In this blog, we are going to learn how to generate Symfony route in PrestaShop module from the legacy controller.
When your application receives a request, it calls a controller action to generate the response. The routing configuration defines which action to run for each incoming URL. It also provides other useful features, like generating SEO-friendly URLs.
When the module is using legacy controllers, the legacy controllers do not have access to the Symfony container or router. So in PrestaShop Link
object has helpers to help generate urls related to Symfony controllers and routes.
1. Using router via Link::getUrlSmarty (Available from PrestaShop 1.7.0)
<?php use Link; // at the top of PHP file // Generate url with Symfony route $symfonyUrl = Link::getUrlSmarty([ 'entity' => 'sf', 'route' => 'admin_product_catalog', ]); // This will open admin product listing // Generate url with Symfony route and arguments $symfonyUrl = Link::getUrlSmarty([ 'entity' => 'sf', 'route' => 'admin_customers_edit', 'sf-params' => [ 'customerId' => 4, ], ]); // This will open customerId 4 for editing
2. Using router via $link->getAdminLink (Available from PrestaShop 1.7.5)
<?php use Context; $link = Context::getContext()->link; // Generate url with Symfony route $symfonyUrl = $link->getAdminLink( 'AdminOrders', true, ['route' => 'admin_orders_index'] ); // Generate url with Symfony route and arguments $symfonyUrl = $link->getAdminLink( 'AdminProducts', true, [ 'route' => 'admin_product_unit_action', 'action' => 'delete', 'id' => 42, ] );
3. Javascript routes
To generate a Symfony route in javascript, you can use the router component.
The below snippets show an example :
import Router from '@components/router'; this.router = new Router(); const route = this.router.generate('my_route', {parameters});
It however uses a computed file that you might need to recompute if you modified some route settings.
You can recompute it using the below command :
php bin/console fos:js-routing:dump --format=json
And put it in
This is how we can generate Symfony route in PrestaShop module.
That’s all.
If you are facing any issues or doubts in the above process, please feel free to contact us through the comment section.
I would be happy to help.
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