Magento 2 Seller Coupons Marketplace Add-on extension will allow the sellers to generate coupons for use with their products.
These coupons can be used by the buyers to apply discounts on products and thus take advantage of the same.
1. This is an add-on to Webkul’s Multi-Vendor Marketplace Module. To use this module, first install Webkul’s Magento 2 Marketplace Module.
2. The coupon amount applies to the product amount or the subtotal amount only and hence does not apply to the shipping and tax amount.
If you want to add the functionality of a gift card product to your marketplace, you can check the Magento 2 Multi Vendor Gift Card module.
Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow:
Features – Marketplace Seller Coupons For Magento 2
- It allows the seller to generate coupons for their products.
- The admin can also generate coupons for the sellers.
- The seller can set coupon value and quantity.
- Buyers can add coupon value from different sellers also.
- The admin can also manage the seller’s coupons.
- The seller can send coupons to customers via E-mail.
- The seller can select and create new E-mail templates to send coupon codes.
- The customer can apply the admin coupon on admin products.
- Multi-Lingual support / All language working including RTL.
- Compatible with Multi-Store.
Install Extension from Webkul Store
#1 Download Module
Firstly, you need to log in to Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section.
Further, verify and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.
#2 Upload Folder
Once the module zip is extracted, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below.
#3 Run Commands
After uploading the module folder, you need to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory.
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
Multi-Lingual Support – Marketplace Seller Coupons For Magento 2
For multilingual support, the admin will navigate through Store->Configuration->General ->Locale Options.
And thereby, select the locale as German (the language into which the admin wants to translate his store content).
Language Translation – Marketplace Seller Coupons For Magento 2
For translating the module language, please navigate into the app>code>Webkul>MpSellerCoupons>i18n and edit the en_US.csv file.
Now, translate the words on the right and upload the modified file to the same location.
The filename of the translated file should be according to the language and region code like de_DE.csv.
Module Configuration – Marketplace Seller Coupons For Magento 2
After the successful installation of the module.
the admin will navigate to Stores > Configuration > Marketplace > Marketplace Seller Coupon for managing the backend.
Under this section, the admin will enable the seller to create coupons and customers can apply coupons on admin products.
Enable Webkul Seller Coupon – If yes, the Coupon option will be available for the seller’s products.
Send Coupon To Customer – If yes, the seller will be able to send coupons to their customers.
Send Coupon Link Option in Email – If yes, then the coupon link is included in the coupon mail sent to the customer.
on clicking on the link i.e. Checkout Now button the coupon automatically applies to the customer shopping cart.
Mail Notification to Customer Regarding Coupon – Mail notification will be sent from seller to customer regarding coupon.
Seller Coupon Management
Creating Coupons
To generate the coupon codes, the seller will navigate through Manage Seller Coupons -> Seller Coupon Manager as seen in the screenshot given below.
Sellers can click on the Add Coupon button on the seller coupons page to add a new coupon.
Thus, after clicking the Add coupon button, a new coupon creation form will open up as shown below.
Here, the seller will be able to generate the coupons by first entering the details that include –
- Code Prefix: Set the Code prefix that is added to the coupon code after generation.
- Coupon Type: In this option, the seller will select the specific coupon type from the following types: fixed, per cent, and buy X get Y free ( discount amount is y).
- Coupon Value (Buy Y): Set the value of this coupon code.
- Quantity: Set the Quantity of the coupon code
- Expire Time: Set the expiry time of the coupon code
If the seller selects the coupon type buy X get Y free( discount amount is Y) then the seller needs to add the following details:
- Coupon Value (Buy Y): This is the quantity the customer will receive for free.
- Discount Qty Step (Buy X): This is the minimum purchase quantity required for the customer to be eligible for the discount.For example, If the seller wants to create a promotion like ‘Buy1 Get1’ then the seller needs to follow the given steps.
- Coupon Value (Buy Y): Set Coupon Value (Buy Y) to 1 for example. This is the quantity the customer will receive for free.
- Discount Qty Step (Buy X): Set Discount Qty Step (Buy X) to 1. this is the minimum purchase quantity required for the customer to be eligible for the discount.
Generate Coupons
After entering the details, the seller has to tap on the Generate Coupon button to create the coupon code for use.
All of the generated coupons are listed in a grid with the coupon details.
The sellers can also Delete, Activate and Deactivate the coupons.
To do so, the seller needs to select the coupons and click on either Delete, Activate or Deactivate options present under the Actions dropdown list.
Coupons can also be filtered under the Filter option by entering the Order Id, Coupon Code, Coupon type and selecting the status of the coupon to search.
