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8 October 2018

Magento Meetup 2018

Magento Meetup 2018

Magento Meetup 2018 was the second Magento meetup organized by the Webkul on 8th of December 2018. In this meetup, people can join the event and grasp some community findings and knowledge by the industry veterans. Magento Meetup 2018 was for everyone (Merchant, Developer, Online marketer, etc.) who is interested in eCommerce. It was backed by several sponsors like PayU, Elastic, Akeneo, React, JetBrains, Digital Ocean, and many others. 

The complete meetup was focused on the eCommerce industry, tech stack, and the best practices to be used in the Magento Development. It was beneficial for Magento Developers, Merchants, and Business Personnel as well. The attendees got a chance to flaunt their Knowledge so that their thoughts and views can outreach to the local tech community. We explore the new things happening in the eCommerce market and discuss the new edges of Magento development from other community folks. 

The meetup was started with a presentation on the topic “About Webkul” by Mr. Nishad Bhan (Business Developer – Webkul). Here Mr. Nishad introduces Webkul in front of the attendees and shares the journey of the Webkul to them. During this session, Mr. Nishad shares the expertise of Webkul and the contribution to the open source community as well.  

After that, Mr. Prabhat Singh Rawat and Mr. Shubham Sharma present the topic “MSI (Multi-Source Inventory)”. MSI at that time was about to introduce in the latest Magento version. The importance of MSI and how it changes the Magento was discussed during the session. People want to explore the MSI and this session answers a lot of queries of the attendees. 

Next session was “Asynchronous Web API and Message Queue” presented by Mr. Ayaz Mittaqi and Mr. Anuj Gupta. The difference between Synchronous Web API & Asynchronous Web API and the issues with Asynchronous Web API explained. The solution provided by Magento 2.3 in the form of Message Queue was covered during the session.

We got an introduction about PayU and their reseller program by Atin Vats (Partnership & Alliances at PayU) followed by the session of Mr. Ahamed Shah – Director of Products (Platforms and Partners PayU). Mr. Shah shares their experience on conversion rate and how it can be increased for an eCommerce website. 

Next presentation was on the topic “Getting Started with ELK Stack” by Mr. Chhavnish Mittal (Leader – Delhi NCR JUG). Mr. Chhavnish was an active community member of Elastic and share their experiences with the attendees. 

“PWA & GraphQL” by Mr. Ramakant Pandey and Ms. Rani Priya was the next topic which was presented. This topic compares the traditional Magento theme development approach with a more modern approach of developing a Magento storefront using PWA Studio tools. Also, the overview of GraphQl, its importance, and Benefits provided by GraphQL discussed during the presentation.

Ms. Shruti Baranwal and Ms. Parul Khurana present on the topic “Magento Functional Testing Framework (MFTF)”. The main purpose of MFTF like facilitating functional testing and minimizing the effort and how it makes easier to support the extension was discussed during the presentation.

Next, there was a series of sessions like“Magento 2 Optimization” by Mr. Alankrit Srivastava, “Heading Towards Multi-Channel With POS” by Mr. Kunal Prasad, and “Future of Mobile Applications” by Mr. Vedesh Kumar. All of the sessions were full of knowledge and attendees enjoy them as well. 

In this meetup, there were many attendees joined from Webkul in presentation sessions and management of meetup as well. Mr. Rahul Mahto and Mr. Ashutosh Srivastava host the complete meetup and play a key role in the preparation of meetup as well. There were so many other names as well who put their best in the entire meetup to make it successful. This meetup was a huge success and in the future, we will plan another Magento meetup as well.

A big THANK YOU🤗 to all the attendees and to our Guest Speakers!

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