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Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector

Updated 13 October 2023

Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector allows you to integrate the Bagisto store with the eBay store. By using this module admin can easily import the products, categories, and orders from eBay to the Bagisto store.

Moreover, the admin can add multiple eBay seller accounts and can get all the products from different eBay Sellers accounts using this wonderful module.

The admin can also get all the conditions, specifications & variations related to the synchronized eBay products.

Lastly and most importantly the admin can provide eBay specifications, variations, refund policy, shipping details for exported products.


  • Please use Bagisto version 0.1.6 or higher to use the module Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector 

Features of Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector

  • The admin can configure multiple eBay seller accounts.
  • eBay seller account authorization feature enabled.
  • Allow eBay Event Notification for the Real-Time Sync.
  • Admin can import eBay products either only from mapped eBay categories or all.
  • Import individual eBay product by providing eBay item id.
  • Admin can also import eBay products with the help of date range [From – To date].
  • Synchronize the Bagisto products[Simple & Configure] to eBay and vice versa.
  • Easily set Product’s shipment & listing related information for each eBay seller account.
  • Provided imported eBay’s categories list for different eBay sites.
  • Import Simple as well as Configurable product types from eBay.
  • Import eBay Orders to the Bagisto store.
  • Admin can also import individual eBay orders with ordered items by providing eBay order id.
  • Sandbox mode is available for testing and development.
  • Import eBay orders with the help of date range (From – To date).
  • Set the default quantity for exporting products to the eBay store.
  • Option to revise the eBay product if changes occur in the Bagisto store.
  • Revise the changes for product’s Title, Description, Price, and Quantity that occur in the Bagisto store. The results will reflect on the eBay store.
  • Export Simple, Configurable product types to eBay.
  • The product information like base image, name, price, and quantity will get imported along with the product.
  • The product information like SKU, price, quantity, images, and quantity also will be exported along with the product.
  • Set the default channel and order status for the imported order in the Bagisto store.
  • Admin can also import categories of eBay to map with the Bagisto category.
  • Products can sync with Condition, Specification, and Variation.
  • The admin can also create multiple price rules to update the price of the synced products automatically.
  • Separate errors reporting for individual product and order sync result, supporting for Import, Export product and Import Order.

Installation of Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector

The customers will get a zip folder after that unzip the respective extension zip then merge “packages” folders into the project root directory.

ebay connector installation
  • Firstly, Goto config/concord.php file, add the following line under ‘modules’,
ebay connector installation process
  • Let’s goto config/app.php file, add the following line under ‘providers’
laravel ebay connector installation enter command in provider
  • Lastly and most importantly goto composer.json file, add the following line under ‘psr-4’
"Webkul\\Ebay\\": "packages/Webkul/Ebay"
composer.json command

Let’s, Run these commands below to complete the setup in the bagisto root directory.

composer dump-autoload

php artisan migrate

php artisan route:cache

php artisan vendor:publish

-> Press 0 then press enter to publish all assets & configurations.

That’s all.

Start your headless eCommerce
Find out More

In the below image the admin can see the eBay Connector icon on the left-hand side in the menu bar.

ebay connector icon in bagisto admin dashboard

Module Configuration

After the successful installation of eBay Connector, now admin needs to fill the eBay developer keys such as application id, cert id, developer id, user id, authentication token. These credentials are received from the eBay account.

If the admin doesn’t have an account, Firstly, the admin will have to create an account and get the required keys.

How can the admin get the eBay Connector Credentials?

Step 1

For creating a new account go to and click on the Register.

How can the admin get the eBay Connector Credentials

Step 2

Create a username & password for your account then click the join button.

username & password for login to ebay account

Step 3

Here, you need to create an app. Enter the app name or choose the environment to generate your key set. Note the app name will not save until you generate the keys set.

enter app name or choose the environment to generate your key set

Step 4

After clicking on the Create a Keyset link (for the environment you choose), you need to confirm the primary contact for this account then you can click Continue to Create Keys button.


Step 5

In the below, the image you can see your selected environment key. For creating the production keys just click on the “Create a Key Set” then you will get your production keys.


Step 6

For generating the User Token go to your Application keys page. In the App ID row of the Sandbox keyset then click the User Tokens to access the Tokens page for your Sandbox keyset.

Step 7

After you click on “User Tokens” in the snapshot above, you will see a “Sign in to Sandbox” button. Click it to access the sandbox account.


Step 8

Enter your Sandbox Username & Password.


Step 9

After clicking the “Sign in” button, you will see another page where you have to click the “Agree” button.


Step 10

Lastly and most importantly you will be redirected back and will get the App Token.