Send Coupons
To send coupons to their customers the admin needs to run the below-mentioned command in the Magento 2 root directory via terminal.
Command – php bin/magento queue:consumers:start notifysellers.massmail &
After that, the seller will have to navigate through Manage Sellers Coupons -> Send Coupon.
In this section, the seller will be able to send the coupon to their customers by selecting the following details:
- Coupon Code – Select the specific coupon code.
- Customer – Select the specific customer to whom you want to send the coupon code.
- Email Template – Select the specific Email Template which you want to send to the customer.
After selecting the details the seller has to click on the Send Mail button and the E-mail notification will send to the customer.
If Send Coupon Link Option in Email is set to yes.
then, the coupon link i.e. Checkout Now button included in the coupon mail sent to the customer.
Further, the customer can click on the Checkout Now button and gets redirected to the shopping cart.
Also, the coupon gets applied to the shopping cart of the customer automatically.
E-mail Template
An email template is a preformatted and/or prewritten email.
you may use it to quickly create emails by replacing the placeholder text with your own.
To create Email Templates the seller will have to navigate through the Manage Seller Coupons -> E-mail Template.
Sellers can also click the Add Email Template button on the Seller Email Templates page to add a new email template.
Thus, after clicking the Add Email Template button, a new email template Creation form will open up as shown below.
After that the seller will have to enter the following details:
- The Template Name – Enter a name for the template in the Template Name field.
- Template Subject – add plain text to use as the Subject of the emails sent using the template you create.
- Template Content – Add template content that you will send to customers.
After adding the details the seller has to click on the Save Template button to save the newly created template.
Sellers can also click the Edit button on the seller E-mail Templates page to edit a template.
After clicking on the template to edit, another page will open up where the seller can edit the template.
After an edit, you can click the Save Template button as shown below.
The sellers can also Delete the templates.
To do so, the seller needs to select the templates and click on the Delete option present under the Actions dropdown list.
Customer Workflow – Coupon Usage
When the buyer will add products to the cart and go to the shopping cart page, then they will see this page where they can apply the seller coupon codes.
The buyer will select the seller whose product is added to the shopping cart and enter the coupon code and lastly click the Apply Coupon button.
The buyers will also be able to apply coupons on multiple seller products simultaneously.
The buyer can get the coupon list of the seller whose product is added on the shopping cart and select the coupon as per preference by just tapping on View Coupon List.
After applying the coupon code, the updated cart page will look as shown below in the screenshot.
Buyers can see the applied coupon at the time of checkout as shown below.
A Buyer can view the coupon list and apply coupons at the checkout page as well. Here, a buyer can select the seller for which the coupon applies and the coupon code.
Based on the coupon applied discount will reflect for the same. Use the Cancel button to discard the coupon applied.
Order Details Page: Sellers can see the discount details on the Order Details page as shown below.
Invoice of The Order: The seller can see discount details on the invoice as shown below.
Discount Distribution Details: Admin End
Admin can see the discount distribution details on the Order Details page as shown below.
Admin – Seller’s Coupon Management
The admin can manage the seller’s coupon under “Marketplace Management > Seller Coupons” as shown below.
Here the admin can find the used description details regarding the coupons and can also delete the coupons as per the need.
The admin can also see the status of coupons which include – Active, Used, and Expired.
For used coupons for a purchase, then its status will reflect as Used.
Generated and unused coupons will show status as active. The coupon that has reached its expiry time will reflect as Expired.
The admin can add coupons for a seller as well by clicking Add Coupon.
Here the admin selects a seller for which coupon needs to generate and add the following details:
- Code Prefix: Set the Code prefix for the coupon code added after generation.
- Coupon Type: In this option, the seller will select the specific coupon type from the following types: fixed, per cent, and buy X get Y free ( discount amount is y).
- Coupon Value: Set the value of this coupon code.
- Coupon Quantity: Set the Quantity of the coupon code
- Expire Date: Set the expiry time of the coupon code
- Status: Set the status of the coupon as Active or Deactive.
Admin can also see the details about the Seller’s Order as shown below.
The admin can view all the cart price rules whether it is created by the seller or self under “Marketing > Cart Price Rules”.
By clicking Seller Cart Price Rule under Manage Coupon Codes”, the admin can view codes along with all the rule conditions.
That’s all for the Marketplace Seller Coupons For Magento 2. Still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 5.0.4-p1
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
Thanks for the appreciation.
Webkul Team
Currently, the required feature is not available in our module.
Further, you can mail us at [email protected] so that we can assist you regarding the same.