Magento 2(Adobe Commerce) Marketplace Booking and Reservation System will allow the sellers & the admin to add “Booking and Reservation” products from their account panel.
The sellers & the admin can add/edit their booking products and also can see all of their booked/reserved product histories.
The booking and reservation products can be added in two ways –
- Many Bookings In One Day
- One Booking For Many Days
This module is an add-on to the Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce)marketplace.
To use this Marketplace Booking and Reservation module you must have installed first the Magento 2 Marketplace Module.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
- The sellers/admin can add their booking product and can modify the bookings also.
- Moreover sellers/admin can add/edit booking product from their profile and add booking slots by two types “One booking for many days” and “Many Bookings in a day” and can make it as disable also.
- The sellers can see all booked product history from their account.
- Customers will have a panel on the product page from where they can book their booking as per their requirements.
- Customers can check their booked products under their account panel.
- Working well with all browser like Chrome, Firefox, IE.
- The seller can set custom title for Booking From and Booking Till.
- Now compatible with the Hyva theme.
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder. You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below.
After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento 2 root directory: First command – php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Second Command – php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Third Command – php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from the Magento admin panel by navigating through->System->Cache management as shown below.
Module Translation
If a user wants to translate their Marketplace Booking and Reservation module from English to German language then they need to follow the path app/code/Webkul/MpBookingSystem/i18n in their unzipped folder and will get a CSV file with the name “en_US.csv”. Now they have to rename that CSV as “de_DE.csv” and translate all right side content after the comma into the German language.
After editing the CSV, save it and then upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/MpBookingSystem/i18n where they have installed Magento 2 on their server. The module will be translated into the German Language. It supports both the LTR and RTL languages.
The user can edit the CSV like the image below.
Admin – Module Configuration
Note: Apart from the selected product types, the admin will have to select the “Booking Product” product type for the sellers otherwise the sellers will not be able to add the bookings to their products as per the below snapshot. For this, the admin will navigate through Stores->Configuration-> Marketplace->Seller Product’s Settings ->Product Type for Seller.
Workflow – Seller’s End
After the successful installation of the module, sellers will get the Booking and Reservation menu option inside the “Marketplace” block in the seller’s account (if the user has been approved as a seller) as per the snapshot below.
Hovering your mouse over the Booking and Reservation option will pop up three options –
Manage Booking Orders, Manage Booking Products, and Create New Booking Products as per the snapshot below.
Create New Booking Product To create a new booking product click on the sub-menu option “Create New Booking Product“. Now the seller will enter the name, description, SKU, price, stock, and images and select the booking type as –
- Many Bookings In a Day: (You can create many numbers of bookings in a single day)
- One Booking For Many Days: (You can create a single booking for many numbers of days)
Many Bookings In a Day: When the seller has selected “Many Bookings In a Day” he will select the booking Start from and To dates, Set the Time Slot(in minutes), enter the break between bookings(in minutes), enter the start and end time for each day of the week, and enter the number of Quantity of slots. The seller can also set the status for the booking days as open or closed as per his requirement.
One Booking For Many Days:
Here the seller can do “One Booking for Many Days” by clicking the “Add Booking” button.
Then select the date range, time, and day as shown below in the snapshot.
Manage Booking Products After clicking on the “Manage Booking Products” sub-menu, the seller will be able to see all of his booking products. Here the seller can edit or delete any of his booking products.
After the seller clicks the edit button, the Edit Booking Product page will appear. Now you can make changes to the booking product as per your requirement and click the save button to save the changes.
Manage Booking Orders Here under this sub-menu, the sellers can see all of the orders that have been placed for their respective booking products.
After clicking on the Order ID will show the complete order details as shown below in the snapshot.
Workflow Customer’s End – Many Bookings In One Day
On the Product Page, you can select the Book Now option to Book the reservation.
After clicking on the Book Now button you will see a popup, where you need to select the date first.
Then after selecting the date, you will select the number of slots to book and then click the Book button.
After clicking the Book button, close this popup window and go to your cart for checkout, where the user can confirm the timing for his booking as shown below.
Buyers will be able to see the order details for the booking at the checkout page as well as shown below.
If the booking is closed for some days, then if the user tries to book the reservation for that day he will see “Quantity Not Available For This Slot” message as shown below.
If some slots have already been purchased by some customers for a time slot, then it will show the decreased quantity of slots available as shown below.
Workflow Customer’s End – One Booking For Many Days
On the Product Page, you can select the Book Now option to Book the reservation.
Once the user clicks on the Book Now button you will see a popup, where you need to select the number of Slots required. After selecting the slots, click the Book button to book the slot.
After clicking the Book button, close this popup window and go to your cart for checkout, where the user can confirm the timing for the booking as shown below.
Buyers will be able to see the order details for the booking at the checkout page as well as shown below.
If some slots have already been purchased by some customers for a time slot, then it will show the decreased quantity of slots available as shown below.
Now the customers can find all of their bookings under the menu option – My Bookings under their account section.
Clicking the Order ID will show the complete order details as shown below in the snapshot.
Admin Management
Admin can add booking products by navigating through Catalog->Products->Add Product->Booking Product.
Now click on the “Add Product” option and select “Booking Product” to add the booking products as per the below snapshot.
After clicking the booking product tab above, the admin will find the “Booking Information” tab added on the new product page. Here the admin can select the booking type as – Many Bookings In a Day or One Booking For Many Days.
Now, the admin can add Many Bookings In a Day by –
- Selecting the booking type as – Many Bookings In a Day.
- Selecting the booking “From Date” and “To Date” in which you need to provide bookings.
- Setting the booking Time Slot in minutes.
- Entering the Break between bookings in minutes.
- Entering the start and end time of slots with the status as open or closed for each day.
- Entering the Number of Slots available for the particular day.
To add one booking for Many days the admin will –
- Select the booking type as – One Booking For Many Days.
- Select the booking “From Date” and “To Date” in which you need to provide bookings.
- Click the “Add Booking” button to add the booking slots.
- Select the start day and start time with the end day and end time for the slots.
That’s all for the Magento 2(Adobe Commerce) Marketplace Booking and Reservation System extension, still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 5.0.1
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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