Magento 2 Amazon Affiliate: Using this extension, the admin of the Magento 2 store will be able to fetch products from his Amazon affiliate account and can list them out within his Magento 2 web store.
The customers can easily purchase these Amazon products by adding them into the available Amazon cart. After proceeding to the checkout, the customer will be navigated to the amazon website for making the payment for the products.
Check the brief working of the plugin in the video below –
- Get products from the Amazon Affiliate website.
- Admin can choose and create products from Amazon Affiliate.
- When the customer purchases the product Admin gets the commission on Affiliated account.
- Assign multiple categories to the fetched product.
- Buyers can add affiliate products to a separate cart.
- Buyers can checkout with Amazon Affiliate products.
Follow the below steps for installing the Magento 2 modules –
Step 1:
Unzip the respective extension zip and and then move “app” folder (inside “src” folder) into magento root directory on the server.
Step 2:
Now, run the below-mentioned commands in the Magento 2 root directory via terminal.
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento setup:di:compile
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Step 3:
lastly, flush the cache and re-index all by navigating through System->Cache management.
Module Translation
For translating the module language, please go to app>code>Webkul>AmazonAffiliate>i18n and edit the en_US.csv file. Now, translate the words on the right and upload the modified file to the same location. The filename of the translated file should be according to the language and region code like de_DE.csv.
How to Register for Affiliate Program?
To register navigate to —
Step 1:
Tap on the Join Now for Free button.
Step 2:
Click on Create your Amazon account button.
Step 3: Enter the required information and click Create your Amazon account.
4: Now, enter your account information and then tap the Next button.
Step 5: On the page that comes up, enter the details regarding your Websites and Mobile Apps as required. To add your website, after entering the web address hit the Add button.
This adds the website as shown below in the snapshot.
Step 6: Enter the required details on the Profile page then check the Contract Terms check-box and then click the Finish button. Check the instruction given at the page top before filling in the details.
Step 7: Now, you have created your Amazon Associates Account.
Step 8: Your Store ID/Associate Tag is — mytestwebsite-21 on the top right-hand corner.
Get the Access & Secret Key
To get the Access & Secret key:
#1: Navigate to menu option Tools->Product Advertising API as shown below in the snapshot.
#2: Click on the Join button.
#3: Tap the Add Credentials button.
Step 4: Here, find the Access and the Secret key. You can also Download Credentials to keep them saved.
Step 5: After clicking the Manage Your Credentials in the above step, you will be redirected to the section displayed below.
Module Configuration
For module configuration navigate through Stores>Configuration>Webkul>Amazon Affiliate.
Affiliate Settings:
Under the Affiliate Settings, we have a few configuration settings –
- Display Amazon Affiliate Products and cart In Frontend
If set to yes, the cart with Amazon Affiliate Products will be displayed on the front end.
- Associated Tag
This is your Store Id that is displayed at the top right-hand corner of your Amazon Affiliate account. - Access key
Enter the Access key that you have generated under your Amazon Affiliate account. - Secret Key
Enter the Secret Key that you have generated under your Amazon Affiliate account. - Marketplace
Select the Amazon Marketplace from where you want to fetch the products.
Default Settings for Affiliate Products Import:
- Default Attribute Set –
Select the default attribute set that should be assigned to the imported affiliate products. - Default Websites –
Here, you can select the default websites were you want to display the imported affiliate products. You can select a single/multiple websites as required.
Importing Product
For importing the products navigate through Amazon Affiliate>Manage Amazon Affiliate.
Here, you will find an empty section if you are using the extension for the first time. You can also delete the products that you have imported by navigating to the Actions drop-down option.
Admin can assign a category to amazon affiliated product from the assign to category option as shown below in the image and click on Add Affiliate Products button to add the products.
This brings up the section to search the products from the Marketplace that you have selected in the module configuration.
In the search box, enter the name of the product that you want to search and tap the Search button thereafter. Now, you can see the products getting displayed. Here, select the products that you want to fetch and tap the Create Products in Store button.
This will start the Run Profiler to create the product as shown below in the snapshot.
You can see the progress of product creation while the profiler is running.
Lastly, you can see the product creation success message as well. Here, click the Back button to go back.
Click on the Back button to check the imported products.Now, check the products imported.
Total leads
After adding a product into the available Amazon cart, the customer is redirected to the Amazon website for purchase and the total number of leads for this product gets increased. After the customer has purchased the product, the admin will receive the respective commission.
To change the category of the imported product, tap the hyperlink and the edit product page opens up. Here, you can easily change the category of the product as per your need. Also a product identifier attribute is created to keep a check that this product is from Amazon.
You can select the category as shown below.
After assigning the category, the product is visible under the selected category or categories.
Customer Workflow
Customers can find the products from Amazon Affiliate in Magento 2 store with a Amazon logo.
To add the product to the cart, just add it like usual by taping the Add to Cart button. This adds the product into the Amazon cart as shown below in the snapshot.
To proceed further, tap the Proceed to Checkout button.
The customer will be redirected to the Amazon website wherein he has to first login to place the order. After login, you have to click on the Continue button.
Lastly, the customer will click on the Proceed to Checkout button to make a payment for the product at Amazon.
That’s all for the Magento 2 Amazon Affiliate. If you have any queries or doubts get back to us at [email protected] or raise a ticket at
Current Product Version - 5.0.2
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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