Admin Management – Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector

In the Bagisto admin dashboard now, click the Configure option which is there on the left-hand side in the menu bar.

Through which the admin will be redirected to the eBay Connector configuration page or can set the eBay Connector configuration.

Let’s go through with the Configuration Settings one by one.

General Settings

Here the admin has to enter the eBay account credentials information.

  • Status: From the drop-down admin can active or inactive the module.
  • eBay-Global Sites: Select your eBay store country.
  • Mode: Select Sandbox mode for testing, else use Production mode to go live.
  • eBay-User ID: Enter your eBay account user ID.
  • eBay-Authentication Token: Enter the User Token created from the eBay developer website.
  • eBay-Application ID: Enter the App ID of your eBay account.
  • eBay-Developer ID: Enter the Dev ID from your eBay developer account.
  • eBay-Certification ID: Enter the Cert ID here.
  • Application RuName : It is retrieved from eBay.

Import Categories


Before making changes to Import Category Settings. Make sure the Config Settings are saved.

Number of Records Fetch for eBay Site Category – Enter the default number of eBay categories to map in Bagisto in each eBay request.

Map one Bagisto category to multiple eBay categories – From the drop-down admin can enable it. Moreover, the admin can easily map one Bagisto category to multiple eBay categories.

Map multiple Bagisto categories to one eBay category – From the drop-down admin can enable it. Moreover, the admin can easily map multiple Bagisto categories to one eBay category.

Product Listing


Here the admin has to configure the Product Listing Settings.

  • On mapping delete, also delete imported Bagisto product [If Sync Source == eBay]
    If admin deletes any product from the Mapped Product (Imported) list then the same product will also deleted from the Bagisto store, if this condition is enabled.
  • On mapping delete, also end listing of eBay product [If Sync Source == Bagisto]
    If admin deletes any product from the Mapped Product (Exported) list then the same product will also delete from the eBay store, if this condition is enabled.
  • On Bagisto product delete, also end eBay Listing [If Sync Source == Bagisto]
    When the admin deleted any product on the Bagisto store, in this case, the same product will also be deleted from eBay Store, if this condition is enabled.
  • End eBay Listing on Bagisto product update [If Quantity == 0]
    If this condition is enabled, in this case, the eBay product (Imported product on Bagisto store) will be deleted if the product quantity is zero in Bagisto Store else select option disable.
  • Delete Bagisto Product [If eBayItemQty == 0]
    If this condition is enabled, in this case, eBay product (exported product on eBay store) will be deleted if the item quantity is zero on eBay Store else select option disable.
  • Price Rule Status: To apply the price rule on Import and Export the product admin has to enable this section else they can choose to disable from the drop-down.

Admin Management – Laravel eCommerce eBay Connector

Once you are in the admin dashboard, click on the eBay Connector icon. which is there on the left-hand.

Check out all the eBay Connector functionality available for the admin. Under the eBay Connector, the admin will find the three options such as eBay Category List, Account Connect and Manage Price Rules.

eBay Categories List

Under this section the admin will find the eBay categories list.


Moreover, the admin can simply click on the Import eBay Categories button to import the eBay category after that below page will be open.


Here the admin has to do few settings :

  • eBay Sites: Select the eBay site from the list.
  • Number of categories will fetch in each slot [i.e. 100]: Enter the number of categories will fetch in each slot.

Lastly, the admin will click on the start import process button to import the eBay categories.

In the above image, you can see all the eBay categories are successfully imported to Bagisto store.

Account Connect

Under the account connect section the admin will find the all eBay Account List.


Moreover, the amind can add the multiple eBay seller account after hitting the Add eBay Account button.

eBay Account Configuration/Settings

After click on the Add eBay Account button, the below page will be open as shown in the image.


Here admin has to set the below settings:

  • Store Name: Enter your store name
  • Channel: Select the channel
  • Attribute Family: Select the attribute family
  • eBay Site: Select your eBay store according to the region or country
  • Postal Code: Enter your eBay store zip code.
  • Lastly and most importantly click on the authorize button to successfully add the eBay Account. After that, the pop-up will appear.

Here the admin has to login with their eBay Account.

After that, below pop-up will appear here the admin has to click on the agree button to proceed further.

Now, the admin will get the success notification as shown in the below image.eBay seller account details updated.

The eBay Seller Account is successfully added, this will list under the eBay Accounts list as shown in the below image.


Manage eBay Seller Account

When your eBay Seller Account is successfully added, Let’s click on the pencil icon to edit or manage the eBay Seller Account configuration.


Now you will see the Edit eBay Account page where you have to manage the general configuration, listing configuration, event notification, other settings. To successfully integrate the Bgastio store to eBay.


