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Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment Gateway

Updated 16 August 2021

Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment Gateway

Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment Gateway module allows the customer to integrate Mollie payment gateway to their Laravel eCommerce Store.

The admin can easily link the Bagisto store with the Mollie payment gateway. Users can also enter their card credentials during Mollie Payment.

Features of Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment

  • Admin can Enable or Disable this module
  • A title can also be set for the Mollie Payment that will be visible in the front end.
  • Admin can also set the description which will be displayed on the front end
  • Provide Secure payment method for the customer
  • Customer can select the Mollie payment method on the checkout page
  • Mollie payment also supports different currency types.
  • Mollie payment is also PCI-DSS level 1 certified.


What is PCI DSS?

PCI DSS stands (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is the set of policies and regulations that aim to protect the customer’s personal details as well as credential details from theft and disclosure.

Mollie payment fully compiles with the security of internet payments and is PCI DSS level 1 certified.

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Some of the main objectives of PCI DSS are:-

  • Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data
  • Encrypt transmission of cardholder data.
  • Protect all systems against malware and regularly update anti-virus software.
  • Develop and maintain secure systems and applications.
  • Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data.
  • Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel.

Installation for Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment

Customers will get a zip folder after purchasing the extension and Unzip the extension zip and then merge the “packages” folders into the project root directory.

laravel ecommerce mollie payment

Goto config/app.php file and add the following line under ‘providers’

mollie payment gateway in laravel

Goto config.json file and add the following line under ‘psr-4

"Webkul\\Mollie\\": "packages/Webkul/Mollie"
laravel ecommerce mollie payment gateway

Run these commands below to complete the setup

composer require mollie/laravel-mollie:^2.0
composer dump-autoload

Admin configuration for Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment Gateway

After the successful installation of the module, the admin will also have to configure the module.

Click on configure>>Sales>>Payments Method


As the module is installed Admin can see the section of the Mollie Payment that contains several fields that need to be filled.

  • Title:- Admin can set the title in this field that will be visible in the Front end.
  • Description:- Admin can describe the Mollie Payment that here that will be visible on the checkout page.
  • API Key:- Admin will provide the API key in this field so that the user requests can be identified.
  • Status:- Admin can Active or Disactive the module from here.
  • Payment From Applicable Countries:- Admin can select the countries from where the Mollie Payment will be applicable. Admin can select either All Allowed Countries or Specific Countries.
  • Payment From Specific Country:- Admin can select multiple countries from this field if the Admin has selected Specific Countries in the above field.

After performing all these steps hit on the Save button.

How to generate the live API key ?

To generate a live API key so that your website can integrate with the Mollie Payment Gateway go to the Mollie website and perform the following steps

After creating an account the page that opens will look like shown below:-


Click on the Activate account button.

Now the next page will look like shown in the below image where all the details need to be filled.


Under the Basic information, there are three categories

  • Organization details:- where all the details like Business location, Business name, Registration number, Postal code, City need to be filled.
  • Stakeholders:- The user fills the details of the representative details here like Name, Country of birth, Date of Birth, Nationality, and Country of residence.
  • Website profile:- In this page users need to provide the details regarding the website like Name, Kinds of services that the website offers and you can also select the payment methods like a credit card, Paypal, ING home pay, etc that will be available in Mollie payment on the website.

Now the next comes is Additional information under which the three categories are:-

  • Registration document:-To submit the documents about the organization in the PNG, JPG and PDf format.
  • Upload identification:- To submit the identification document of the owner like Passport, Id card, Residence permit.
  • Business account:- Provide the bank account number in the name of the business.

Select the payment method to pay the amount so that the live API will be provided to the user for the integration of Mollie payment.

After the payment process, the live API key will be provided

Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment- Front End

Now the customers can select the Mollie Payment method that is visible under the Select Payment Method

**Note:- Mollie Payment supports 27 Currency types.

Then click on the Continue button.


In the Order Summary page Customer can see the customers can also see the Mollie Payment that has been selected by the customer as a Payment Method for the purchase.


Click on the Place Order button.

The page that generates that will show the message as shown below

laravel eCommerce mollie payment gateway

Within a few seconds, you will be in the Mollie Payment website

On this page, there are several paying methods available so that the customers can choose according to their requirements.

laravel ecommerce mollie payment gateway

After selecting the paying method in Mollie Payment website the page that generate will look like shown below:-

laravel ecommerce mollie payment gateway

Tick on the Paid option and then click the Continue button.

That’s all now the customer can see that the order is complete.

mollie payment gateway in laravel ecommerce


So, that was much about the User Guide of Laravel eCommerce Mollie Payment Gateway for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

Please explore our Laravel Development Services and Quality Bagisto Extensions.


Current Product Version - 1.2.0

Supported Framework Version - Bagisto v1.2.0

Blog Version - Bagisto v1.2.0
  • Version v0.1.6
  • Version Bagisto v1.2.0
. . .

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