Shopware Booking and Reservation: The module can be used to create Shopware products for various booking services. Shopware Booking – Reservation System will be able to implement booking & reservation for products in your Shopware website and will provide 2 types of bookings – Many Bookings in One Day and One Booking for Many Days.
Check a brief overview of the plugin for one booking for many days –
Check a brief overview of the plugin for many bookings in a day –
- A slot-based quantity measure has been used.
- The admin can reschedule the bookings from the back-end.
- The admin can cancel the bookings from their end.
- On canceling a booking, the slots become available again.
- The admin can enable or disable the sending of the booking and cancel mail status to customers.
- Customers will be able to see the booking details(Like Date and Time Slot) of the product in the Cart.
- Admin and customer can check the reschedule history of the booking products
- Admin can edit/update and delete the booking slots for all booking types.
- Option for customers to download their bookings as a PDF.
- The customers can cancel the booking under their account panel.
- The customer can reschedule their bookings
Shopware provides two ways to upload the plugin to the server.
Installation using commands
Customers will get a zip folder, and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. After extracting the WebkulBookingReservation folder, the customer needs to transfer this custom > plugins on the server, as shown in the image below:
After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Shopware root directory.
Run this command to refresh the plugin –
/bin/console plugin:refresh
Go to your Shopware installation Root directory and run this command to install then activate the plugin –
./bin/console plugin:install --activate WebkulBookingReservation
To installing the assets(CSS/JS)
./bin/console assets:install
To clear the cache run this command –
./bin/console c:c
Now refresh the administration.
Manual Installation
For the manual installation of the plugin follow the steps as mentioned below:
1) Extract the zip file of the plugin.
2) Goto your Shopware 6 installation backend panel and navigate to Extensions-> My Extensions after that you can find all the installed plugins in it.
For installing the plugin, the user can click on the Upload Extension button. The user can upload the plugin zip(WebkulBookingReservation) here.
3) After uploading the plugin zip, the user can see the Extensions in the list.
4) Now the user can click on the install icon to install the Booking and Reservation System extension.
5) After the installation of the extension, the user can click to activate the extension.
After the installation process and plugin configuration if the Booking and Reservation icon option is not visible in plugins then run this command to clear the cache:
php bin/console cache:clear
Admin Configuration
After the successful installation of the Shopware Booking and Reservation Extension, the admin can configure the module.
For that, they need to navigate through Setting>Extensions>Booking Configuration and then click on the Booking Configuration button.
- Select Your TimeZone – Select the Time Zone that you are in.
- Customer Cancel Booking: Select Customer Cancel Booking as – Enable or Disable. If enabled then customers can see the cancel booking option under the order details else if it is selected as disabled then the cancel booking option will not be visible to the customers.
- Cancel Approve: Set Cancel Approve as Enabled (If enabled, then the booking will be canceled without the approval of the admin) or Disabled(Then the booking will be canceled with the approval of the admin) as per the need.
- PDF Details at Booking History – If this option is enabled then the customers will find a PDF button on the booking history page under their account by which they can download the booking details as a PDF.
- Customer allowed to change slot: Change time slot Approve as Enabled (If enabled, then the booking will be change slot) or Disabled(Then the customer can not change the slot)
- Cancel Requests Days: Set the cancelation request days, if in case the admin set cancel request days 15 then the cancel button will be displayed at the front only for 15 days. As of right now, the admin can set the requested day from 1 to 50 only.
- Cancel Reschedule Day – Automatic cancel the reschedule request (Minimum day is 1).
Mail Settings:
- Enable or Disable the booking mail status. If enabled, then the customer will receive an mail on the booking confirmation.
- Cancel Mail Status – if this option is enabled then the customers will receive a cancel mail notification when their order is canceled.
Booking – Add/Edit Booking Product
Go to Settings > Extensions>Booking – Add/Edit Booking Product and edit any product in which you want to add reservations.
Here you need to select the product and booking type after that click to save button.
After selecting the product type Many booking in one day you need to enter the details as shown in below image:
Then click to Save button.
After selecting the product type One booking in many day, you need to enter the details as shown in the below image:
Then to add booking timing and slot click to add booking after that fill in the details.
After that click to add booking slot then click to Save button.
Many Booking In One Day
Many bookings in one day can be used for booking products for different time slots in a single day. For example- Railway reservation bookings.
