Exciting discounts increase the shopping frequency of customers! It will increase your profits, hence we have come up with our “Odoo POS Custom Discount” module. The module allows the admin to customise discounts in running POS session. Moreover, you can apply the discount on a single order line as well as the entire order in POS session.
Odoo POS Custom Discount module helps in customising discounts in POS very easily and quickly. Moreover, you can also give the reason for a discount and it will be shown on the receipt. Cashier can view all the details of customised discount in back-end in POS orders tab.
- Cashier can provide discount on single order line as well as on entire order.
- By using pin (password), only authorised user is permitted to create custom discounts in running POS session.
- Cashier can create multiple discounts on a different basis from the back-end.
- While creating the custom discount, a reason will be mentioned it will appear on the receipt and will be saved in back-end.
- The user can check the customised discount in the back-end under
1.) Once you purchase the App from Webkul store, you will receive the link to download the zip file of the module.
2.) Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘pos_custom_discounts’.
3.) Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
4.) Now, open the Odoo App and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode.
5.) Then, open on Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List’.
6.) In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘pos_custom_discounts’.
7.) You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.
Back-end configuration
(1). Login to your Odoo database and then navigate to the Odoo POS module.
(2). Go to the POS discount > under ‘configuration’ tab.

(3). Here you can see multiple POS discount these all will be shown in POS. Click on the ‘Create’ button to create a new discount for POS.

(4). Fill a name for the discount; set the discount in percentage, and make the discount available in POS Shop as per your requirements.

(5). Go to POS Shop’s configuration; scroll down to ‘Discounts’ section; then Select discounts for POS.
Enable ‘Allow Customize Discount’ checkbox to customize the discount in running POS session.
Enable ‘Allow Security Pin’ checkbox so that the cashier will be asked for entering Pin whenever he/she clicks on the custom discount button.

(6).Resume or start a new POS Session; Click on the ‘Discount’ button to view discount available.

(7). From here, you can select any discount from the discounts you have created. The discount can be applied on a single order line or on the entire order.

(8). Here you can see the discount is on single order line.

(9). In this view the discount is being applied on entire order.

(10). By clicking on the ‘Custom Discount’ POS Cashier can create a discount.
A reason will be added here and it will appear on the receipt and saved in back-end as well.

(11). After clicking on the ‘Custom Discount’ it will ask for authentication. Now the user needs to enter his pin code to create the discount.

(12). While creating a discount in POS session, you need to add the discount in percent. Moreover, add a reason. After that, you can apply discount on single orderline or entire order.

(13). See the order receipt to view the discount and the reason will also appear on the receipt.

(14). The discount you customised in POS session will also be saved in the back-end under “Orders”

Was this guide helpful? Please share your feedback in the comments below.
However, if you still have any issues/queries regarding the module please raise a ticket at
For any doubt contact us at [email protected].
Thanks for reading!!
Current Product Version - 1.2
Supported Framework Version - Odoo V12, V11, V10, V9, V8
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