General Configuration

ebay connector general configuration

Here the admin has to set the general settings:

  • Revise eBay Product:  From the drop-down select ‘Yes’ in order to revise eBay product, automatically, whenever an item is updated on the Bagisto store, else select ‘No’ option.
  • Default Category: When the eBay category not mapped with Bagisto then products will assign to this category.
  • Import Product: To import all the products select “All Product” else select “Only map categories product” option from the drop-down.
  • Import Product With Specification: Select “Yes” then it will import all the eBay product specifications else select “No”.
  • Price Rules Applicable For: From the list, the admin can select the price rules applicable to the “Imported Product” or “Export Product” or None then price rule will be applicable as per the selected one.
  • Import Order Status: Select the order status from the given list. The orders bearing the selected status shall be imported from eBay.

Listing Configuration


Here the admin will have to set the configurations for the following fields:

Default Product Quantity [For Export]: Enter the product quantity for export.

Product Type For Export : Choose the product type “Simple” & “Configurable” for export.

eBay Sites Currency [For Export] : Select the eBay site currency for exporting the product.

eBay Site Country [For Export]: Select the eBay Site Country for exporting the product.

Listing Duration [For Exported Product] : Select Good Till Cancelled, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 or 30 days. It is the duration of exported products on eBay.

Dispatch Time: The admin needs to select the dispatch time for exported products on eBay such as 1, 2, 3, 4,5,10,15,20 and 30 days.

Paypal Email Address : Enter your PayPal email ID.

Shipping Services: Select the shipping service for the Bagisto product created on eBay.

Shipping-Free: Select Yes to set free shipping service for the Bagisto products created on eBay else select the No option to not apply the free shipping.

Shipping-Cost: Set the shipping amount that applies to the Bagisto products when syncs eBay.

Shipping Service Additional Cost: Additional shipping amount that applies to the product when syncing with eBay. This applies when a customer purchases the same product in additional quantity.

Shipping Service Priority: Enter the shipping service priority under the Shipping Service Priority field.

Min [Days] Shipping Time: Set the minimum shipping days for the exported products.

Max [Days] Shipping Time: Set the maximum shipping time days for the exported products.

Return Policy: Select Returns Accepted or Not Accepted from the drop-down list. This option is for the product which is exported.

Returns within Days: The admin will choose the return duration for the exported products such as 14, 30 or 60 days.

Pay By (Return Shipping ) – Chose from the list whether Seller or Buyer shall be paying for the product returned.

Provide Other Information: The admin can write any additional information about Return Policy for the exported products.

Event Notification


Here again, admin has to set a few configurations :

  • Event Notification Status: From the drop-down admin will choose to enable or disable.
  • Subscribe eBay Event(s): The admin can select which eBay Event can be synced from eBay to Bagisto.

    That is an event among item create and item revised that will take place on eBay will sync and reflect on the Bagisto store.
When all the configuration is successfully done, now the admin can Map: 
1. Category
2. Product
3. eBay Orders

Map Category

After importing all the eBay categories the admin needs to map them to Bagisto store categories.

The admin can map category, under Edit eBay Account > Map Category option like the image below.


Once the admin click on the map category button the below page will be open.
Here, the admin can view the complete list of map categories.


Admin will click on the “Map Category” button then a drop-down will open as shown in the below image.


Moreover, the admin can easily map the Bagisto store category with the eBay store category as shown in the below image.

Import Product

The admin can import products under the Edit eBay Account > Import Product button as shown in the below image.


After clicking the Import Product button, the following page will appear.


All the imported products will be listed here. Now the admin can simply click on the Import Product from eBay button to import the product to the Bagisto store.


However, the admin will click on the Filter button then a drop-down will appear as shown in the below image.


Now the admin will import the products by selecting any one option from the list such as By Date Range or By Item ID.

Whenever the admin selects the By date range then a drop-down will appear as shown in the below image.


Here the admin select listing Date From and Date To. Then, click Import Product from the eBay button as visible in the screenshot.

When the admin will click on “Import Product from eBay”, the product data will be stored in the Bagisto database as shown in the below image.


The admin can also import the eBay product by entering the eBay item id option as shown in the below image. Here admin will mention the eBay item id.


Run Profiler

Lastly and most importantly the admin needs to run the product profiler in order to create product entry in the Bagisto catalog. After completing the process of product profiler, the imported products will be visible on the storefront immediately.


When the admin will click on Run Profiler, then products will be created in the Bagisto store from Bagisto Database (synchronized from eBay).

Import Order

Before synchronizing the orders from eBay to the Bagisto, make sure that all products and its categories are synchronized from the eBay store to the Bagisto store.

The admin can import orders under the Edit eBay Account > Import Order button as shown in the below image.

