ChatWizz has introduced an add-on called UVdesk Plugin that lets you directly create tickets on the behalf of your customers contacting you via live chat.
Create tickets using a single click during or after the live chat using the UVdesk add-on. In case the issue shared by the customer isn’t resolved and will take time, you can create a ticket on their behalf.
The customer will get an email regarding the same and once the issue is resolved, you can get back to the customer via the ticket only. The customers can also reply to you back on the ticket.
The tickets maintain a history of the conversation for future references. Moreover, both admin, as well as the buyer, will get notified of the new reply added to the ticket via email.
ChatWhizz UVdesk Plugin Installation
To install the add-on, visit the Admin Panel of ChatWhizz. From here, click on the Add-ons menu from the left navigation bar. On this redirected page, you’ll have the add-on listed.
UVdesk Configuration
On the left navigation bar, go to Installed Add-ons > UVdesk Plugin > Configuration:
Now, enter Authorization Token (you will get this from UVdesk), enter the UVdesk URL & type. Save the details.
NOTE: Admin needs to enter their domain name instead of domain_name in the URL section (, As shown in the above image.
How to Get UVdesk Authorization Token?
Visit UVdesk Dashboard and log in. Click on the three dots on the top right & click on ‘Profile‘:
On the redirected page, go to the ‘API Access Tokens‘ section & click on ‘New Token‘:
Next, enter a token name:
Here, you will have the token:
This section will have a list of all the created tickets for the organization.
You can manage the tickets from UVdesk.
Live Chat Support Installation
Admin needs to install live chat support in order to use this plugin. In the live chat support, the admin will get an option to create a ticket.
Open the ChatWizz dashboard, and go to “Add-Ons”. Inside the add-on section, search “Live Chat Support” and click the “Install” button.
After the installation, you will get the option “Live-Chat Support” inside “Installed Add-ons” on the left navigation menu.
Go to “Installed Add-ons > Live Chat Support > Domains > Add New” and you will get a popup, where you have to enter the domain name and the primary email ID.
Click on the “Create” button and you will see your domain list. Now you can see some settings by which you can edit, delete, and view your domain.
The domain is registered, now click the view icon to get the code that you are going to embed.
Copy the code and proceed further
Embed the code in UVdesk helpdesk
In the UVdesk admin dashboard, find the “Branding” section under Settings.
Now click “Branding” > “Advanced” > and you will find the “Custom Javascript” section, paste your code there, and then hit save changes.
Customer End View
In the below image you can see the customer end view, where customers can get an option of live chat with the operator.
Operator End View
In the operator panel, the operator can able to accept the chats.
How to Create Ticket During Live Chat?
Clicking on the three dots on the top right corner, the operator will have these three options: End Chat, Send Mail & Create Ticket. Click on the ‘create ticket‘ option to proceed.
In the pop-up, edit the content if you want and directly create a ticket on behalf of the client:
The ‘Ticket’ section on the back-end will list all the created tickets as shown before. You can manage these tickets from UVdesk.
Agent End View
After the ticket creation, an agent will be able to see the ticket in the UVdesk helpdesk dashboard. To view ticket, go to the UVdesk dashboard > Tickets
For support, please leave your query at [email protected] or create a ticket at Webkul UVdesk.
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