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Opencart Form Builder

Updated 10 October 2023


Opencart Form Builder is meant for the merchant to add-in a customized form to the website. The admin can add the forms on various pages of the website.

Now, the customer here can enter the details in these forms created for multiple purposes.

Herein, the admin can even allow the customer to add-in any sort of attachment. The attachment here can be of any format as set by the admin.


1. This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.

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2. Opencart Form Builder module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.

Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow:



  • The admin could get mail notification of the form submission.
  • The store owner can have the custom forms on any page of the website.
  • The view and layout of the form could be set by the admin as per requirement.
  • The module supports multi-lingual and multi-store.
  • The customer can communicate with the admin via forms on the website.

How Opencart Form Builder sets trend in e-Commerce Industry?

The extension is a vital tool for any website owner. This will give the advantage to customer to add the query, share feedback, and many more.

Thus, it paves a communication bridge between the customer and the store owner.

Thus, helping the store owner to generate more leads via information collected by the form.


Additionally, the admin could never miss a detail that customer submits via form.


Installation of the Opencart Form Builder module is very easy. Under the module zip, there are 4 folders admin, catalog, system and ocmod.

Now, one just need to upload admin, system and catalog folders to the root directory of the website.


Once you have uploaded the file then login to admin and go to Extensions>Installer and upload the .zip file. The zip file can be found on the ocmod folder.


After uploading the zip file go to the Extensions > Modification and click on refresh field.


After that in Admin panel go to System -> Users -> Usergroup and edit ‘Administrator’ and select all for both Access and Modify Permission then save it.



The module gives the facility to its user to convert the website to any desired language.
Thus, helping the acquisition of the customer from everywhere.
The module allows the admin to add multiple fields in different languages which the customer will see in the front end.
As in the layout section, the admin could enter the details of form in languages enabled on the default Opencart.



The store owner can enable the module for multiple stores.So, in the configuration the admin can select the stores for which the module is set to enable.


The admin can edit the module as per requirement. So, for this the admin can follow the navigation as- Extension>Extension>Module.

The admin can look for the Opencart Form Builder extension, wherein the admin can add the new forms which will be part of the website.



So, this will allow the admin to create forms for various functionalities-


  • Status- The admin can set the form to Enable or disable state.
  • Store- The admin can select the stores for which the form is available.
  • Module Name- The admin can set the name of the form.
  • Form Heading- The admin can mention the name of the form in a desired language of choice.
  • Response Message- This message will be visible to the customer post submission of the form.
  • Display Mode- This functionality will amend the visibility of the form either as Pop-up or Default.
  • Display Only to Customer loggedIn- The admin can enable this field to allow the form to be visible to the customer who are in login state.
  • Customer Group– The admin can add the customer group to whom the form will be visible.
  • Record in Database- The admin can set the field to enable to save the form data on the database.
  • Extension- The file type which can be added in the attachment of the form.
  • Maximum File Size- It is the maximum file size in bytes of the attachment.


Here, the admin can create various layouts by clicking on Add Field option. Where it has-


  • Field Name– It contains the name of the form which is visible to the customer.
  • Placeholder– It contains the temporary text visible on the field name text area.
  • Status– The enable option here will allow form layout to be visible in the frontend.
  • Required- The admin can enable this field to make it compulsory for the customer to fill in the form details.
  • Type- The admin can mention in this section as to which type of input will be used in the form to record the details.



  • Admin Email- The mail id of the admin which is used for receiving the mail notification. It can be the same as the back end login details.
  • Notify To Customer Through Email- The customer will get the updates via mail for the activities done by mail.
  • Mail Keywords- The major keywords that will be part of the notification mail.
  • Customer Email Subject- The subject of the mail which will the customer will receive as notification.
  • Customer Email Description- The main content of mail that is sent to the customer as notification.
  • Admin Email Subject- Here the admin mentions the subject of the mail which is sent to admin.
  • Admin Email Description- The main content of mail that is sent to the admin as notification.
  • Here, the mail subjects and description can be in multiple languages



Error Message for –

  • Required fields- The error message will display in case the customer doesn’t fill the fields that are compulsory.
  • Uploaded File Types- This message will display in case the customer attaches a file that is not supported.
  • Uploaded File Sizes- This error message will display when file size attached is not within the range.

However, here the error messages can be entered in multiple languages.

Layout Page Assignment

The admin can assign a page to the layout set in configuration.Now, for this the admin can follow the navigation as Design>Layout.

Here, the admin will select the page were to add the layout.

Customer Front

The customer can visualize the form in the front end on various pages which they can submit easily.

Thus, likewise, the as in the below image the customer can find and Inquiry form on the homepage of the website.

Hence, the customer will easily fill the information to enquire about the details of the store.
Moreover, in addition, the customer can even view a form of other pages, like the product page.



However the customer can even find the form as a Pop-up on the page.


Admin End Data

The admin can find the data which customer has filled in the form. Thus, allowing the admin to efficiently accumulate the data from customer end.
Hence, the admin can view the customer name, the mail id, form submission date and the action.

Thus, by clicking the Action section the admin can view the form filled by customer in detail.


The admin will receive the form details on mail which the customer has submitted.



To get more clear idea on the module, kindly review the video below-

So, that’s all for the Opencart Form Builder still, have any issues please raise a ticket or get back to us at [email protected]

Current Product Version -

Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x

. . .

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