By using this, Admin can create custom options. Admin can apply that custom options on each product. So using this, Admin can create and set custom option for products. It is fully managed by Admin.
Features Of Magento Custom Option Template
- Admin can create or update custom options.
- Admin can set these options on each product.
- Admin can create different types of custom options.
- Admin can set multiple custom options on each product.
- Admin can create unlimited custom options.
- Admin can create custom options very easily and very fast.
Installation Of Magento Custom Option Template
Now unzip the respective Magento Custom Option Template Module zip you will find the app folder inside that move that app as per the screenshot.
After moving both the folder flush the cache from magento admin module. Under system > cache management.
And now you are done your Magento Custom Option Template Module has been installed.
How To Use Magento Custom Option Template
After the successful installation of the Magento Custom Option Template module, Admin will be able to see “Customeoptiontemplate” tab as per the below screen.
Here Admin can create new custom options for products, and it looks like as per the below screen.
You can select multiple types of custom options as per the below screen.
Admin can update or delete the created custom options as per the below screen.
And Admin can set all these custom option on each product as per the below screen.
After assign custom option on the product, it will be visible on frontend, when buyer buys that product.
That’s all for the base Magento Custom Option Template, still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 1.0.0
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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