To set Many booking at the admin end admin need to navigate through Setting>Extensions>Many Booking in One day and then click on the Many Booking in One day button.
After clicking on Many Booking in One day button it will redirect to the new page here admin will select the booking
In this, you need to add details like-
- Select booking type
- Select from date
- Booking time slot
- Select to date
- Status
- Break time slot
After that click to save button
Admin can check customer booking products and can reschedule the booking, reschedule history cancel the booking, and approve change slots.
One Booking in Many Day
One booking for many days can be used to book a product for many days. For example – Hotel bookings.
To set One booking for many days at the admin end admin need to navigate through Setting>Extensions>One Booking in Many days and then click on the One booking for many days button.
After clicking on One booking for many days button it will redirect to the new page here admin will select the booking
In this, you need to add details like-
- Select booking type
- Select from date and select to date
- Status
Admin can check customer booking products and can reschedule the booking, reschedule history and cancel
Booking Cancel Requests
Admin can check to cancel request and approve disapprove the cancelation request as well as admin can also request cancel booking on behalf of customers
To check to cancel requests admin need to navigate through Setting>Plugins>Booking Cancel Requests and then click on the Booking Cancel Requests button.
After clicking on Booking Cancel Requests customer order detail will open the admin can approve disapprove the request.
Store View
After the product configuration, the products will be displayed with the booking and reservation options at the front end.
Many Booking In One Day
To book many bookings in one day customers need to click on the product.
From there, the customers can be used for booking products for different time slots in a single day. For example – Movie tickets
To book product, customers need to click on Book Now
After that, once the customer will click on the Book Now button, a pop-up will open up. Then the customer can book the product for the available slot with the required quantity as per the below image:
After clicking on add to cart the product the customer will receive a notification “Product added to shopping cart”
After that customer navigate to checkout page to purchase this product as shown below:
Many Booking In One Day In Variant Product
After that to book many bookings in one day customers need to click on the variant product.
To book variant product, customers need to click on the variant of the product the on Book Now.
Similarly you can book variant product in One Booking for Many Day.
One Booking for Many Days
To book one booking for many day customer need to click on the product.
From there, the customers can select time slots and pay accordingly for their bookings. For example – Cab booking services
To book a product customers need to click on Book Now
After that, once the customer will click on the Book Now button, a pop-up will open up. Then the customer can book the product for the available slot with the required quantity as per the below image:
After clicking on add to cart the product the customer will recieve notification “Product added to shopping cart”
After that customer navigate to checkout page to purchase this product as shown below:
Mail Notification
Once customers will confirm booking then the customer will receive mail about there booking on their registered mail id in the same way customer will receive mail in the case of booking cancellation.
Cancel Booking – Customer End
After making the checkout, the customer can check their bookings history and details in the My Booking History tab in their account as per the below image:
Clicking the “My Booking History” option, it brings up the section where the customer will find all the placed orders for the booking products.
The customer can also view all the order details under this section by clicking the View option.
Now click to the View button will show the complete details of the respective order.
To cancel the order the customer will have to click on the “Cancel Booking” button.
Cancel Booking button will be visible to customers for 15 days as set by the admin in configuration settings.
After that once the customer has canceled the order it shows Cancel Pending as shown in the below image:
In this case, the admin has to approve the cancel request of the customer.
Note: If the admin has set the module configuration setting :
- Cancel Approve as Enabled – Then the booking will be canceled without the approval of the admin) or if Disabled(Then the booking will be canceled with the approval of the admin).
Reschedule Booking – Customer End
To Rescheduling the booking, the customer will click on the Reschedule Booking button on the order details page as per below image:
After that, the customer can select the newly available slots for rescheduling the booking.
Then after clicking on reschedule customer will receive the notification and the status will be converted to rescheduled.
After that admin will approve the rescheduled slot then the booking will be rescheduled.
Admin can also reschedule the booking for customers.
And from rescheduling history admin can approve and check the rescheduling details of the customer.
Booking PDF
To download the order details as a PDF just click the “Get PDF” button on the order details page as per the below image:
After clicking on the Get PDF button, the PDF will be downloaded which contains all the details related to the order.
Need help?
Thus, that is all for the Shopware Booking and Reservation, For any query in Shopware, you can send us an email at [email protected].
Please explore our shopware development services and Quality shopware extensions.
Current Product Version - 1.0.4
Supported Framework Version - Shopware -
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