here admin will manage the search box appearance and as well as other settings, lets go through all the settings available –
Search Place Holder
Here you have to specify the placeholder that uses in the search box, that is the text that will be visible inside the box like “Search here in this box”.
No Results Text
If no results are found for the searched item then text to display is set here. e.g. No results found!!
Top Results Text
You have to specify the text label for Top Results Text that will be displayed upon searching. e.g. Top Search Results.
All Search Results Text
You will have to set the label for All Search Results Text , clicking on which shows the complete list of products meeting the search criteria.
Popular Products Text
You will specify the text label for the Popular products text, that will be displayed on it.
Search Results Panel Height
Here you can specify the maximum height in pixels of the search panel containing the results.
Delay time of results
Specify the delay time (in seconds) after which the results will be shown in the search panel.
Panel’s Border Color
You will specify the Border Color of the search panel containing results.
Product Name Text Color
Specify the Product Name Text Color in the search panel containing results.
Product Name Text Color
Specify the Product Name Text Color in the search panel containing results.
Product Description Text Color
Specify the Product Description Text Color in the search panel containing results.
Product Description Styling
Specify the Product’s Description Font Styling in the search panel containing results.
Price Box Status
Specify whether you want price box to be visible or not.
Price Color
Specify the Price Text Color in the search panel containing results.
Price Text Styling
Specify the Price’s Font Styling in the search panel containing results.
No Results Text Color
Specify the No Results Text Color in the search panel containing results.
Top Results Text Color
Specify the Top Results Text Color in the search panel containing results.
Top Results Styling
Specify the “Top Result’s” Font Styling in the search panel containing results.
All Results Text Color
Specify the All Results Text Color in the search panel containing results.
All Results Styling
Specify the “All Results” Font Styling in the search panel containing results.
Popular Products Text Color
Specify the Popular Products Text Color in the search panel containing results.
Popular Products Styling
Specify the Popular Product’s Font Styling in the search panel containing results.
Panel’s Border Style
Specify the Border Style of the search panel containing results.
Shadow Status
Specify whether you want shadow to be visible or not on mouse hover on a result.
Product’s Image Status
Specify whether you want product’s image to be visible or not.
Image Size
Specify the image size to be visible in the search results panel.
Product Name Length
Specify the maximum product’s name character count to be visible in the search panel.
Product’s Description Status
Specify whether you want product’s description to be visible or not.
Product Description Length
Specify the maximum product’s description character count to be visible in the search panel.
Popular Products Status
Specify whether you want popular products to be visible or not.
No. of popular products to show
Specify the number of popular products to be shown in search panel when you scroll to the popular products while searching a product.
No. of Searched products to show
Specify the number of searched products to be shown in search panel when you search for a product.
Search Using Advanced Search Box On The Front End
Advanced search box is displayed on the top of your store. Here you can search for any product that is present in the catalog as shown below.
If the searched product is in the catalog then it will be displayed on the top of the search list as shown below.
You can see a list of “all search results” for a product by clicking on the “All Search Results” as shown below.
After that you can see the complete list of all search results as shown below.
You can see the list of popular products by scrolling down the search list under the “Popular products” as shown below.
Example- Showing Search after re-arranging the Performance Sequence
Here we will select “Product name” from the list of allowed parameters and re-arrange the performance sequence with “Search From Start” on the top and select only Product name attribute then go for searching an item according to the arranged sequence.
We have set allowed parameters- “Product name”
Furthermore, we have re-arranged the Performance sequence and only selected “Search from Start” for the above parameter.
After setting up the searching sequence, when you go to search for the product name – Nikon D300, it can be seen that as we have chosen “Search from Start“, hence when we search our product sun glasses it starts searching for the exact letter combination from the starting letter.
If we write D300 only you can see that it shows up no results for the product.
Similarly if we search the letters “sams” only we can see that it shows up products having only “sam” as initials.
Example- 2
Here we have set allowed parameters- “Product Name” and we have re-arranged the Performance sequence and only selected “Miss-Typed Strings” for the above parameter.
If anyone Mis-typed a character in a string then the product can be searched accordingly.
Example- 3
Here we have set allowed parameters- “Product Name” and we have re-arranged the Performance sequence and only selected “Missed characters” for the parameter list.
If anyone misses a character while typing a word then the product can be searched accordingly. For e.g. if “Sasung” or “appl” will be typed then it will search the “Samsung”.
Example- 4
Here we have set allowed parameters- “Product Name” and we have re-arranged the Performance sequence and only selected “Search In Middle” from the parameter list.
It will search any string found in between the parameters name. For e.g. “D300” can be searched from the term “Nikon D300” as shown below.
Example- 5
Here we have set allowed parameters- “Product Name” and we have re-arranged the Performance sequence and only selected “Reverse Typed String” from the parameter list.
If anyone will type a string with reverse characters then it will consider it as correct word. For e.g. if “Nokin 0030”, etc will be typed then they will be considered as “Nikon 0030”.
Example- 6
Here we have set allowed parameters- “Product Name” and we have re-arranged the Performance sequence and as well as only selected “Reverse Typed Words” from the parameter list.
If anyone typed the reverse words then it will get it as the correct product. For e.g. If anyone will type “D300 Nikon” then it will be considered as “Nikon D300”.
That is all for the Opencart Advanced Search, If you still have any issue feel free to add a Ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x ,3.x.x.x
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