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Odoo WhatsApp Chat Integration

Updated 5 May 2020


Odoo WhatsApp Chat Integration: Let your customers reach you anytime!!

Serving your customers at any instance of time highly impacts the value of your website. It increases customer’s trust and compels them to visit your website for purchase. To make this happen Webkul offers you Odoo Whatsapp chat Integration module that integrates Whatsapp Live chat with Odoo and adds Whatsapp widget on your website.

This quick and efficient support to your customers makes your website stand above many other eCommerce websites. According to Statista, the customer satisfaction rate with live chat usage stood at 83.04 percent. This clearly states the advantage of using live chat on your website.

The instant resolution of query will help you to build strong relationships with your customers by serving them at any instance of time. As a result, the increased trust of customers will compel them to go for instant purchase and let you make good sales and profits.


  1. The module enables you to provide the best and quick live chat support to your customers.
  2. Customers can directly connect to you from their Whatsapp accounts.
  3. A dedicated team member of your website will directly resolve the query of the customer on their WhatsApp account.
  4. You can even select the type of support team you wish to resolve your customer queries.
  5. Admin can enable/disable the checkbox to add a member to the support team.
  6. You are allowed to customize the WhatsApp settings form the backend itself.
  7. You can set the button color, background pop up and heading color, and text and description color directly from the backend.
  8. The text and description can be added by you from the WhatsApp configuration from the backend.
  9. Customers can easily see the availability of team members from the frontend of the website.
  10. The type of support teams like business support, technical support, etc. can be viewed by customers so that they can contact to the concerned team.
  11. Customers can see the WhatsApp widget on the homepage of your website.


  1. Once you have purchased the module from our Webkul store, you will receive a link to download the zip file of the module.
  2. Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘odoo_whatsapp_live_chat’.
  3. Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
  4. Now, open the Odoo and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode. You can activate the developer mode by typing ‘debug’ after ‘web?’ in the URL as well.
  5. Now, open the Apps menu and click on the ‘Update Modules List’.
  6. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘odoo_whatsapp_live_chat’.
  7. You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.


  1. Once the installation is completed, visit the Website app on the Odoo backend. Navigate through the Whatsapp tab >> Settings as shown in the screenshot below.
Website backend
  1. Here, you will be able to see the list of all Whatsapp settings. Click on the ‘Create‘ button to create a new WhatsApp setting.
list of all the configurations
  1. You can set the product name, heading title, description on this window.
create whatsapp setting window
  1. After that, navigate through the Design/layout tab. Here you can set the button color, heading background color, text color, etc. for the WhatsApp setting.
whatsapp setting design/layout
  1. Navigate to the ‘Other Settings’ option, you can allow to show the timing details of the support team and show the type of member in the WhatsApp chatbox.
  2. Click on the ‘Click to Activate‘ button to activate the configuration.
Whatsapp other settings

Let’s see some more configurations of the module

  1. After that, navigate through the WhatsApp tab >> Member Type as shown below.
whatsapp tab>member type
  1. Here you can see the list of member types available for your WhatsApp chat. Member type is the category where you categorize your support team members according to their skills.
  2. Click on the ‘Create‘ button if you want to create a new Member Type.
member type
  1. After creating a new Member Type, click on ‘Save‘ button.
  1. Then, navigate through the Whatsapp tab >> Support Team as shown below.
  1. Here, you will get the names of all the support team members added in different Member types. Click on the ‘Create‘ button to add more members to the support team.
whatsapp support team
  1. A new window will open. Fill all the details of the member like name, address, job position, etc.
create new team member
  1. After that, navigate to the Whatsapp Settings tab. Here, tick the button to make him a member of your support team. Click on the ‘Click to Active‘ button to make his status active in the support team and save it.
Whatsapp settings
  1. As soon as you save the details of the support team member, you can find the details on the support team home page as shown below.
Whatsapp support team home page

Customer’s Interface

  1. Visit the front-end of the website. Here click on the WhatsApp widget.
website front end home page
  1. As a result, customers will be able to see the list of all team members to whom they can contact to resolve their queries.
whatsapp team member available


If you have any issues/queries regarding the module please raise a ticket at

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Current Product Version - Odoo V13

Supported Framework Version - 1.0.0

. . .

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