  • Import Order from eBay

The admin click on the Import Order button the below page will appear:


As per the above image, all the mapped order lists will be displayed here.

The admin can import the order by clicking on the Import order from eBay button.

Moreover, the admin will click on the filter button to import the orders.

Now the admin will import the order by selecting any one option from the list By Date Range or By Item ID.

Once the admin selects the By date range then a drop-down will appear as shown in the below image.


The admin will enter the date range. Proceed by clicking on Import Order from eBay and then orders will be imported from eBay to Bagisto store. Only those orders will be imported from eBay to Bagisto whose status is “Complete” on eBay.


Once the order is sync the admin can see the sync result by hitting the show result button.

ebay order sync result

Export Product

The admin can export the product under the Edit eBay Account>Export product as shown in the below images.


Once the admin click on the export product button the below page will appear.

There are three options available for exporting the product:

  • Export All: The admin can export all un-mapped bagisto products.
  • Visible Products: Will export all the product which are visible on the current page.
  • Selected Products: The admin can make a selection among the visible product on a current page.

The admin can even export a single product by selecting a product and then clicking the Export to eBay button.


And once the product will be successfully exported will visible on the eBay store.

eBay Product Information

Please make sure you have provided all the necessary information for the exported products. You will need to mention eBay specifications, conditions, and variations (if any) in Bagisto products.


Please Note: 

  1. The product information like product name, product images, product price, product description/content, and product quantity can easily be Imported or Exported while product mapping on both the stores.
  2. Also, the Bagisto eBay connector can synchronize product images for Simple as well as Configurable products.

Manage Price Rules – laravel eCommerce eBay Connector

Under this section, the admin can create a price rule which will be applied to the eBay and Bagisto products while importing. The admin needs to navigate through eBay Connector>Manage Price Rules.

Here the admin will find all price rules listing.


On Price Rules For the eBay page, the admin can create multiple rules by clicking on the Add Rule button as shown in the above image. However, the admin can even edit the previous price rule.


The price rule can be created by the admin by filling the following information-

  • Product price From- Minimum price range of the products on which price rule will be applicable on eBay.
  • Product price To- Maximum price range of the products on which price rule will be applicable on eBay.
  • Enter Amount- The admin has to enter the amount which will be added or deducted from the product amount.
  • Method Type- The admin can select the type of method that will take place when price rule is applied that is if the price rule will follow the rule in the form of a percentage or fixed amount.
  • Choose Method – The action that will take place when the price rule is applied, that is the price of the product will increase or decrease.
  • Choose eBay Store – From the drop-down, select the eBay store.
  • Price Rule Status– The admin can enable or disable the status of the price rule.

Application Of Price Rule-

When Admin has set ‘eBay Price Rule Applicable For‘ Export Products-

For instance: we have a price rule of increase in price at a fixed rate of $5 with a price range of $1-$100. On Bagisto end, we create a product with a price of $45 as shown in the below image.


Then as we export this product to ebay the price will automatically be incremented to $50 as per the rule as shown in the below image.


However, the same rule will act opposite if we import the same product from eBay to the Bagisto store.

For example: If you have a product with $60 on eBay store and the price rule is set as of the decrease in price at a fixed rate of $2 with a price range of $1-$100.

Now as we import the product to Bagisto store the price of the product at Bagisto end will be $58.

When Admin has set ‘eBay Price Rule Applicable For‘ Import Products-

Now the admin has the same price rule of increase in price at a fixed rate of $5 with a price range of $1-$100. The product is now on eBay at the price of $45 as shown in the below image.


Now, if the product gets imported the price of the product at the Bagisto store will be incremented by $5 as shown below.


Note** The same rule will act opposite if we export the same product from eBay to the Bagisto store.

For instance: If you have a product with $45 and the price rule is set as of the decrease at price at a fixed rate of $5 with a price range of $1-$100. So as we import the product to eBay the price of the product at eBay end will be $40.

eBay Product Condition as Category

At the time of Category mapping, eBay Product Condition and Specification will be created as Product attributes in Bagisto and these attributes label will be followed by eBay category name from where eBay condition and specification came.


eBay Specifications

eBay specification option will come for every product in the back-end while editing or adding any new product. In eBay specification, admin can see various attributes with the label.


eBay Variation management

eBay variation will be created as Super attributes while importing the eBay products (used in configurable products) in Bagisto and these super attributes label will be followed by eBay category name from where eBay variation came.


That’s all for Laravel eCommerce eBay Connectorif you still have any issue feel free to raise a ticket at

Moreover please let us know your views to make the module better.

Current Product Version - v0.1.0

Supported Framework Version - v0.1.6

. . .

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