Get All Attribute Group Ids And All Attribute Ids Of A Specific Attribute Set In Magento 2- Here I’m going to explain you that how to get all attribute groups and all attributes of a specific attribute set in magento 2.
$attributeSetId = 4; $groupIds = []; $attributeids = []; // \Magento\Eav\Model\ResourceModel\Entity\Attribute\Group\CollectionFactory $groupCollection = $this->attributeGroupCollection->create() ->setAttributeSetFilter($attributeSetId) ->load(); // product attribute group collection foreach ($groupCollection as $group) { array_push($groupIds, $group->getAttributeGroupId()); // \Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Attribute\CollectionFactory $groupAttributesCollection = $this->productAttributeCollection->create() ->setAttributeGroupFilter($group->getId()) ->addVisibleFilter() ->load(); // product attribute collection foreach ($groupAttributesCollection->getItems() as $attribute) { array_push($attributeids, $attribute->getAttributeId()); } } print_r($groupIds); // It will print all attribute group ids print_r($attributeids); // It will print all attributes ids
In this way you can get all attributes and all attribute group ids of a specific attribute set.