Product Question Answer for Shopware 6 allows the customers to view and add queries related to any product on its product page. The merchant can approve the query/answer of the customer and then only it will be visible on the product page. Only logged-in customers can add queries/answers related to the product.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
- Logged-in as well as guest customers can answer any query.
- The logged-in as well as guest customer and a query to any product.
- The buyer can like or dislike answers.
- Customer can also sort the questions/answers.
- Also, show or hide author information who places the questions.
- Email notification to the admin and the customer when a new question and answer will be submitted.
- The product page also displays the like and dislike counts of every response.
- The question/answers need to be approved by the admin to get displayed on the product page.
- Google reCAPTCHA verification is included.
Installation using commands
Customers will get a zip folder, and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. After extracting the WebkulQA folder, the customer needs to transfer this custom > plugins on the server, as shown in the image below:
After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Shopware root directory.
1 – Go to your Shopware installation Root directory and run this command to install then activate the plugin –
./bin/console plugin:install --activate clearcache WebkulQA
2 – To clear the cache run this command –
./bin/console c:c
Now refresh the administration.
Manual Installation
For the manual installation of the plugin follow the steps as mentioned below:
1) Extract the zip file of the plugin.
2) Goto your Shopware 6 installation backend panel and navigate to Extensions-> My Extensions after that you can find all the installed plugins in it.
For installing the plugin, the user can click on the Upload Extension button. The user can upload the plugin zip(WebkulQA) here.
3) After uploading the plugin zip, the user can see the Extensions in the list.
4) Now the user can click on the install icon to install the Product Question Answer extension.
5) After the installation of the extension, the user can click to activate the extension.
While in the process the admin can see the success message ‘Extension has been activated‘.
After the installation process and plugin configuration if the Product Question Answer icon option is not visible then run this command to clear the cache:
php bin/console cache:clear
After the successful installation of the Product Question Answer for Shopware 6 module, the admin will navigate through Settings >> Extensions >> Question and Answer Configuration
Then after clicking on Config it will redirect to the new page. After that add details like –
Google reCAPTCHA Site key: The admin retrieves it from the Google reCAPTCHA Site.
Google reCAPTCHA Secret key: The admin retrieves it from the Google reCAPTCHA Site.
Number of Pagination limit for question: The pagination for the number of listing of questions that are visible on the frontend asked by the customers.
Number of Pagination limit for answer: The pagination for the number of listings of answers that are visible on the frontend answered by the customers.
Login required to place question: The admin may either allow customers, by enabling this option, customers to log in before they ask questions.
Login required to place answer: The admin may either allow customers, by enabling this option, customers to log in before they answer questions.
Auto approve question: The admin may enable this option to auto-approve questions.
Show question placed date: The admin enables this option to display the question placed date.
Show author information who has placed question: Enable to display the author’s information who places the question.
Auto approve answer: The admin may enable this option to auto-approve the answer.
Show answer placed date: The admin enables this option to display the answer placed to date.
Show author information who has placed answer: Enable to display the author’s information who places the answer.
Enable these options to send Mail for the following:-
- admin when question is put up.
- the admin when answer is placed.
- customer when he/she put up a question.
- the customer when his/her question is answered
Get the – reCaptcha Site Key and Secret Key
Go to the Google reCaptcha page and click on the Admin console button on the right.
You must have a Google Account to login. Enter your Gmail user name, password and click the Next button to proceed further.
- Enter a label that will make it easy for you to identify the site in the future.
- Choose the type of reCAPTCHA as – reCAPTCHA V3.
- Enter the Domain name(registration for also registers where you want to use it.
- Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service by checking the checkbox.
- Lastly, click the Register button.
Now, you will have the reCAPTCHA Site Key and Secret Key.
Admin Management
After the Product Question & Answer for Shopware 6 installation and configuration, the admin will Goto Settings >> Extensions>> Manage Product Question Answer tab in the admin panel.
On clicking on the “Product Question Answers” tab, a new page opens where the admin can see all the questions asked by the customer, their status, view the question, reply.
If there will be any new answer to the question there will a green dot which will notify the admin about the new answer.
After that admin can approve the question and answer.
When the admin will click on the “Edit” then the admin checks the answer.
Customer’s end
The customer can see the Ask question tab on the product page like the image below.
Click on Ask Questions. The buyer can also sort the questions/answers by applying the filters or search questions using the search option for questions and answers.
For answers, like and dislike button will be available and the buyer can like or dislike the answer.
Guest Customer’s
The buyer can ask the question to the admin of that product by clicking the Ask Question button.
A pop-up will display as per the below image. Then fill in the details like mail I’d, password, question, description, attachment, and click on the submit button.
Login Customer’s
After login, there will be a new button on the product page i.e Ask Question button.
If there are too many questions, the customers can also search for the question.
Then click on the Ask Question button.
Customers can ask the question by filling in the details like your question and description as well as the customer can answer the question asked by the other customers by clicking on the answer.
Then click to submit button. After that, you will receive a notification
Answering A Question
To answer the question customer will click on that question. Then below that question, a new answer box will be visible as shown below.
When the customer will click on the Answer button, the answer box will appear for answering that question.
Then click to submit button. The answer will be added to the question.
After that, the customers can like or dislike the answer.
Email Notification
Question Mail
Once the buyers have submitted their queries the customer and admin will get the mail as shown below.
Customer Mail
Admin Mail
Answer Mail
Once the buyers have submitted their answers the customer and admin will get the mail as shown below.
Customer Mail
Admin Mail
This was all about the Product Question & Answer for Shopware 6. I hope you must have the got the idea of our module. Thanks for taking the time in reading this blog. And also, please doesn’t forget to share your feedback and suggestions under the comment box given below.
Moreover, If you have any queries or suggestions, then feel free to add a ticket at our HelpDesk system.
Please explore our shopware development services and Quality shopware extensions .
Current Product Version - 1.0.3.
Supported Framework Version - Shopware
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