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Guide for Magento 2 Vehicle Parts Finder

Updated 30 December 2024

Using Magento 2 Product Parts Finder Module, the customers can search for parts on the online store.

Magento 2 Vehicle Parts Finder extension provides dropdown menu options for quickly finding the right parts for your vehicle.

Various options are provided to store admin for managing the Vehicle Part Finder module.

Watch the video to understand the extension workflow:



  • Admin can create/update/delete part finder.
  • Admin can create/delete multiple Dropdowns for the Part finder.
  • The admin can create drop-downs required.
  • Admin can add products to the Part Finder.
  • Admin can generate dropdowns and can add products via CSV file upload.
  • The admin can create/edit Import Profiles for the importing dropdown process.
  • Admin can create a new category from the add/edit Part finder page.
  • Admin can disable Part finders.
  • The admin can assign part finder to multiple categories.
  • Admin can add part finders on CMS Pages/ Block.
  • Admin can insert part finder widget on any CMS Page/Block.
  • The admin can assign a product to a part finder from the edit product page.
  • A customer can search for parts on the website.
  • Magento 2 Parts Finder can search the parts category-wise as per the admin setting.
  • Magento 2 Parts Finder can search the parts globally.
  • Magento 2 Product Parts Finder extension is compatible with the Hyva Theme

Installation of Magento 2 Part Finder Module

Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system.

The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder. You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento2 root directory on the server as shown below.

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After the successful installation of the parts finder for Magento 2, you have to run these commands in the Magento2 root directory:

First command – php bin/magento setup:upgrade


Second Command – php bin/magento setup:di:compile


Third Command – PHP bin/Magento setup:static-content:deploy


After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from Magento admin panel by navigating through->System->Cache management as shown below.webkul-magento2-vehicle-part-finder-cache

Configuration For Multi-Lingual Support

For multilingual support, the admin will navigate through Store->Configuration->General ->Locale Options and select the locale as German (the language into which the admin wants to translate his store content).


Module Translation

If they want to translate their module language from English to German then follow the path app/code/Webkul/PartFinder /i18n in their unzipped Magento 2 Part Finder folder and then you will get a csv file with the name “en_US.csv”.

Now, rename that csv as to your region code and language code “en_SA.csv” and translate all right side content after a comma in your language.

After editing the CSV, save it and then upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/PartFinder /i18n where you have installed Magento 2 on their server.

The module will get translated into your desired Language. It also supports RTL and LTR languages.



Admin configuration of part finder module for Magento 2

After the successful installation of Magento 2 Vehicle Parts Finder Extension, the Adobe Commerce admin will navigate to the Part finder>Part Finder List in order to configure.


Now admin select “Part Finder List”, from where can find the list of all the created part finder. Manage the existing part finders and create New Part Finder.


The admin will click on “Action” in order to delete, disable or enable the existing Part finder which has been selected.


The admin will click on New Part Finder to create a Part finder where the admin will enter the specific information about the parts to be created for the specific products.


From here the admin will able to:-

  1. Enable or Disable the module.
  2.   Enter the Part finder Name.
  3.   Enter the Part Finder Widget Label that is going to be visible on the storefront.
  4.   Copy Part Finder Widget Code to display it on the global website.
  5.   Select/Create Multiple categories where Part finder can be used.
  6.   Add multiple Dropdowns to find the appropriate parts for the products.
  7.   Add products manually from attributes that are mapped to respective dropdowns.
  8.   Define Part finders in multiple websites.

Create Part Finder in Adobe Commerce

The admin can click on Enable to enable the part finder, then enter the name, Part Finder Widget Label as visible under part finder on storefront then select the Categories where the part finder will be visible.


Assign Part Finder to a New category

For this, the admin will click on New Category, then enter the category name & then select the Parent Category & click on Create Category.


Importing Products through CSV File

The admin can upload products through CSV File also, for this, the admin will select the Import CSV File option, then can Create New Profile for mapping dropdowns with user CSV File, or can select from available profiles if it’s already created.


Now will click on Create New Profile then enter the Profile name, then enter the CSV column name & Dropdown labels and Save it.


After saving it, the admin needs to upload the CSV File and import it.

You can see below the screenshot the CSV column names that are going to be mapped with the Dropdown labels.


After importing the CSV, now run the profile by clicking on the run button,

Run Profile

After that  Add the products to the Finder. And also admin can see the products generated.


Also, the admin can add dropdown manually by clicking on Add Options i.e Dropdown Labels under the Dropdown, in order to provide specific information about the parts needed for the products.


Adding Products Manually in Magento 2 parts finder

After adding options now the admin Add Products manually i.e the Parts for which dropdown labels have been created.


Now admin click on Add Products  and select products from the existing products. After this step, the admin will click on next in order to proceed to step 2 i.e select values from each dropdown to include in this part finder.


After selecting the appropriate values for the dropdown labels. The admin will have to step further to the next step where the admin will find the summary of all the products which are based on the selected dropdown values, then click on the next to proceed further.


After this, the admin under Part Finder in Websites will select websites and store them to display the created part finder in them and then click on Save Part Finder to save it.


How to add Part Finder on CMS Pages/Blocks?

The admin can add part finders on CMS Pages/ Block and in order to configure this functionality, the admin needs to navigate through the existing part finders under the part finder list.

From there the admin will choose the specific part finder, then edit it and copy the part finder code.

As shown in the below screenshot.


After this admin will navigate through the content->block and select the existing block under which the admin wants to display the part finder.


Now after selecting the existing block, the admin will click edit with page builder, and will then paste the code there as shown below.


Afterwards, the admin will paste the code and click on save.


Now, the admin will click on save to apply final changes.


How to Add Part Finder through Insert Widget on any CMS Pages/Blocks?

The admin will navigate through the content->block and select the existing block under which the admin wants to display the part finder,

Now after selecting the existing block, the admin will click edit with page builder.


In order to add the part finder through a insert widget on any CMS pages/blocks, admin will have to click on the insert widget.

After clicking on the insert widget admin need to click on the widget type. Furthermore, select the part finder. After selecting the part finder admin needs to select the template where the part finder will be visible.

Now admin has to click on the insert widget.


After clicking on Insert Widget, the widget will be successfully inserted, then click on save.


Furthermore, click on save to update the changes to the block.


How to add product in finder from edit/create product page?

And if the admin wants to assign the products directly to the part finder, then the admin will have an option for the same while creating the product. It will be visible like this as shown in the below images.


And then admin can choose the desired part finder listed in the dropdown section along with the additional options.


After that, the product can find out by using that specific part finder easily at the front end.

Note I – Customer can not find the products globally if the part finder is assigned category-wise. To find the products globally admin needs to add a finder on the CMS page.

Note II – Selected part finder is not displayed on the edit product page when product is successfully saved because the admin can assign a single product to multiple part finders.

Customer end – Magento 2 Parts Finder

Now after creating PartFinder, let us move into the customer end. Here customers will find the categories in order to search for the products using the part finder feature.


Now after selecting the specific Category, the customer will direct to the catalog page wherein the left side can find the Part Finder.


The customer can now select specific values from the Dropdown Labels. This way they can find the right part for their product and search for the parts.


The customer can search for the products globally from any CMS Page/Block on the store and can enter the specific values and search for the products from there itself.

webkul-magento2-vehicle-part-finder-widgetThe customer can find part finders on CMS Pages/ Block. As we have configured the part finder under contact us block than at storefront customers can check the part finder feature under contact us and can enter the specific values and search of the products from there itself.



That’s all about Vehicle Parts Finder for Magento 2, still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better


Current Product Version - 5.0.3

Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x

. . .

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