Laravel eCommerce Size Chart module allows the admin to easily create a size chart for their products. The size chart can be referenced by the customers to identify their accurate size.
This extension will definitely be a help to the customers as they can easily check their fit so that they can accordingly select their product size.
Use this module you can create Two types of templates as Normal & Configurable Product Template. This module supports .jpg, .png, .jpeg as image formats for the size chart image.
Complete feature list for Laravel eCommerce Size Chart module
- Two types of templates can be created – Normal & Configurable Product Template.
- The admin can add a size chart image.
- Size Chart Module supports jpg, .png, .jpeg as image formats.
- The customer will see the size chart on the product page.
Installation of the module
Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “packages” folders into project root directory.
Goto config/app.php file and add following line under ‘providers’
Goto composer.json file and add following line under ‘psr-4’
"Webkul\\SizeChart\\": "packages/Webkul/SizeChart/src"
Run these commands below to complete the setup
composer dump-autoload php artisan migrate php artisan route:cache php artisan db:seed --class=Webkul\\SizeChart\\Database\\Seeders\\DatabaseSeeder
If your are windows user then run the below command-
php artisan db:seed --class="Webkul\SizeChart\Database\Seeders\DatabaseSeeder"
php artisan vendor:publish
Press 0 and then press enter to publish all assets and configurations.
now execute the project on your specified domain.
Admin configuration of the Laravel eCommerce Size Chart module
After successful installation of the model, the admin has the option to add a size chart from the panel.
Admin can do the setting from size chart>> view template. There are 2 options to create a size chart in the panel i.e Add simple and Add configurable.
In this view template page, you can see the list of the template with code and type of template and there is also option for the admin to edit or delete the template as per the requirement.
Admin has 2 options for the size chart module, i.e simple and Configurable.
In simple template
Admin can add the simple template by clicking on “Add simple” and after that admin needs to fill certain blanks such as shown below
- Template Name:– Admin can add the name of the template from the panel.
- Template code: Admin can add the and add custom option with the image option
- Add Custom option:- Admin can add the different variants through the custom option and after that they can add different rows as per the variant.
- Image:- Admin has the functionality to add the images for both kinds of templates.
In Configurable template
Admin can add the configurable template by clicking on the button “Add configurable” and after that admin needs to fill in the details such as shown below
- Template Name:- Admin can add the name of the template and it will be displayed on the back-end
- Template code:– Admin can put the codes for the template.
- Add custom option: Admin can select the attribute which is being created by the admin an earlier time. According to the defined attribute, the size chart variant will be displayed.
- Image:- Admin has the functionality to add the images for both kinds of templates.
Select size chart while creating product
Admin can select the size chart from the drop down while creating the product accordingly
NOTE:– For creating configurable products, the admin can add the configurable size chart from the drop-down and the same is the flow for creating the simple products.
The workflow of Laravel Marketplace size chart Frontend
The features are visible on the front-end of the store and it is visible in the product detailed page. It will display all the names mentioned on the admin panel.
Below is the screenshot:-
On clicking the view size chart button, the size chart page will be displayed and it is shown below:
That’s all for “Laravel eCommerce Size Chart module”.
If you have any issue please feel free to add a ticket then let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - v1.3.1
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